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Still need help? We’ve got you

Still need help? We’ve got you

We’re still here to help get you the answers you need, whether that’s how to track the delivery of your product, troubleshooting or just some useful tips. And, if that’s not what you need, you can find other ways to talk to us too.

This is the script responsible for transforming the components into the fanciness you see in QA.
If you wish to see the script work in editor/preview, add &debug to the end of the url.
If you wish to add a new section, make sure that the sub heading of the selector tile matches the ID of both the Q&A tiles and the respective title component. For example, a selector tile with heading 'Help & Queries' would need a text component with ID 'help-and-queries-title', and 'help-and-queries' ID'd tiles component.