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Seller: VyperTrue 7.1.2ch Sound
3D Object Based Sound
Samsung Q-Symphony
Built-In Centre Speaker
Galaxy Watch FE
* 本站所提供的所有產品規格和描述可能與實際產品規格和描述不同。產品功能與規格以實際產品為準。三星保留隨時更改本文中產品相關描述之權利,若有更改恕不另行通知。所有功能,規格,GUI (圖形使用者介面) 與其他本文提供之產品資訊,包括但不限於優惠,設計,價格,零組件,性能和產品可用度等,如有更改恕不另行通知。本文中螢幕呈現之內容均為模擬畫面且僅作為展示之用。
* 手機/平板/穿戴式裝置所支援的電信業者,以實際情況為主。
* 實際容量 (Wh) 計算會根據電池的輸出電流和功率相關。所以產品標示中的容量,會根據輸出的電流、電路結構及操作環境情況等而有所不同。
* 實際電池續航力受多種因素影響,如網路環境、使用功能及應用程式內容、通話及傳訊頻率、充電次數等。
* 網路通訊頻段等服務細節,端視當地電信營運商實際公布之資為據。如服務細節有所變動,請自行洽詢電信營運商,恕不另行通知。
* 支援網路頻寬依國家/地區、電信商、使用環境而異。
* 當你將本產品靠近身體進行語音通話或是進行資料傳輸時,請讓本產品與身體之間保持至少1.5公分(5/8英寸)的距離,此時電磁波測定數值,符合相關規定標準。
* 本裝置於台灣地區不支援定位衛星「北斗」(beidou)。
* 部分適用於 Samsung 穿戴式裝置的 Health/Fitness 應用程式及相關服務或無法兼容 Samsung 的平板裝置。
* 部分適用於 Samsung 穿戴式裝置的 Health/Fitness 應用程式及相關服務可能與不支援 Samsung Gear Manager / Gear Fit Manager 應用程式的裝置不相容。
* Samsung 穿戴式裝置僅支援 Android 系統手機,不支援 iOS 系統。實際支援範圍及限制將視各支援機種而有不同,並隨時以軟體更新版本進行調整。如欲了解特定裝置之實際支援範圍及限制,請洽台灣三星電子客戶服務中心。電話:0800-329-999。
* 必須有 Samsung Galaxy 智慧手機 (Android P OS 或以上版本) 與 Galaxy Watch 才能使用 Samsung Health Monitor 應用程式。更多資訊和提供相關服務國家/地區的最新更新,請至 https://www.samsung.com/tw/apps/samsung-health-monitor 網頁查看。
* 典型電池容量是在第三方實驗室條件下進行測試後所得結果。典型電池容量是根據 IEC 61960-3 標準測試不同電池樣品後,評估樣品間電池續航力偏差後的估計平均容量。實際電池續航力可能因網路環境、使用模式及其他因素而異。
* 實際可使用儲存空間可能因預先安裝軟體而有所差異。記憶體與儲存空間可能因機型、顏色及國家/地區而有所不同。
* Galaxy Wearable APP 只能傳送 MP3、M4A、AAC、OGG、WMA 音樂檔案,其餘 3GA、WAV、AMR 及 AWB 音樂格式,須透過郵件傳送播放。
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Buy your phone along with an inclusive monthly network plan and pay monthly*
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Pay for your phone and an inclusive bundle of calls, texts and data in one easy-to-manage monthly fee.
You will be redirected to our trusted partner, A1 Comms Ltd (trading as Mobileshop), to purchase your phone and setup your monthly plan.
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
Not eligible for trade-in
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
Phone powers on & Holds charge
Normal wear & Tear
Functioning display & No cracked screen
Not blacklisted
Factory reset & No software locks
You will be provided with prepaid return packaging materials to allow for the safe provision of your Existing Handset to us. You must ensure that the hand-set is provided to us within 7 days of receiving your New Handset. Failure to provide your Existing Handset within this time period will mean that you will be required to return your New Handset to us or pay back the discount you received on your New Handset. Please ensure that you back up any photos, files and other data which you have stored on the Existing Handset, and remove the sim card and memory cards before providing the Existing Handset to us.
Phone powers on & Holds charge
Normal wear & Tear
Functioning display & No cracked screen
Not blacklisted
Factory reset & No software locks
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Samsung Care+ Disclaimer with link
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