Episode 2: Tradition

A newly-wedded wife aims to cook a lavish Italian meal for her husband’s upcoming birthday celebration but is failing miserably. Will it be a celebration to remember thanks to the chef’s magical touch and a prized ingredient in the Samsung Bespoke Fridge?

Simple delectable recipe

Mushroom Truffle Fettuccine


  • 325g Tipo "00" flour
  • 75g Semolina flour
  • 2 Whole eggs
  • 4 Egg yolk
  • A pinch of salt
  • 50ml Pasta water
  • 100ml Mushroom brine
  • 30g Butter
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • ½ clove Garlic, chopped
  • ½ Shallot, chopped
  • Mushrooms
  • 20ml Truffle Oil
  • 20g Parmesan Cheese, grated
  • 5g Truffle


  1. Mix the flour and 4 egg yolks together and knead them until it becomes a dough.
  2. Roll the dough out flat, slice them into sizeable portions and set aside.
  3. In a hot pan, use olive oil to fry shallots and garlic until fragrant.
  4. Slice mushrooms, add them into the hot pot and continue frying for 2 minutes.
  5. Add salt into boiling water, placing the fresh pasta into the pot for 1.5 Minutes.
  6. Strain pasta and add into the pan.
  7. Toss the pasta with mushroom brine and 50ml of pasta water.
  8. Add butter and toss the pasta until it is emulsified in its sauce.
  9. Finish with parmesan cheese and truffle oil. Continue tossing until mixed evenly.
  10. Serve on a pasta plate and shave truffles on top.

Make it your way, make it Bespoke