Together, Samsung and Android provide complete
protection for your business across both hardware
and software.

Keeping you secure

Samsung devices come with built-in, defence-grade security. All our devices are also Android Enterprise Recommended, Google-verified and receive regular updates. And, if you’re using apps, Google Play Protect offers real-time protection to detect threats.

Leading on innovation

Our devices help you work seamlessly and drive productivity from anywhere. They also include wellbeing features, such as the Android work profile that separates work and personal apps, or Focus Mode, which lets you pause distracting apps. We’ve also made remote device management simpler than ever, so you can easily update software and avoid risks.

Complete mobile security for your business

Discover how Samsung and Android can help your teams work securely and efficiently, by taking small steps to protect critical business data and applications.

See how our partnership with Android can help you work wonders.

More than mobile: The right tools for the job

Giving you freedom of choice

Samsung’s innovative and comprehensive product portfolio spans mobile, tablet, computing and wearable devices supporting seamless fluid working and productivity.
Give your teams the choice of Samsung devices with built-in security and an open, trusted Android platform that enables them perform to their full potential.

Mobile Business Devices

Work smarter. Work faster. work seamlessly. Businesses need the right devices not to keep up, but to grow. Find yours here with Samsung.

Find the right fit for your business


Samsung for Small and
Medium Business

Samsung for Small and Medium Business Samsung for Small and Medium Business

Samsung for Large

Samsung for large Enterprise Samsung for large Enterprise

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