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Discover  /  The Best Games to Showcase High-Refresh Rates


Best PC games for Odyssey G9

When playing a competitive game, it’s all about focus. One errant click or lag-induced hiccup can be the difference between victory or crushing defeat. Upgrading your gaming setup is incredibly important and can offer that competitive edge.Samsung’s Odyssey Neo G9 is one such display – offering an incredible 240Hz refresh rate while maintaining a 1ms Response Time. It’s also huge! Offering enough screen real estate (49-inches) to survey a match and plan your approach. Its curved screen ensures you have all the information you need. Here are the best games to take advantage of such a monolithic monitor. We should warn you that there will be plenty of shooters on this list, purely because they make perfect showcases of the Odyssey Neo G9’s immersion and competitive properties.


Apex Legends

While battle royale titles are fairly common (there are two on this list), Apex Legends sets itself apart from its peers with a focus on teamwork and maximising the usage of your character’s abilities – and synergising with your squad’s.


It’s also got some incredibly fluid gameplay, and a whole host of fantastic weapons, though, once you’ve slid down a hill mid-gunfight to eliminate an enemy up-close with the Peacekeeper on a high refresh rate, you won’t be able to go back.

Call of Duty: Warzone

Arguably gaming’s biggest franchise, Call of Duty Warzone is the series’ second attempt at a battle royale, and it perfectly captures the essence of the twitchy shooting we’ve come to know and love.


A high refresh rate could make all the distance in a 1v1 Gulag fight, but it also helps you more accurately follow targets when sniping from distance or piloting one of the aircraft on the new Pacific-set map, Caldera.

Credit : VALVE

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

There are a few competitive titles with the legacy of Counter-Strike, affectionately referred to as CS:GO. Rather than a focus on “running and gunning”, CS:GO is a game about playing the objective and anticipating your opponents’ moves before they make them.


It’s also an incredibly tough game at the best of times, but a higher refresh rate can be a decider in many gunfights where you’re able to fire off a shot just milliseconds faster than your opponent.


Escape from Tarkov

Of all of the shooters on this list, Escape from Tarkov may be the most unforgiving. A hardcore military game where your success is dictated by not only your skill but the equipment you bring into each “raid” with you, if you die you can end up losing everything.


That’s why the more fluid your gameplay is, the better. There’s nothing worse than losing your favourite weapon or a valuable item because someone else was quicker on the draw, but the Odyssey Neo G9 can help even those odds.


League of Legends

League of Legends is a MOBA, a multiplayer online battle arena, played from a top-down perspective, and it’s also one of the most competitive games in the world.


While its map is full of neat little details that the Odyssey Neo G9 can highlight with its sheer size, playing at a higher refresh rate will improve your chances when taking on enemies in those all-important team fights. You’ll be able to change direction more quickly, helping improve skill shots, reaction time, and win a few kills in the process.




Overwatch is a bright, colourful shooter that’s rammed full of interesting characters with unique personalities and abilities. It’s also a great showcase for gaming with a high refresh rate because its environments feel gorgeous to move through, whether you’re skating as Lucio or flying as Pharah.


It’s also a game of split-second decisions, and an increased refresh rate can help you hook a character with Roadhog, or pin an enemy with Reinhardt – instead of opening yourself up to a counterattack.

Credit : UBISOFT

Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical shooter that’s focused on attacking or defending an objective. Complicating matters are its maps, which can be shot through, with each match ending with a significant number of walls, floors, and windows missing.


That means players are always on edge, trying to work out where an opponent could strike from. If you walk into a trap, you’ll be thankful for a higher refresh rate to get you out of trouble.

Credit : PSYONIX

Rocket League

Rocket League is incredibly simple in concept – it’s football (soccer), with cars. Still, judging the bounce of a ball when you’re careening through an arena at speed will test anyone’s reaction time, and with that in mind, it’s not the easiest to get into as a newcomer.


Still, a higher refresh rate can at least help you adjust when you get a shot horribly wrong, or help you pip an opponent to a loose ball. Or, you know, you could use your newfound power for evil and try to destroy the other team’s cars.




In many ways the contender to CS:GO’s crown, Valorant is just as competitive, but adds in Overwatch-style heroes with their own abilities.


The Odyssey Neo G9 will not only let you tell if your enemy is playing as Skye or Sage from a distance but also allow you to react with a well-aimed wrist-flick more quickly.

By Lloyd Coombes


Lloyd Coombes is a tech freelancer and's gaming editor. You can find him on Twitter @lloydcoombes.

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