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Samsung Semiconductor eSTORAGE eMMC, Design the Best Mobile Performance
Samsung Semiconductor eSTORAGE eMMC, Design the Best Mobile Performance

Definitive performance for mobile storage
Definitive performance for mobile storage
Definitive performance for mobile storage

With superior power efficiency and noticeably fast speed, Samsung’s eMMC is the definitive choice for flash storage to develop slim mobile design. With superior power efficiency and noticeably fast speed, Samsung’s eMMC is the definitive choice for flash storage to develop slim mobile design. With superior power efficiency and noticeably fast speed, Samsung’s eMMC is the definitive choice for flash storage to develop slim mobile design.


  • ApplicationsApplications
  • VoltageVoltage
    1.8 / 3.3 V
  • TemperatureTemperature
    -25 ~ 85 °C
  • Production StatusProduct Status
    Mass Production
  • InterfaceInterface
  • Package SizePackage Size
    11.5 x 13 x 0.8 mm
  • DensityDensity
    8 GB

* All product specifications reflect internal test results and are subject to variations by the user's system configuration.
* All product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product.
* Samsung reserves the right to change product images and specifications at any time without notice.

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