14 Sonuçları


Renk : Siyah
20.480,00 TL

  • Ecobubble™
  • %10 Ekstra Enerji Tasarrufu
    SmartThings Bağlantı
  • SmartThings Yapay Zeka Enerji Modu
    Yapay Zeka Enerji Modu
Renk : Beyaz
3.357,00 TL

  • Plastik mikrofiberleri %98’e kadar azaltır**
    %98’e varan Filtreleme Performansı
  • Temizliğin hızlı ve kolay yolu
    Pratik Filtre Temizleme
  • Her marka çamaşır makinesi ile etkili şekilde çalışır
    Ürün Uyumluluğu
Renk : Siyah
33.452,18 TL

  • Through the bubble holes within the washing machine’s drum, bubbles from a mixture of detergent and water allows more efficient penetration to remove dirt and stains from fabric.
  • The SpaceMax™ design has a 600mm of deep drum depth, so it can hold up to 11kg of laundry, even a large duvet.
  • The AI washer’s control panel displays the Cycle suggestion, Habits learning, Informative display and guide.
    Yapay Zeka Kontrolü
Renk : Black
36.255,50 TL

  • Bubbles are formed through the bubble holes within the washing machine’s drum. The bubble generation optimizes for each load* and is formed in different amounts depending on the type of textile. AI Ecobubble™ helps up to 70%
    Yapay Zeka Ecobubble™
  • The location of the Step 1: wash load, Step 2: water level, Step 3: fabric sensing, Step 4: soil level, and Step 5: detergent level sensors appears on the transparent washer in order. In Step 4 , AI changes the time depending on soil level and users can control it with SmartThings app.
    AI Wash (Yapay Zeka ile Yıkama)
  • The SpaceMax™ design has a 600mm of deep drum depth, so it can hold up to 11kg of laundry, even a large duvet.
    SpaceMax™ ile Bespoke tasarım
  • The powerful water is sprayed, bubbles are formed, and clothes are washed. The “50%
Daha fazla bilgi
Renk : White
30.509,54 TL

  • Dayanıklı ve verimli
    Dijital İnvertör Teknolojisi
  • Kalıntıları tamamen temizler
    StayClean Çekmecesi
Daha fazla bilgi
Renk : White
26.402,36 TL

  • Dayanıklı ve verimli
    Dijital Inverter Teknolojisi
  • Kalıntıları tamamen temizler
    StayClean Çekmecesi