Prestopite meje domišljije

* Wires not shown.

Nebeško beli model The Serif televizorja stoji na črnem stojalu v svetli in elegantni dnevni sobi s preprogo, stilskim trinožnim stolom v zeleni barvi in velikimi okni. Slika na zaslonu je listnati Ambientalni način z uro, ki tiktaka. The Serif je prejel nagrado iF Design Award 2020. Nebeško beli model The Serif televizorja stoji na črnem stojalu v svetli in elegantni dnevni sobi s preprogo, stilskim trinožnim stolom v zeleni barvi in velikimi okni. Slika na zaslonu je listnati Ambientalni način z uro, ki tiktaka. The Serif je prejel nagrado iF Design Award 2020.
Ko ga boste imeli, mu boste želeli prilagoditi svoj dom, kot tudi življenjski stil.

Postavite ga kamorkoli

The Serif from 4 different perspectives demonstrate how amazing it can look from all different angles. In the first scene, we see a Cloud White model of The Serif on a black stand in a simple and elegantly styled room with the onscreen image being a bird’s eye view of a beach showing a wave as it meets the sand. The scene shifts to a man and a woman having fun preparing food on a kitchen island. A Cloud White model of The Serif is resting directly on the kitchen island in front of them, showing the Fabric pattern in Ambient Mode in a salmon color. The scene shifts again, and this time the back of a Cloud White model of The Serif is shown on a black stand in the foreground of an artist’s workshop. In the background to the right, a man is sitting next to a long worktable, playing with a dog. In the final scene, a Cloud White model of The Serif is on a black stand in the middle of a bright and airy room, with its back to the window. The onscreen image is a beach showing a large wave meeting the sand and a surfer on his board paddling out to the ocean. The Serif from 4 different perspectives demonstrate how amazing it can look from all different angles. In the first scene, we see a Cloud White model of The Serif on a black stand in a simple and elegantly styled room with the onscreen image being a bird’s eye view of a beach showing a wave as it meets the sand. The scene shifts to a man and a woman having fun preparing food on a kitchen island. A Cloud White model of The Serif is resting directly on the kitchen island in front of them, showing the Fabric pattern in Ambient Mode in a salmon color. The scene shifts again, and this time the back of a Cloud White model of The Serif is shown on a black stand in the foreground of an artist’s workshop. In the background to the right, a man is sitting next to a long worktable, playing with a dog. In the final scene, a Cloud White model of The Serif is on a black stand in the middle of a bright and airy room, with its back to the window. The onscreen image is a beach showing a large wave meeting the sand and a surfer on his board paddling out to the ocean.

Prilega se vsakemu prostoru

Za razliko od običajnih televizorjev, ki jih postavimo ob steno, je Serif videti čudovito prav iz vsakega zornega kota. Postavite ga lahko tudi sredi sobe, saj se odlično zlije z okolico in poda prav vsakemu prostoru. Z vašim dekorjem pa se brez problema prelevi v umetniško delo - kamorkoli ga postavite, pa naj bo to na mizi, na polico, v kot ali na tla.

Edinstvena oblika

Ali želite, da se vaša dnevna soba prilega vašemu življenjskemu stilu? Potem začnite pri televizorju. The Serif – edinstven.

Four closeups of a Cloud White model of The Serif demonstrate the uniqueness of the iconic 'capital I' design and how great it looks from all angles. First from the top, then the profile, and finally, the back together next to a front angle of the right profile. As the video plays, each of the four images either rotates or shifts slowly to show a slightly different perspective. Four closeups of a Cloud White model of The Serif demonstrate the uniqueness of the iconic 'capital I' design and how great it looks from all angles. First from the top, then the profile, and finally, the back together next to a front angle of the right profile. As the video plays, each of the four images either rotates or shifts slowly to show a slightly different perspective.

Prepoznavna oblika
Kako lahko okrasite
svoj prostor

Z običajnim televizorjem bi imeli občutek, da vašemu
prostoru še vedno nekaj manjka. The Serif zagotavlja
nekaj povsem drugačnega. The Serif bo s svojo
edinstveno enodelno zasnovo v obliki črke »I«
čudovito olepšal vaš prostor.

Čudovit navdih narave

Poleg same oblike televizorja sta Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec ustvarila ekskluzivne slike za zaslon The Serif televizorja. Vzorec lepega lista in vzorec s teksturirano tkanino je navdahnila čudovita narava. Na voljo sta v Ambientalnem načinu, da lahko navdih čudovite narave delite s svojim domom.

*Some features of Ambient Mode require a compatible Android or iOS phone.

Več kot televizijska zabava

* Storitev Ambientalnega načina je odvisna od regije.
* Natančnost funkcije ozadja se lahko razlikuje glede na okolje, v katerem je televizor nameščen, obliko sten, vzorce in/ali barve.

Ustvarite si svoj stil s The Serif

Nekaj idej za postavitev The Serif televizorja v vaš
dom, da se lepo zlije z vašim obstoječim dekorjem
ali pa izstopa kot osrednji dodatek.

Izberite velikost
Izberite barvo
Ustvarite si življenjski stil

The Serif 109 cm (43")

Profil nebeško belega 109-cm (43-inčnega) The Serif televizorja je prikazan z leve strani. Profil pastelno modrega 109-cm (43-inčnega) The Serif televizorja je prikazan z leve strani.

The Serif 123 cm (49")

Profil nebeško belega 123-cm (49-inčnega) The Serif televizorja je prikazan z leve strani. Profil pastelno modrega 123-cm (49-inčnega) The Serif televizorja je prikazan z leve strani.

The Serif 140 cm (55")

Profil nebeško belega 140-cm (55-inčnega) The Serif televizorja je prikazan z leve strani. Profil pastelno modrega 140-cm (55-inčnega) The Serif televizorja je prikazan z leve strani.

The Frame. Televizor, ko je vklopljen – UMETNINA, ko je izklopljen

The Frame. Televizor, ko je vklopljen – UMETNINA, ko je izklopljen

* For the Smart functions, compatible devices or phones required.