Встроенные датчики давления, уровня кислорода в крови, ЭКГ
Теперь контролировать свое здоровье стало еще легче! Инновационные Galaxy Watch3 безупречно сочетают переосмысленный классический дизайн и функциональность смартфона с новейшими технологиями мониторинга показателей здоровья. Уникальные в своем роде Galaxy Watch3 помогут вам легко контролировать вашу активность и состояние здоровья. Теперь ваше самочувствие в ваших руках.1, 2, 3, 4
Поворотный безель для простоты навигации
Циферблат, который невозможно забыть: выберите любой из двух размеров – 45 мм или 41 мм. Носимое устройство предлагается в трех цветах: Черный, Серебро и Бронза. Элегантный дизайн подчеркивается уникальным вращающимся безелем. 5
Теперь экран стал больше, и самое важное стало еще заметнее. Новые Galaxy Watch3 стали элегантнее – теперь они тоньше и легче предыдущей модели и особенно комфортно ощущаются на запястье.6
Ремешок премиального качества
Ремешок из натуральной кожи со специальной обработкой от выцветания подчеркивает премиальный дизайн Galaxy Watch3. Материал добавляет элегантности инновационному устройству и придает шик классических кварцевых часов.
').appendTo(p), _ = t("<" + I + ' class="prev">Prev").appendTo(m), g = t("<" + I + ' class="next">Next").appendTo(m)), _.attr("data-flag", "prev").click(zt), g.attr("data-flag", "next").click(Yt)) : 2 > yt && ("pre" == I && (I[0].remove(), I[1].remove()), I = null), Y) if ("pre" == F) v = t(Y), y = v.children(); else for (v = t('
').appendTo(p), y = [], vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) y[vt] = t("<" + F + " />"), y[vt][0].innerHTML = vt + 1;
for (vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) it[vt] = t(it[vt]), U || (it[vt] = t(it[vt]).css({
left: B ? 0 : "200%",
top: 0,
width: "100%",
display: vt == xt ? "" : "none"
}), it[vt].appendTo(d), it[vt].find("a, button, input, textarea").attr("data-xlider-page", vt).focus(Zt)), it[0].parent().parent().hasClass("g-contents") && it[vt].addClass("hide"), Y && (y[vt] = t(y[vt]).attr("data-page", vt).click(kt).appendTo(v));
L && (window.navigator.pointerEnabled ? d[0].style.cssText += "touch-action: pan-y;" : window.navigator.msPointerEnabled && (d[0].style.cssText += "-ms-touch-action: pan-y;"), d.closest("article").find(".img-drag").length ? (d.closest("article").find(".img-drag").bind(h({mousedown: Mt})), d.closest("article").find(".img-drag").bind("selectstart dragstart", function () {
return !1
})) : (d.bind(h({mousedown: Mt})), d.bind("selectstart dragstart", function () {
return !1
}))), p.bind("xlider-prev", function (t, e) {
zt(t, !1, e.noAnimation)
}), p.bind("xlider-next", function (t, e) {
Yt(t, !1, e.noAnimation)
}), p.bind("xlider-jump", function (t, e) {
}), p.bind("xlider-change", function (t, e) {
}), p.bind("xlider-toggleAuto", function (t, e) {
e.v = function (t) {
(lt = "boolean" == typeof t ? t : !lt) ? Qt() : $t();
return lt
}), p.bind("xlider-remove", Ot), b = t('
').css("opacity", 0), qt(), Gt(), jt(), Ht(), u.push(Gt);
var wt, Tt = "", Pt = !0;
return {
jump: function (t) {
if (t instanceof Object) Ft(t); else {
if ("number" != typeof t) return console.warn("xlider variable Type Error!!");
Ft({to: t})
}, change: It, changeNew: kt, toNext: Yt, toPrev: zt, resize: Gt, remove: Ot, changeEnd: jt
function St() {
if (U) if (t("html").hasClass("s" + Z) || "all" == Z) {
if (!mt) {
if (d && d.length) for (vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) {
var e = Math.ceil(Q / 2);
if (it[vt] = t(it[vt]).attr("data-call", vt), vt < e) {
var s = Math.ceil(yt - 1 - vt);
mt = !0
d && d.length && function (e) {
if (U) {
var s = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[4]);
t.browser.ie > 9 && (s = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[12]));
var r = i.width() / 2,
n = (Math.floor(d.find(" > li").eq(yt - 1).css("marginLeft").replace("px", "")), d.find(" > li").eq(yt - 1).innerWidth()),
a = d.find(" > li.show").offset().left, o = a + n / 2 - r;
if (at && s) o = a + n / 2 - r - s; else if (d.find("img").length) {
var h = d.find("img").length, l = 0;
d.find("img").each(function () {
var e, i;
e = t(this), i = function () {
++l >= h && Gt()
}, e[0].complete ? (e.unbind({load: i}), i.call(e)) : e[0].src == e[0].src ? e[0].complete ? (e.unbind({load: i}), i.call(e)) : e.unbind({load: i}).bind({load: i}) : (e.bind({load: i}), e[0].src = e[0].src)
$ ? d._animate({translate3dX: -o}, {
duration: 550,
easing: "easeOutCubic",
force3D: !0
}) : d._css({translate3dX: -o}), at = !0
} else if (mt) {
if (d && d.length) for (d.html(""), vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) it[vt] = t(it[vt]).attr("data-call", vt), it[vt].appendTo(d), vt == yt - 1 && et && et.call();
mt = !1
function kt(e) {
if (e = "number" == typeof e ? e + "" : null, U) {
var i = e || t(this).attr("data-page");
if (i += "", !rt || i == xt) return !1;
var s = d.find("> li.show").index(), r = [], n = d.find("> li").length;
for (vt = 0; vt < n; vt++) r[vt] = d.find("> li").eq(vt).attr("data-call");
var a = r.indexOf(i);
dt && Ct(a - s)
} else e = e || this.getAttribute("data-page"), Ft({to: parseInt(e)});
return !1
function Ct(e) {
dt = !1;
var i, s, r, a = Math.floor(d.find(" > li").eq(yt - 1).css("marginLeft").replace("px", "")),
o = d.find(" > li").eq(yt - 1).outerWidth() + 2 * a, h = d.find(" > li.show").index(),
l = d.find(" > li").eq(h + e).attr("data-call"), c = 1,
u = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[4]);
t.browser.ie > 9 && (u = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[12]));
var f = Math.abs(e), m = !1, _ = 0;
t.browser.mobile && (_ = 10);
r = setInterval(function () {
var a = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[4]);
t.browser.ie > 9 && (a = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[12])), m ? (s = u, m = !1) : s = e > 0 ? a - V : a + V, d._css({translate3dX: s});
var h = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[4]);
t.browser.ie > 9 && (h = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[12]));
var p = h - u;
n && ot && (p = Math.abs(p) + Math.abs(E - u)), o < Math.abs(p) && function () {
i = e > 0 ? 0 : yt - 1;
var t = d.find("> li").eq(i).attr("data-call");
d.find("> li").eq(i).remove(), 0 != i ? d.prepend(it[t]) : d.append(it[t]), e > 0 ? u + Math.abs(o) : u - Math.abs(o), c++, m = !0
}(), c == f + 1 && (clearInterval(r), n && ot ? d._css({translate3dX: E}) : d._css({translate3dX: u}), xt = l, qt(), jt(), ot = !1, n ? setTimeout(function () {
dt = !0, ht = !0
}, 100) : (dt = !0, ht = !0))
}, _), xt = 1 * l, J && J.call(p, xt, yt)
function Ot(e) {
for (vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) it[vt].find("a, button, input, textarea").removeAttr("data-xlider-page"), c.test(d[0].nodeName) || it[vt].appendTo(p), Y && ("pre" != F ? y[vt].remove() : y[vt].unbind("click"));
for (d._css({
position: "",
translate3dX: ""
}).removeClass(ut), d.unbind(h({mousedown: Mt})), c.test(d[0].nodeName) || d.remove(), Y && "pre" != F && v.remove(), I && ("pre" != z ? (_.remove(), g.remove()) : (_.unbind("click"), g.unbind("click"))), x && x.remove(), gt && (d.removeAttr("style"), v.empty(), it.each(function () {
})), b.remove(), p.unbind("xlider-prev xlider-next xlider-jump xlider-change xlider-toggleAuto xlider-remove"), p = d = _ = g = y = null, vt = 0, yt = u.length; vt < yt; vt++) if (u[vt] == Gt) {
u.splice(vt, 1);
function Mt(i) {
if (Ut(), $t(), !U || "all" == Z || t("html").hasClass("s" + Z)) {
if (S = C = l(i)[0], wt = S, a && (15 > S || S > e - 15)) return !0;
if (k = l(i)[1], M = (new Date).getTime(), A = 0, O = !1, !dt && n) return !1;
if (!ht) return !1;
t.support.transform && (R = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[4]), E = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[4]), t.browser.ie > 9 && (R = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[12]), E = Math.ceil(d.css("transform").split(",")[12]))), null == R && (R = 0, E = 0), s.bind(h({
mousemove: At,
mouseup: Et
function At(e) {
var i, r = l(e)[0], a = l(e)[1], o = (new Date).getTime();
if (!1 === O && (45 > (O = Math.abs(180 * Math.atan2(S - r, k - a) / Math.PI)) || O > 135)) return s.unbind(h({
mousemove: At,
mouseup: Et
})), !0;
if (it[0].parent().parent().hasClass("g-contents") && (0 != xt ? (it[xt - 1].addClass("show"), yt - 1 != xt ? it[xt + 1].addClass("show") : it[0].addClass("show")) : (it[xt + 1].addClass("show"), it[yt - 1].addClass("show"))), A = r - S, U) {
var c = r - wt, u = r - ft, f = R,
m = Math.floor(d.find(" > li").eq(yt - 1).css("marginLeft").replace("px", "")),
_ = d.find(" > li").eq(yt - 1).innerWidth() + 2 * m, g = _ / 2;
if (u > 0 && 0 != ft && !n) {
"left" == Tt && (Pt = !0, Tt = "right"), Pt && (pt = 1, Pt = !1, wt = r), c = r - wt;
var v = Math.abs(Math.floor((Math.abs(c) + _) / _) - pt + 1);
if (_ * pt < Math.abs(c) + g) for (vt = 0; vt < v; vt++) i = void 0, i = d.find("> li").eq(yt - 1).attr("data-call"), d.find("> li").eq(yt - 1).remove(), d.prepend(it[i]), pt++, R = f - Math.abs(_) * v;
Tt = "right"
} else if (u < 0 && 0 != ft && !n) {
"right" == Tt && (Pt = !0, Tt = "left"), Pt && (pt = 1, Pt = !1, wt = r), c = r - wt;
v = Math.abs(Math.floor((Math.abs(c) + _) / _) - pt + 1);
var y = function () {
var t = d.find("> li").eq(0).attr("data-call");
d.find("> li").eq(0).remove(), d.append(it[t]), pt++, R = f + Math.abs(_) * v
if (_ * pt < Math.abs(c) + g) for (vt = 0; vt < v; vt++) y();
Tt = "left"
A = R + (r - S)
D || xt && xt != yt - 1 || (A /= 2), B || d._css("translate3dX", A), Rt(A), o - 300 > M && (M = o, C = r), n || nt || (b.appendTo(p), nt = !0), ft = r, t(document).on("mouseleave", function () {
t("html").hasClass("firefox") && Et(e)
}), e.preventDefault()
function Rt(e, i) {
var s = t.isPlainObject(e) ? e.translate3dX : e;
!0 !== i && K && K.call(p, s)
function Et(t) {
var e = l(t)[0], i = e - C;
e != S ? U ? (ht = !1, pt = 1, n && Math.abs(i) > 10 ? (i > 0 ? dt && Ct(-1) : dt && Ct(1), ot = !0) : d._animate({translate3dX: E}, {
duration: 300,
easing: "easeOutCubic",
force3D: !0,
complete: Xt
})) : 10 > Math.abs(e - S) ? Dt() : !i || (new Date).getTime() - M > 300 ? A > w / 2 && (D || xt) ? zt(!1, !0) : -w / 2 > A && (D || xt != yt - 1) ? Yt(!1, !0) : Dt() : i > 0 && (D || xt) ? zt(!1, !0) : 0 > i && (D || xt != yt - 1) ? Yt(!1, !0) : Dt() : Qt(), !n && nt && (b.detach(), nt = !1), s.unbind(h({
mousemove: At,
mouseup: Et
function Xt() {
var t = i.width() / 2, e = [], s = [], r = d.find(" > li").length;
for (o = 0; o < r; o++) e[o] = Math.abs(d.find(" > li").eq(o).offset().left + d.find(" > li").eq(o).innerWidth() / 2 - t), s[o] = Math.ceil(d.find(" > li").eq(o).offset().left + d.find(" > li").eq(o).innerWidth() / 2 - t);
var n, a = Math.min.apply(null, e);
if (Array.indexOf) n = e.indexOf(a); else for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o++) e[o] == a && (n = o);
xt = d.find(" > li").eq(n).attr("data-call"), qt(), jt(), ht = !0
function Dt() {
Wt(0, "back")
function It(t) {
var e, i, s = parseInt(t.to);
return !!rt && (Ut(), e = "number" != typeof s || isNaN(s) ? this.getAttribute ? parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-page")) : null : s, it[0].parent().parent().hasClass("g-contents") && (0 != e ? (it[e - 1].addClass("show"), yt - 1 != e && it[e + 1].addClass("show")) : it[e + 1].addClass("show")), null !== e && e != xt && e > -1 && yt > e && (Gt(), B ? Nt(e, t.noAnimation) : (i = (xt - e) * P, Lt(e), Wt(i, "slide", t.noAnimation))), !1)
function zt(t, e, i) {
var s;
return !(!rt || !D && !xt) && (U ? dt && Ct(-1) : (s = xt ? xt - 1 : yt - 1, B ? Nt(s, i) : (Lt(s, "prev", e), Wt(P, "slide", i))), t && t.preventDefault(), Ut(), !1)
function Yt(t, e, i) {
var s;
return !(!rt || !D && xt == yt - 1) && (U ? dt && Ct(1) : (s = xt == yt - 1 ? 0 : xt + 1, B ? Nt(s, i) : (Lt(s, "next", e), Wt(-P, "slide", i))), t && t.preventDefault(), Ut(), !1)
function Ft(t) {
var e, i = t.to;
if (!rt || i == xt) return !1;
if (B) It(t); else {
for (vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) it[0].parent().parent().hasClass("g-contents") ? vt != i && vt != xt && it[vt].removeClass("show") : vt != i && vt != xt && it[vt].hide();
Lt(i, e = t.pretendTo ? t.pretendTo : xt > i ? "prev" : "next"), Wt("prev" == e ? P : -P, "slide", t.noAnimation)
return Ut(), !1
function Lt(t, e, i) {
var s, r;
if (!i) if (e) Bt(t, "next" == e ? "100%" : "-100%"); else for (s = Math.min(xt, t), r = Math.max(xt, t), vt = s; vt <= r; vt++) vt != xt && Bt(vt, 100 * (vt - xt) + "%");
!function (t) {
$t(), rt = !1, xt = t, qt(), J && J.call(p, xt, yt), Gt()
function Bt(t, e) {
U || ("number" == typeof t ? it[t] : t).css({
position: "absolute",
left: e
}).show(), it[0].parent().parent().hasClass("g-contents") || U || ("number" == typeof t ? it[t] : t).addClass("show")
function Nt(t, e) {
var i;
clearTimeout(i), N && !e ? (Bt(xt, 0), it[xt]._animate({opacity: 0}, bt.fade), i = setTimeout(function () {
it[t].show()._animate({opacity: 1}, bt.fade)
}, 500), xt = t, qt()) : jt()
function Wt(t, e, i) {
it[0].parent().parent().hasClass("g-contents") && it[xt].addClass("show"), N && !i ? j ? d._transition({translate3dX: t}, bt[e]) : d._animate({translate3dX: t}, bt[e]) : jt()
function qt() {
for (vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) Y && y[vt][vt == xt ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("on");
!D && I && (_[xt ? "removeClass" : "addClass"]("disabled"), g[xt == yt - 1 ? "addClass" : "removeClass"]("disabled"))
function jt() {
var t, e;
for (vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) vt == xt ? (it[vt].css({
position: "relative",
left: 0
}).addClass("xlider-current show"), t = it[xt ? xt - 1 : D ? yt - 1 : -1], e = it[xt == yt - 1 ? D ? 0 : yt : xt + 1]) : it[0].parent().parent().hasClass("g-contents") || U ? it[vt].removeClass("xlider-current show") : it[vt].hide().removeClass("xlider-current");
if (!B && !U) for (x && (x.remove(), x = null), d._css("translate3dX", 0), t = it[xt ? xt - 1 : D ? yt - 1 : -1], e = it[xt == yt - 1 ? D ? 0 : yt : xt + 1], it[xt], D && t[0] == e[0] && ((x = t.clone().addClass("xlider-fake")).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"), x.attr("aria-hidden", !0), x.find("*").attr("aria-hidden", !0), x.appendTo(d), Bt(x, T)), vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) t && it[vt][0] == t[0] ? Bt(vt, "-" + T) : e && it[vt][0] == e[0] && Bt(vt, T);
U && (t = it[xt ? xt - 1 : D ? yt - 1 : -1], e = it[xt == yt - 1 ? D ? 0 : yt : xt + 1], it[xt]), rt = !0, tt && tt.call(p, xt, yt), Qt(), Ht()
function Ht() {
if (G && !_t) {
for (vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) it[vt].hasClass("xlider-current") || (it[vt].addClass("screen-hide"), it[vt].find("*").attr("aria-hidden", "true"));
_t = !0
function Ut() {
if (G && _t) {
for (vt = 0; vt < yt; vt++) it[vt].removeClass("screen-hide"), it[vt].find("*").attr("aria-hidden", "");
_t = !1
function Vt() {
U ? Yt(!1, !0) : Ft({to: xt == yt - 1 ? 0 : xt + 1, pretendTo: "next"})
function $t() {
function Qt() {
$t(), lt && (ct = setTimeout(Vt, q))
function Zt() {
var e;
p && (e = parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-xlider-page")), t("html").hasClass("rtl") ? (p[0].scrollLeft = p.width() + 10, setTimeout(function () {
p[0].scrollLeft = p.width() + 10
}, 0)) : (p[0].scrollLeft = 0, setTimeout(function () {
p[0].scrollLeft = 0
}, 0)), p.xlider("change", e, !0))
function Gt() {
p && p.length && (w = p[0].offsetWidth, T = st ? it[0][0].offsetWidth : "100%", P = st ? T : w, U && (clearTimeout(X), X = setTimeout(function () {
}, 100)), N && (bt.slide.duration = W || Math.max(450, Math.min(P, 750)), bt.back.duration = .75 * (W || bt.slide.duration), bt.fade.duration = W || 200))
var cvpHandlers = {
canvasClickHandler: null,
videoTimeUpdateHandler: null,
videoCanPlayHandler: null,
windowResizeHandler: null
}, CanvasVideoPlayer = function (e) {
var i;
for (i in this.options = {
framesPerSecond: 25,
hideVideo: !0,
autoplay: !1,
audio: !1,
timelineSelector: !1,
resetOnLastFrame: !1,
loop: !1
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if ("string" == typeof this.options.audio) {
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/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) && (this.options.autoplay = !1)
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.playing = !1, this.resizeTimeoutReference = !1, this.RESIZE_TIMEOUT = 1e3, this.init(), this.bind()
CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.init = function () {
this.video[0].load(), this.setCanvasSize(), this.options.hideVideo && (this.video.style.display = "none")
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.getOffset = function (e) {
var i, t;
if (e) return (t = e.getBoundingClientRect()).width || t.height || e.getClientRects().length ? (i = e.ownerDocument.documentElement, {
top: t.top + window.pageYOffset - i.clientTop,
left: t.left + window.pageXOffset - i.clientLeft
}) : void 0
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.jumpTo = function (e) {
this.video.currentTime = this.video.duration * e, this.options.audio && (this.audio.currentTime = this.audio.duration * e)
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.bind = function () {
var e = this;
this.canvas.addEventListener("click", cvpHandlers.canvasClickHandler = function () {
}), this.video.addEventListener("timeupdate", cvpHandlers.videoTimeUpdateHandler = function () {
e.drawFrame(), e.options.timelineSelector && e.updateTimeline()
}), this.video.addEventListener("canplay", cvpHandlers.videoCanPlayHandler = function () {
}), this.video.readyState >= 2 && e.drawFrame(), e.options.autoplay && e.play(), e.options.timelineSelector && this.timeline.addEventListener("click", function (i) {
var t = (i.clientX - e.getOffset(e.canvas).left) / e.timeline.offsetWidth;
}), window.addEventListener("resize", cvpHandlers.windowResizeHandler = function () {
clearTimeout(e.resizeTimeoutReference), e.resizeTimeoutReference = setTimeout(function () {
e.setCanvasSize(), e.drawFrame()
}), this.unbind = function () {
this.canvas.removeEventListener("click", cvpHandlers.canvasClickHandler), this.video.removeEventListener("timeupdate", cvpHandlers.videoTimeUpdateHandler), this.video.removeEventListener("canplay", cvpHandlers.videoCanPlayHandler), window.removeEventListener("resize", cvpHandlers.windowResizeHandler), this.options.audio && this.audio.parentNode.removeChild(this.audio)
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.updateTimeline = function () {
var e = (100 * this.video.currentTime / this.video.duration).toFixed(2);
this.timelinePassed.style.width = e + "%"
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.setCanvasSize = function () {
this.width = this.canvas.clientWidth, this.height = this.canvas.clientHeight, this.canvas.setAttribute("width", this.width), this.canvas.setAttribute("height", this.height)
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.play = function () {
this.lastTime = Date.now(), this.playing = !0, this.loop(), this.options.audio && (this.audio.currentTime = this.video.currentTime, this.audio.play())
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.pause = function () {
this.playing = !1, this.options.audio && this.audio.pause()
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.stop = function () {
this.playing = !1, this.pause(), this.video.currentTime = 0
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.playPause = function () {
this.playing ? this.pause() : (this.video.currentTime = 0, this.play())
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.loop = function () {
var e = this, i = Date.now(), t = (i - this.lastTime) / 1e3;
t >= 1 / this.options.framesPerSecond && (this.video.currentTime = this.video.currentTime + t, this.lastTime = i, this.audio && Math.abs(this.audio.currentTime - this.video.currentTime) > .3 && (this.audio.currentTime = this.video.currentTime)), void 0 !== $(this.canvas).parent().attr("data-cover") && this.video.currentTime > .5 && $(this.canvas).parent().find(".hide-bg").css({opacity: "0"}), this.video.currentTime >= this.video.duration && (this.playing = !1, !0 === this.options.resetOnLastFrame && (this.video.currentTime = 0), !0 === this.options.loop && (this.video.currentTime = 0, this.play())), this.playing ? this.animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame(function () {
}) : cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationFrame)
}, CanvasVideoPlayer.prototype.drawFrame = function () {
this.ctx.drawImage(this.video, 0, 0, this.width, this.height)
!function (e) {
var t, n, i, a;
window.GALAXY = {
isMobile: e.browser.mobile,
isPoorBrowser: e.browser.ie && 9 > e.browser.ie,
cirosVersion: function () {
if (e.browser.crios) {
var t = navigator.userAgent;
if (version = t.match(/CriOS\/([0-9.]+)/i), version && version.length > 1) return e.browser.criosVersion = parseInt(version[1])
return e.browser.criosVersion = 0
oldIos: e.browser.crios ? e.browser.criosVersion < 60 : !e.browser.android && (Math.ceil(e.browser.ios) < 10 && void 0 !== e.browser.ios),
swipeAble: !!(e.browser.mobile || window.PointerEvent || window.MSPointerEvent),
parallaxAble: !(e.browser.ie && 9 > e.browser.ie) && !e.browser.mobile && e.support.transition,
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mediaBaseURL: window.MEDIA_BASE_URL || "./",
isTestURL: location.href.indexOf("samsung.com") < 0,
isGalaxy: false || !0 === window.IS_CAMPAIGN,
isGPSI: -1 != navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "").indexOf("googlepagespeedinsights"),
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dom: {header: e("#header").get(0) || e("header").get(0)},
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imageLoadCall: !1,
header: function () {
if (e(GALAXY.isGalaxy ? "#header" : GALAXY.dom.header).length) {
var t, n, i = e(GALAXY.isGalaxy ? "#header" : GALAXY.dom.header), a = i.find("p.menu a"),
s = e.browser.mobile, o = GALAXY.isPoorBrowser;
return t = function () {
if (!e("#gnb").length) return {scroll: e.noop, resize: e.noop};
var t, n = e("#wrap"), r = e("#gnb"), l = r.find(".logo a"), d = r.find("div.g-inner"),
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p = r.find(".g-contents"), m = p.find(".g-content > div > ul"),
v = (m.find("> li"), e('').appendTo(u.find("ul"))),
g = r.find("p.g-close a"), b = r.find("#g-products ul > li > a"),
A = r.find(".g-story .m_content-storyyoutube button"),
w = r.find(".g-story .feature-1 .menu li a"), y = e("#wrap > div").not("#gnb"), L = null,
x = null, C = [], _ = {
mouseWheel: !0,
scrollbars: !0,
interactiveScrollbars: !0,
preventDefaultException: {tagName: /(a|img|span)/i}
}, X = 0, G = h.length, Y = 0, k = -1, M = 0, T = !0, z = null, I = !0, S = null, E = !1, O = s,
H = 0, D = e("#gnb a.search").length, W = !1;
for (r.bind("mousewheel", function (e) {
}).bind("touchmove", function (t) {
e("#gnb .g-inner").hasClass("searchForm") || t.preventDefault()
}).click(function (e) {
var t = e.target;
t != this && t != d[0] || V()
}), a.keydown(function () {
E = !0
focus: function () {
}, blur: function () {
}, click: function () {
return $(a, function () {
}), a.addClass("hide"), c.addClass("on"), !1
}), l.attr("tabindex", ++Y); X < G; X++) {
h[X] = e(h[X]);
var q = G;
u.find("> li.last").length && (q = G - 1), null != h[X].attr("href") && (s || (X != q ? h[X].parent().attr("data-index", X).mouseenter(K).mouseleave(Z).click(Q) : h[X].parent().attr("data-index", X).mouseenter(K).mouseleave(Z)), X != q ? h[X].attr("data-index", X).attr("tabindex", ++Y).focus(j).blur(Z).click(j) : h[X].attr("data-index", X).attr("tabindex", ++Y).focus(K).blur(Z), -1 != h[X].attr("href").indexOf("#g-") && (f[X] = e(h[X].attr("href")), f[X].find("li").mouseenter(R).mouseleave(B), f[X].find("a,button").attr("data-index", X).focus(function (e) {
j.apply(this, [e]), R.apply(this, [e])
}).blur(B).each(function () {
this.setAttribute("tabindex", ++Y)
}), C[X] = new IScroll(f[X][0], _))), X == q && (e(".g-tabs .last a").attr("tabindex", ++Y), e(".g-inner > .search").attr("tabindex", ++Y))
function R(e) {
clearTimeout(S), "focus" == e.type ? this.parentNode.parentNode : this.parentNode
function B() {
S = setTimeout(P, 50)
function P() {
return !1
if (p.xlider({
swipe: s, onChange: function (e) {
}, endless: !0, onChangeEnd: function () {
k > -1 && C[k].refresh()
}), null != (H = e("#wrap").attr("data-depth1")) && "" != H && NaN != H && null != h[H] || (H = 0), D > 0 && h[H].click(), g.attr("tabindex", ++Y), s || v.mouseenter(J).mouseleave(Z).click(Q), g.mousedown(function () {
this.style.outline = "none"
}).keydown(function () {
E = !0
}).click(V), e("#gnb .g-inner > .search").on("click", function (t) {
if (t.preventDefault(), !e("#gnb .g-inner").hasClass("searchFormrd")) {
e("#gnb .g-inner").addClass("searchFormrd"), setTimeout(function () {
e("#gnb .g-inner").addClass("searchForm")
}, 500), s ? e("#gnb .addsearch").focus().keyup() : e("#gnb .addsearch").focus(), e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube .f_container div").hasClass("active") && U();
var n = window.ADDSEARCH_KEYWORD || "";
setTimeout(function () {
e("#gnb .addsearch, #addsearch-mobile-field").val(n).eq(0).keyup(), e(".desktop #gnb .addsearch").select()
}, 500), e("#gnb .logo a").attr("tabindex", ""), e("#gnb .search").attr("tabindex", ""), e("#gnb .g-close a").attr("tabindex", "")
}).on("mousedown", function () {
this.style.outline = "none"
}), e(".g-contents .country a").on("mousedown", function () {
this.style.outline = "none"
}), e("#gnb .g-tabs a").on("mousedown", function () {
this.style.outline = "none"
}), O) {
var N = e("#gnb .g-tabs");
O = new IScroll(N[0], {
scrollX: !0,
scrollY: !1,
scrollbars: !1,
interactiveScrollbars: !1,
preventDefaultException: {tagName: /(a|img|span)/i}
function F(t, n) {
e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube .f_container figure").hide(), e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube .f_container div").html("");
var i = '';
e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube .f_container div").append(i).addClass("active"), e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube button").css({display: "none"}), e("#gnb .vod-player").focus()
function $(i, a) {
return i && (x = i), (L = y.find("a,input,select,textarea,button,video,iframe")).each(function () {
var t = e(this).attr("tabindex");
null != t && e(this).data("prev-tabindex", t), e(this).attr("tabindex", "-1")
}), n.addClass("gnb-open"), g.removeClass("hide"), r.addClass("show"), GALAXY.noScroll.on(), ne(), e.each(C, function () {
}), s || setTimeout(function () {
E && l.focus()
}, 100), t = a, T = !0, W || (p.find("img").each(function () {
var t = e(this).data("tile");
t && (e(this).attr("src").indexOf("gnb-tile") > -1 ? GALAXY.isPoorBrowser ? e(this).css({filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=" + t + ",sizingMethod=scale)"}) : e(this).css({backgroundImage: "url(" + t + ")"}) : e(this).attr({src: t}))
}), W = !0), !1
function V(i) {
return e("#gnb .g-inner").hasClass("searchForm") ? (e("#gnb .logo a").attr("tabindex", "1"), e(this).attr("tabindex", Y), e("#gnb .search").attr("tabindex", Y - 1), e("#gnb .g-inner").addClass("searchFormRemove"), setTimeout(function () {
e("#gnb .g-inner").removeClass("searchForm searchFormrd searchFormRemove")
}, 500)) : (L.each(function () {
var t = e(this).data("prev-tabindex");
null != t ? e(this).attr("tabindex", t) : e(this).removeAttr("tabindex")
}), n.removeClass("gnb-open"), g.addClass("hide"), r.removeClass("show"), E && x && x.focus(), E = !1, x = null, t && t(), GALAXY.setTransitionEndEvent(r, function () {
GALAXY.noScroll.off(), ne(), r.hide(), g.css("outline", ""), setTimeout(function () {
}, 0)
}), t = null, T = !1, U(), GALAXY.omniture(":menu_close")), !1
function U() {
e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube .f_container figure").show(), e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube .f_container div").html(""), e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube .f_container div.active").removeClass("active"), e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube button").css({display: "block"}), e("#gnb .feature-1 .menu li .selected").removeClass("selected"), e("#gnb .feature-1 .menu li:eq(0) a").addClass("selected")
function j() {
e("#gnb .m_content-storyyoutube .f_container div").hasClass("active") && U();
var t = 0, n = parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-index"));
if (!I) return !1;
for (; t < G; t++) f[t] && h[t].parent().decideClass("on", t == n);
return p.xlider("jump", n, !T), setTimeout(function () {
}, 0), te(k = n), m.each(function () {
var t = e(window).height() - e("#gnb .inner_header").height() - e("#gnb .country").height(),
n = e(this).height();
"g-products" == e(this).parent().parent().attr("id") && (n += Math.ceil(e(this).css("paddingBottom").replace("px", ""))), t < n ? e(this).parent().addClass("overheight") : e(this).parent().removeClass("overheight")
}), !1
function Q() {
function K() {
J(), te(parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-index")))
function Z() {
z = setTimeout(ee, 250)
function J() {
function ee() {
function te(e, t) {
v["__" + (o || !0 === t || !T ? "css" : "animate")]({
x: h[e][0].offsetLeft,
width: h[e][0].offsetWidth
}, {duration: 550, easing: "easeOutCubic", force3D: !0}), M = e
function ne() {
GALAXY.sizeMode > 2 || GALAXY.sizeMode;
m.each(function () {
var t = e(window).height() - e("#gnb .inner_header").height() - e("#gnb .country").height(),
n = e(this).height();
"g-products" == e(this).parent().parent().attr("id") && (n += Math.ceil(e(this).css("paddingBottom").replace("px", ""))), t < n ? e(this).parent().addClass("overheight") : e(this).parent().removeClass("overheight")
}), D > 0 && te(k, !0)
b.hover(function () {
}, function () {
}), A.on("click", function () {
F(e(this).attr("data-video"), e(this).attr("tabindex")), e(this).addClass("play")
}), w.on("click", function () {
return F(e(this).attr("data-video"), e(this).attr("tabindex")), e("#gnb .feature-1 .menu li .selected").removeClass("selected"), e(this).addClass("selected"), !1
var ie = location.href.split("/#")[1],
ae = ["gnb_products", "gnb_how-tos", "gnb_gallery", "gnb_events", "gnb_apps"].indexOf(ie);
return null != ie && -1 != ae && e("#gnb .g-tabs li").eq(ae).find("> a").click(), {
open: $,
scroll: function (e) {
var t = 1 == GALAXY.sizeMode ? 40 : 100;
i.decideClass("clear", e > t)
resize: ne
}(), n = function () {
var n = e("#wrap"), i = e("#header"), a = e("#contents"),
o = e('#contents > [class^="m_"]:first'), r = e("#subnav"), l = r.find("div.inside"),
d = r.find("div.scrollbox"), c = r.find(".inside ul a"), u = r.find("p.gnb a"),
h = r.find("p.pre-button").clone(), f = r.find("div.line"), p = r.find("div.bar"),
m = !!r.hasClass("nav-type1"), v = r.hasClass("single"), g = 0, b = 0, A = 0, w = 75, y = 0,
L = !1, x = 0, C = null, _ = !e.browser.ios, X = 0, G = c.length;
if (GALAXY.isGalaxy || e("#subnav p.gnb").remove(), !r.length) return {
display: e.noop,
scroll: e.noop,
resize: e.noop
for (e("html").hasClass("rtl") && (_ = !1), _ && (_ = e("html").hasClass("chrome") ? new IScroll(l[0], {
scrollX: !0,
scrollY: !1,
disablePointer: !0,
disableTouch: !1,
disableMouse: !1,
scrollbars: !1,
interactiveScrollbars: !1,
preventDefaultException: {tagName: /(a|img|span)/i}
}) : new IScroll(l[0], {
scrollX: !0,
scrollY: !1,
scrollbars: !1,
interactiveScrollbars: !1,
preventDefaultException: {tagName: /(a|img|span)/i}
}), p.appendTo(l.find("ul")), _.on("scrollEnd", function () {
})), m && e("#wrap").length && (e("#wrap").addClass("subnav-type1"), e("#wrap").hasClass("bright-header") && e("#wrap").addClass("bright-header-background")), n.addClass("has-subnav"), s || c.mouseenter(k).mouseleave(M).mousedown(function () {
z(this.parentNode, !0)
}).focus(k).blur(M), c.click(function () {
}); X < G; X++) c[X] = e(c[X]), c[X].parent().hasClass("on") && (x = X);
function Y() {
function k() {
Y(), z(this.parentNode)
function M() {
Y(), C = setTimeout(T, 250)
function T() {
v && (x = r.find(".on").index()), z(c[x][0])
function z(t, n) {
var i, a, s = t.offsetLeft, o = t.offsetWidth;
if (e("html").hasClass("s34") && e("html").hasClass("ios") && (s = c[x].offset().left), m && (a = "a" == t.tagName.toLowerCase() ? e(t) : e(t).find(">a"), i = parseInt(a.css("paddingLeft"), 10), GALAXY.isGalaxy ? (s += i, o -= 2 * i) : e("html").hasClass("rtl") ? (s = l.children("ul").width(), s -= a.offset().left - l.children("ul").offset().left, s -= a.parent().width() - parseInt(a.css("paddingLeft")), s *= -1, o = a.width(), e("html").hasClass("huawei") && (s = 0, s += l.find("ul").width() - l[0].offsetWidth, s += parseInt(a.css("paddingLeft")), s -= l.find("ul").width() - (a.offset().left + a.width() + l.find("ul").width() - l[0].offsetWidth))) : (s += i, o -= 2 * i)), e("html").hasClass("rtl") && !m) {
var d = l.children("ul").width(), u = t.offsetWidth, h = l.width(),
f = Math.ceil(l.children("ul").css("paddingLeft").replace("px", "")),
v = Math.ceil(l.children("ul").css("paddingRight").replace("px", ""));
if (null != f && (d += f), null != v && (d += v), e("html").hasClass("rtl") && h < d && e("html").hasClass("mobile")) d += h - d;
s = -(d - s) + u
r.hasClass("hold") || p.stop()["_" + (n ? "css" : "animate")]({
translate3dX: s,
width: o
}, {duration: 550, easing: "easeOutCubic", force3D: !0})
function I(t) {
var n = c[x][0].offsetLeft - l[0].offsetWidth / 2 + c[x][0].offsetWidth / 2;
if (_) {
if (_.refresh(), m) {
var i = r.find(".inside ul").outerWidth();
if (i > GALAXY.areaWidth) {
var s = e(window).width() / 2;
parseInt(e(c[x][0]).css("paddingLeft"), 10);
if (c[x][0].offsetLeft + c[x][0].offsetLeft / 2 > s) {
if (i - (c[x][0].offsetLeft + parseInt(e(c[x][0]).outerWidth(), 10)) <= s) var o = i - 2 * s; else o = c[x][0].offsetLeft - s + c[x].outerWidth() / 2;
_.scrollTo(-o, 0)
} else !0 !== t ? (e("html").hasClass("rtl") && e("html").hasClass("huawei") && e("html").hasClass("s1") && (n = l.find("ul").width() - l[0].offsetWidth), l.__css({scrollLeft: n}, {
duration: 550,
easing: "easeOutCubic",
force3D: !0
})) : l.stop().__animate({scrollLeft: n}, {
duration: 550,
easing: "easeOutCubic",
force3D: !0
a.hasClass("new_") && (_ ? S() : (E(), O()))
function S() {
if (a.hasClass("new_")) {
var t = l.outerWidth();
l.find("> ul").outerWidth() > t && (0 == _.x ? (e("#subnav").addClass("next"), e("#subnav").removeClass("prev")) : _.x == _.maxScrollX ? (e("#subnav").removeClass("next"), e("#subnav").addClass("prev")) : (e("#subnav").addClass("prev"), e("#subnav").addClass("next")))
function E() {
e("#subnav").removeClass("next prev");
var t = e(".inside").get(0).scrollLeft, n = e(".inside").width(),
i = 2 * Math.ceil(e(".inside").find("> ul").css("paddingLeft").replace("px", "")),
a = Math.ceil(e(".inside").find("> ul").width()) + i;
0 == t ? (n < a && e("#subnav").addClass("next"), e("#subnav").removeClass("prev")) : a - n == t || a - n - 1 == t || a - n + 1 == t ? (e("#subnav").removeClass("next"), e("#subnav").addClass("prev")) : (e("#subnav").addClass("prev"), e("#subnav").addClass("next"))
function O() {
if (e("html").hasClass("dotcom") && r.find(".scrollbox ul").length) {
var t = t = r.find(".pre-check").length ? r.find(".pre-check") : r.find(".preCheck");
t.removeClass("next prev");
var n = e("#subnav .scrollbox .scroll").get(0).scrollLeft,
i = e("#subnav .scrollbox .scroll").width(),
a = 2 * Math.ceil(e("#subnav .scrollbox .scroll").find("ul").css("paddingLeft").replace("px", "")),
s = Math.ceil(e("#subnav .scrollbox .scroll").find("ul").width()) + a;
0 == n ? (i < s && t.addClass("next"), e("#subnav").removeClass("prev")) : s - i == n || s - i - 1 == n || s - i + 1 == n ? (t.removeClass("next"), t.addClass("prev")) : (t.addClass("prev"), t.addClass("next"))
function H() {
GALAXY.isGalaxy || (g = o.offset().top);
var e = Math.min(GALAXY.areaHeight, g + b - GALAXY.scrollTop) - A, t = w > e,
i = GALAXY.scrollTop >= g + b - A;
t != L && (L = t, n.decideClass("subnav-fixed", L), s && (L ? h._stop().css("opacity", 0) : h.css({opacity: 1}))), r.css({
position: i ? "fixed" : "",
left: i ? a.offset().left : 0,
top: i ? Math.max(e, y) : b - A
}), a.hasClass("new_") && i ? r.addClass("newNav") : i || r.removeClass("newNav")
function D(t) {
if (GALAXY.sizeMode > 2) return !1;
var n = !r.hasClass("inside-open"),
i = e("#wrap").find("a,input,select,textarea,button,video,iframe").not("#subnav a"),
a = e(this).data(n ? "close-title" : "open-title");
return n ? (e(this).attr({
href: "#a",
title: a
}), e("#contents").get(0) && e("#contents").css("z-index", "10"), r.addClass("inside-open"), r.find(".subnav-menus").stop(!0).slideDown(), L && GALAXY.noScroll.on(), i.each(function () {
var t = e(this).attr("tabindex");
null != t && e(this).data("prev-tabindex", t), e(this).attr("tabindex", "-1")
}), _ && _.destroy()) : (e(this).attr({
href: "#a",
title: a
}), e("#contents").get(0) && e("#contents").css("z-index", ""), r.removeClass("inside-open"), r.find(".subnav-menus").stop(!0).slideUp(), GALAXY.noScroll.off(), i.each(function () {
var t = e(this).data("prev-tabindex");
null != t ? e(this).attr("tabindex", t) : e(this).removeAttr("tabindex")
})), W(), !1
function W(t) {
var s = GALAXY.scrollTop >= o.offset().top;
if (GALAXY.isGalaxy) {
n.decideClass("subnav-fixed", !0);
var d = parseInt(r.css("paddingTop")) || 0, u = Math.max(d - GALAXY.scrollTop, y),
h = a.offset().left, f = i.find("p.link");
left: h,
top: u
}).decideClass("header-fixed", !0), f._css({top: u}), e.support.transform ? r._css({
position: "fixed",
top: 0,
left: h,
translate3dY: e("html").hasClass("s34") ? u : 0
}) : r._css({
position: "fixed",
top: 0,
left: h,
paddingTop: e("html").hasClass("s34") ? u : 0
}), t && (GALAXY.sizeMode < 3 && 0 != GALAXY.sizeMode ? l.find("ul")._css({translate3dX: -l[0].scrollWidth})._animate({translate3dX: 0}, {
queue: !1,
duration: 550,
easing: "easeOutQuad",
complete: function () {
z(c[x][0], !0)
}) : z(c[x][0], !0))
} else {
var p, m, v, g, b, A;
if (m = r.find(".subnav-menus"), b = !!(GALAXY.sizeMode > 2), h = a.offset().left, v = !!r.hasClass("inside-open"), b && z(c[x][0], !0), g = Math.max(o.offset().top - GALAXY.scrollTop, y), t && (p = e("#subnav.nav-type1 .heading a"), b ? (r.removeClass("inside-open").removeAttr("style"), m.removeAttr("style"), p.off(".menuSlide").removeAttr("href title"), GALAXY.noScroll.off()) : (A = p.data(v ? "close-title" : "open-title"), p.attr({
href: "#a",
title: A
}).off(".menuSlide").on("click.menuSlide", D), r.find(".subnav-menus").css("top", e("#subnav .nav-header").height()))), s && !b && v && 0 == GALAXY.noScroll.activated && GALAXY.noScroll.on(), s ? (r.css({
position: "fixed",
left: b ? h : 0,
top: s ? 0 : g
}), v && !b && e.browser.ie && m.css({
position: "fixed",
top: e("#subnav .nav-header").height()
})) : (r.attr("style", ""), v && !b && e.browser.ie && m.css({
position: "absolute",
top: e("#subnav .nav-header").height()
})), t && GALAXY.sizeMode < 3 && 0 != GALAXY.sizeMode) {
var w = -l[0].scrollWidth;
e("html").hasClass("rtl") && (w = l[0].scrollWidth), l.find("ul")._css({translate3dX: w})._animate({translate3dX: 0}, {
queue: !1,
duration: 550,
easing: "easeOutQuad",
complete: function () {
z(c[x][0], !0)
n.decideClass("subnav-fixed", s)
function q() {
var t = GALAXY.sizeMode, n = GALAXY.sizeMode != GALAXY.prevSizeMode;
g = o.offset().top, b = o[0].offsetHeight, A = r[0].offsetHeight, w = t > 2 ? 75 : 0, y = t > 2 ? 0 : t > 1 ? -29 : -19, f.css("width", "").css("width", l[0].scrollWidth), z(c[x][0], !0), m ? W(n) : H(), function () {
if (e("html").hasClass("dotcom") && r.find(".scrollbox ul").length) {
var t = r.find(".preCheck").width(),
n = r.find(".pre-check .pre-button").length ? r.find(".pre-check .pre-button") : r.find(".preCheck .pre-button");
scrollWidth = d.width(), scrollulWidth = d.find("ul").width() + 2 * parseInt(d.find("ul").css("paddingLeft")), btnWidth = n.width() - 1, btnPad = parseInt(n.css("paddingRight")), 0 != btnWidth && (btnWidth += btnPad), t - btnWidth < scrollulWidth ? (d.css("width", t - (btnWidth + 1)), O()) : d.attr("style", "")
}(), _ ? (_.refresh(), I()) : a.hasClass("new_") && E()
return u.click(function () {
return t.open(u, function () {
}), r.addClass("hide"), !1
}), h.appendTo(i), a.hasClass("new_") && (e(".inside").on("scroll", function () {
}), $preCheck = r.find(".pre-check .scroll").length ? r.find(".pre-check .scroll") : r.find(".preCheck .scroll"), $preCheck.on("scroll", function () {
})), {
display: function () {
r.addClass("show"), I(), q()
}, scroll: function (e) {
m ? W() : H(), n.decideClass("subnav-passed", 1 == GALAXY.sizeMode && e > 80)
}, resize: q, reset: T, setScroll: I
}(), {
scroll: function (e) {
t.scroll(e), n.scroll(e)
}, resize: function () {
GALAXY.noScroll.resize(), t.resize(), n.resize()
}, onKeyVisualShow: function () {
}, resetSubNav: function () {
n.setScroll(!0), n.reset()
sections: function () {
var t, n, i, a = e("#wrap"), s = e("#contents"), o = s.children('[class^="m_"]'), r = a.find("#subnav"),
l = [], d = null, c = null, u = [], h = GALAXY.isMobile, f = GALAXY.isPoorBrowser,
p = e.support.transform, m = e.support.transition, v = (e.support.transform, GALAXY.parallaxAble),
g = /^(x|y|s|a|c)$/, b = /^(s|a)$/, A = 0, w = 0, y = o.length;
for (e.browser.ie && e.support.canvas && (!e(document.documentElement).hasClass("s1") && o.not("#kv, .m_spec_list").find('span[class*="ico_obj-"]').each(function () {
GALAXY.imageResizeViaCanvas(this.children[0], this.children[0].offsetWidth, this.children[0].offsetHeight)
}), !e(document.documentElement).hasClass("s1") && !e(document.documentElement).hasClass("s2") && o.filter(".m_spec_list").find('span[class*="ico_obj-"]').each(function () {
GALAXY.imageResizeViaCanvas(this.children[0], 200, 200)
})); A < y; A++, w++) if (l[w] = e(o[A]), u[w] = L(l[w]), !u[w]) {
for (t = 0, n = (d = l[w].children('[class^="m_"]')).length; t < n; w++, t++) l[w] = e(d[t]), u[w] = L(l[w]);
n ? w-- : u[w] = x(l[w])
function L(t) {
var n = t.attr("class") || "", i = t.children().not("nav"), a = i.length;
if (/^m_feature/.test(n) && /article/i.test(t[0].nodeName)) return x(t);
if (1 == a) return -1 != n.indexOf("m_product_gallery") ? function (t) {
var n, i, a = t.find("div.m_list"), s = [], o = t.find("nav"), r = o.find("a[class$=prev]"),
l = o.find("a[class$=next]"), d = o.find("div.c_paging-type2 a"), c = [], u = null,
p = t.attr("data-hash-name"), m = t.attr("data-layer-id"),
v = e(void 0 === m || "" === m ? "#layer-gallery" : "#" + m),
g = v.find(".c_txt_ly-type1 em"), b = v.find("ul.ly_gallery_list"),
A = v.find("button[class$=prev]"), w = v.find("button[class$=next]"),
y = v.find("div.m_paging_type1"), L = v.find("button.c_btn_close-type1"), C = e("#wrap"),
_ = null, X = "ie...", G = !1, Y = !1, k = !1, M = t.attr("data-has-list-image"), T = -1,
z = /(_s[1-4])?\.png/, I = [], S = 0, E = 0, O = 0, H = !0, D = !1, W = a.length,
q = a.first().find("> ul").length, R = a.first().find("li").length, B = x(t),
P = "product-gallery-ready-for-load", N = "", F = "", $ = 0;
void 0 !== p && "" !== p || (p = "gallery");
M && (M += ",");
for (d.bind("click touchend", function () {
var t;
if (H && (t = parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-index"))) != O) {
for (H = !1, f || (s[O]._animate({opacity: 0}, {
queue: !1,
duration: 500,
easing: "easeInOutQuad"
}), s[t].addClass("over").css({
zIndex: 1,
opacity: 0
}).show()._animate({opacity: 1}, {
queue: !1,
duration: 500,
easing: "easeInOutQuad",
complete: ee
})), O = t, $ = 0; $ < W; $++) e(d[$]).decideClass("on", $ == O);
f && (s[t].css({zIndex: 1}).show(), ee())
return !1
}); $ < W; $++) {
for (s[$] = e(a[$]), d[$] = e(d[$]).attr("data-index", $), c[$] = s[$].find("li"), i = 0; i < R; i++) c[$][i] = e(c[$][i]), c[$][i].find("a").attr("data-index", i).click(Q), h || f || c[$][i].find("a").bind({
mouseenter: V,
mouseleave: U,
focus: V,
blur: U
}), 0 == $ ? (N = GALAXY.setMediaBaseURL(c[$][i].find("img").attr("data-image")), M && (F = -1 != M.indexOf(GALAXY.sizeMode + ",") ? GALAXY.sizeMode : M.split(",")[0], N = N.replace(z, "_s" + F + ".png")), c[$][i].find("img").attr("src", N)) : c[$][i].find("img").addClass(P);
I[$] = d[$].text()
t.bind("welcome", function () {
e("." + P).each(function () {
N = GALAXY.setMediaBaseURL(e(this).attr("data-image")), M && (F = -1 != M.indexOf(GALAXY.sizeMode + ",") ? GALAXY.sizeMode : M.split(",")[0], N = N.replace(z, "_s" + F + ".png")), e(this).attr("src", N).removeClass(P)
}), a.xlider({
swipe: GALAXY.swipeAble, onChange: function (e) {
isSliding = !0, D || te(e)
}, onChangeEnd: function () {
D || (isSliding = !1)
}), r.click(function () {
for (var e = 0; e < W; e++) D = e != O, s[e].xlider("prev", e != O);
return D = !1, !1
}), l.click(function () {
for (var e = 0; e < W; e++) D = e != O, s[e].xlider("next", e != O);
return D = !1, !1
}), B.setSizeMode = function (e) {
T != e && (M && function (e) {
var n = -1 != M.indexOf(e + ",") ? e : M.split(",")[0];
t.find("div.m_list img").each(function () {
var e = this.src.replace(z, "_s" + n + ".png");
this.src != e && (this.src = e)
}(e), T = e), Z()
}, B.name = "product-gallery", te(0), ee(), GALAXY.hashMenu == p && s[O].find("a").eq(0).click();
function V() {
!isSliding && j(parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-index")))
function U() {
!isSliding && j(-1)
function j(e) {
for ($ = 0, $currentItems = c[O]; $ < R; $++) $currentItems[$]._stop()._animate({opacity: -1 == e || $ == e ? 1 : .5}, {
queue: !1,
duration: 350,
easing: "easeOutQuad"
function Q() {
var t = parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-index"));
return G || ((_ = C.find("a,input,select,textarea,button,video,iframe")).each(function () {
var t = e(this).attr("tabindex");
null != t && e(this).data("prev-tabindex", t), e(this).attr("tabindex", "-1")
}), u = e(this), function () {
var t, i, a = s[O].find("img"), o = s[O].find("a");
if (!Y) {
for (i = 0; i < R; i++) e('
').appendTo(b), e('' + a[i].alt + "").appendTo(y);
for (t = b.find("img"), i = 0; i < R; i++) t[i].alt = a[i].alt;
L.bind("click touchend", J), y.find("a").click(function () {
k = !0
}).each(function (t) {
var n = o.eq(t).attr("data-omni");
n && n.length > 0 && e(this).attr({"data-omni": n}).click(GALAXY.tracking)
}), b.xlider({
endless: !0,
swipe: GALAXY.swipeAble,
onMove: f ? null : K,
arrows: [A, w],
paging: y,
onChange: function (e) {
E, E = e
onChangeEnd: function (e) {
null, k = !1
}), v.bind("touchmove", GALAXY.preventDefault), Y = !0
for (t = b.find("img"), i = 0; i < R; i++) t[i].src = a[i].src.replace(z, ".png"), t[i].alt = a[i].alt;
M && e.browser.ie && (n = b.find('img[src*="-perspective"]'))
}(), g.html(I[O]), b.xlider("change", t, !0), f || (b[0].children[t].style.opacity = 1), v.addClass("show"), GALAXY.setHash(p), GALAXY.noScroll.on(), G = !0, Z()), !1
function K(e) {
if (!k) ;
function Z() {
var e;
G && (b.css("marginTop", (b[0].parentNode.offsetHeight - b[0].offsetHeight) / 2), n && (e = b[0].offsetHeight > 650 ? "" : "_m") != X && (n.each(function () {
this.src = this.src.replace(/(_m)?\.png/i, e + ".png")
}), X = e))
function J() {
return v.removeClass("show"), _.each(function () {
var t = e(this).data("prev-tabindex");
null != t ? e(this).attr("tabindex", t) : e(this).removeAttr("tabindex")
}), u && u.focus(), u = null, GALAXY.setHash(""), GALAXY.setTransitionEndEvent(v, function () {
}), G = !1, X = "...", !1
function ee() {
for (H = !0, $ = 0; $ < W; $++) s[$].removeClass("over").css({zIndex: 0}), $ != O && s[$].hide()
function te(e) {
var t;
for (S = e, r.decideClass("hide", !S), l.decideClass("hide", S == q - 1), S ? r.attr("tabindex", 0).css("zIndex", 2) : (r.attr("tabindex", -1).css("zIndex", -1), r.on("click", function () {
})), S == q - 1 ? l.attr("tabindex", -1).css("zIndex", -1) : (l.attr("tabindex", 0).css("zIndex", 2), l.on("click", function () {
})), D = !0, t = 0; t < W; t++) t != O && s[t].xlider("change", S, !0);
D = !1
return B
}(t) : -1 != n.indexOf("m_content-new-gallery") ? function (t) {
var n, i, a, s, o, r, l, d = t.find(">article"), c = -1, u = "ready-product-gallery",
h = t.data("has-list-image") || "4,", f = /(_s[1-4])?\.png/, p = !1, m = !0,
v = e("html").hasClass("rtl") ? -1 : 1, g = e("html").hasClass("rtl") ? "right" : "left",
b = t.data("hashname") || 0, A = t.data("layer-id") || "",
w = t.data("title-animation") || "none", y = e(document),
L = t.find(".m_product-container"), C = t.find(".c_product_tit"),
_ = t.find(".c_paging-type"), X = t.find(".m_gallery-title a"),
G = t.find(".m_btn_type1-prev, .m_btn_type2-prev"),
Y = t.find(".m_btn_type1-next, .m_btn_type2-next"), k = L.find(".m_product-gallery"),
M = k.find(".m_product-color"), T = 0, z = M.eq(0).find(".m_list").length,
I = M.eq(0).find(".m_list>li").length, S = {x: 0, y: 0, t: 0}, E = void 0, O = !0, H = 0,
D = 0, W = 0, q = Math.max(t.data("product-index") || M.find(".m_list.on").index(), 0),
R = 0, B = 0, P = 0, N = !1,
F = "transitionend webkitTransitionEnd mozTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd msTransitionEnd",
$ = !1, V = null, U = !1, j = null, Q = [], K = e(""), Z = e("#wrap"), J = null,
ee = null, te = e.support.transform, ne = !1, ie = {x: 0, y: 0}, ae = {x: 0, y: 0}, se = !1;
function oe() {
(function () {
var t = 0, n = "" != b ? b.split(",") : [], i = n.length;
for (t = z - i; t > 0; t--) n.push("gallery" + t);
b = n;
var a = (n = "" != A ? A.split(",") : []).length;
for (t = z - a; t > 0; t--) n.push("layer-gallery" + t);
A = n, e.each(A, function (t) {
e("#" + A[t]).get(0) ? Q.push(e("#" + A[t])) : Q.push(new Pe(A[t], X.eq(t).text())), K = K.add(Q[t].find(".c_btn_close-type1"))
})(), e.each(b, function (e) {
GALAXY.hashMenu == b[e] && (q = e)
}), M.each(function (t) {
re = e(this), le = re.data("color"), de = re.data("color-title"), ce = re.data("color-omni"), colorType = re.data("color-omni-type") || "microsite", re.find("li").length ? (_ && _.append('' + le + ""), ne ? re.hide().removeClass("on").find("img").addClass(u) : (ne = !0, re.show().addClass("on").find("img").each(me))) : re.remove()
}), M = k.find(".m_product-color"), (_ = _.find("a")).eq(0).addClass("on");
var re, le, de, ce;
function ue(n) {
var i = t.offset().left, a = n.pageX - i, s = t.width() / 3, o = !e("html").hasClass("rtl");
a <= s ? (G.decideClass("view", o), Y.decideClass("view", !o)) : a >= 2 * s ? (G.decideClass("view", !o), Y.decideClass("view", o)) : (G.removeClass("view"), Y.removeClass("view"))
function he(n) {
if (c != n || -1 === n) {
if (c = n, h && t.find("div.m_list img").each(me), setTimeout(function () {
H = M.eq(R).find("li img").width(), M.css(g, -H / 2)
}, 100), X.length) {
var i = X.eq(q), a = e(".m_gallery-title span.line");
a.css({width: i.outerWidth(), left: i.position().left})
$ && (clearTimeout(V), V = setTimeout(ke, 300))
function fe(e) {
if (d.addClass("show"), e && !p) if (p = !0, d.addClass("visible"), te) L._animate({translate3dX: 0}, {
duration: 1650,
easing: "easeOutBack",
force3D: !0
}); else {
L.animate({containerMargin: 0}, 1650, "easeOutBack")
} else e || d.removeClass("visible")
function pe(e) {
e ? p || (te ? L._css({
translate3dX: -4e3 * v,
force3D: !0
}) : L.css("margin-" + g, -4e3)) : m && (t.trigger("welcome"), m = !1)
function me(t) {
var n, i, a;
a = t || GALAXY.sizeMode, i = GALAXY.setMediaBaseURL(e(this).attr("data-image")), h && (n = -1 != h.indexOf(a + ",") ? a : h.split(",")[0], i = i.replace(f, "_s" + n + ".png")), e(this).attr("src", i).removeClass(u)
function ve() {
e("." + u).each(me)
function ge(t) {
var n = e(this).index();
if (n != q) {
B = I / z * n, Ce(n), Xe()
return !1
function be() {
return we(B - 1), !1
function Ae() {
return we(B + 1), !1
function we(e) {
B = e, B = Math.min(Math.max(B, 0), I - 1), Xe();
var t = M.eq(R).find(".m_list li").eq(B);
productIndex = t.closest(".m_list").index(), Ce(productIndex)
function ye(e) {
if (!N) {
if ("mousedown" == e.type && e.originalEvent.button) return !1;
N = !0;
var t = GALAXY.getEventPoint(e);
S = {
x: t[0],
y: t[1],
t: +new Date
}, E = void 0, O = !0, W = 0, P = B, L.on("mousemove.galleryMove touchmove.galleryMove", Le), y.on("mouseup.galleryEnd touchend.galleryEnd", xe)
GALAXY.isMobile || e.preventDefault()
function Le(e) {
var t = GALAXY.getEventPoint(e),
n = {x: (t[0] - S.x) * v, y: (t[1] - S.y) * v, t: +new Date - S.t};
void 0 === E && n.t > 25 && Math.abs(n.x) > 4 && (E = !!(Math.abs(n.x) + 10 > Math.abs(n.y)), O = !1), !0 === E ? (_e(W = D + n.x), te ? k._css({
translate3dX: W * v,
force3D: !0
}) : k.css("margin-" + g, W), e.preventDefault()) : N = !1
function xe(t) {
var n, i, a, s, o;
if (!0 === E) if (O = !0, n = GALAXY.getEventPoint(t), i = {
x: n[0] - S.x,
t: +new Date - S.t
}, a = i.x / i.t, P == B && Math.abs(i.x) < H) {
var r = e("html").hasClass("rtl") ? i.x < 0 : i.x > 0;
r ? be() : Ae()
} else Math.abs(a) > 1 ? (M.eq(R).find("li").removeClass("cur"), s = (W += a * H * .4 * v) * v, o = function (e) {
_e(e.translate3dX * v), Math.ceil(e.translate3dX) == Math.ceil(s) && (_e(D = W), Xe(450))
}, s = -1 == v ? Math.min(Math.max(s, 0), (I - 1) * -H * v) : Math.max(Math.min(s, 0), (I - 1) * -H * v), k._animate({translate3dX: s}, {
duration: 1e3,
easing: "easeOutCubic",
force3D: !0,
step: o
})) : Xe();
L.off(".galleryMove"), y.off(".galleryEnd")
function Ce(t) {
if (X.length && C.length) {
var n = X.eq(t), i = e(".m_gallery-title span.line"), a = !!(t > q);
"fade" == w ? (C.eq(0).stop().css("opacity", 0).text(e.trim(X.eq(q).text())).animate({opacity: 1}, 1250, "easeInOutQuad"), C.not("eq(0)").hide()) : "slide" == w && (T = T || C.width(), C.eq(q).stop().animate({left: a ? -T : T}, 400, "easeInOutQuad").addClass("on"), C.eq(t).css("left", a ? T : -T).stop().animate({left: 0}, 400, "easeInOutQuad").removeClass("on")), q = t, X.removeClass("on").eq(q).addClass("on"), i.css({
width: n.outerWidth(),
left: n.position().left
} else q = Math.max(0, q)
function _e(e) {
var t = M.eq(R).find("li");
B = -1 * Math.floor((e + H / 2) / H), B = Math.min(Math.max(B, 0), I - 1), t.removeClass("cur").eq(B).addClass("cur"), Ce(t.eq(B).closest(".m_list").index())
function Xe(t) {
N = !0, D = H * B * -1;
var n = function () {
N = !1, E = void 0, 0 == B ? (G.removeClass("view"), GALAXY.setTransitionEndEvent(G, function () {
})) : G.show().unbind(F), B == I - 1 ? (Y.removeClass("view"), GALAXY.setTransitionEndEvent(Y, function () {
})) : Y.show().unbind(F)
if (te) k._animate({translate3dX: D * v}, {
duration: t,
easing: "easeInOutQuad",
force3D: !0,
complete: n
}); else {
k.animate({containerMargin: D}, t, n)
M.each(function () {
function Ge(t) {
var n = e(this)[0];
return O && void 0 === E && (B, B = e(this).closest(".m_product-color").find("a").index(this), productIndex = e(this).closest(".m_list").index(), Ce(productIndex), Xe(), "click" == t.type && Ye(n)), oe(), !1
function Ye(t) {
$ || ($ = !0, (j = Q[q]).show(), (J = Z.find("a,input,select,textarea,button,video,iframe")).each(function () {
var t = e(this).attr("tabindex");
null != t && e(this).data("prev-tabindex", t), e(this).attr("tabindex", "-1")
}), function () {
if (!j.length) return !1;
var t, n, i, a, s, o = Te().find("img"), r = Te().find("a"), l = o.length,
d = j.find(".m_ly_gallery"), c = j.find(".m_ly_thumnail");
if (!j.find(".m_ly_contents").children().length) {
var u;
d = e('
'), c = e('
'), j.find(".m_ly_contents").append(d).append(c);
var h = c.find("ul");
for (s = 0; s < l; s++) o[s].alt, o[s].src, u = '\n
', u += "\n\t", u += '\n\t\t', u += '\n\t\t', u += "\n\t", e(u += "\n
").appendTo(d.find("ul")), e('
for (i = d.find("a.zoom-area>img"), t = d.find("a.zoom"), n = t.find("img"), a = c.find("img"), c.find("li>a").each(function (t) {
var n = e(this), i = r.eq(t).attr("data-omni");
i && i.length && n.attr({"data-omni": i}).off("click.tracking").on("click.tracking", GALAXY.tracking), n.off(".thumb"), GALAXY.isMobile ? (n.on({"touchstart.thumb": Se}), n.on({"focus.thumb": ze})) : (n.on({"click.thumb": Se}), n.on({
"mouseenter.thumb focus.thumb": ze,
"mouseleave.thumb blur.thumb": Ie
}), s = 0; s < l; s++) i[s].src = o[s].src.replace(f, ".jpg"), i[s].alt = o[s].alt, a[s].src = o[s].src.replace(f, "_s.png"), a[s].alt = o[s].getAttribute("data-thum-alt"), n[s].src = t.data("large") ? o[s].src.replace(f, "_large.jpg") : i[s].src, n[s].alt = o[s].getAttribute("data-thum-alt"), GALAXY.loadImage(i.eq(s), function () {
var p = (m = B, (m || 0) % (I / z));
var m;
d.find("li").removeClass("cur").eq(p).addClass("cur"), c.find("li>a").removeClass("cur").eq(p).addClass("cur")
}(), GALAXY.isMobile && (e("#wrap").hide(), e("meta[name=viewport]").attr("content", "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.5, user-scalable=1")), ee = e(t), j.addClass("show"), K.one("click touchend", Me), GALAXY.isMobile || j.off(".layerTouchMove").on("touchmove.layerTouchMove", GALAXY.preventDefault), GALAXY.setHash(b[q]), GALAXY.noScroll.on(), ke())
function ke() {
if ($) {
var t, n = null, i = j.find(".m_ly_inner");
if (null != j.data("max-height")) {
var a = j.data("max-height").split(",");
a.push("0"), a = a.reverse(), t = parseInt(a[GALAXY.sizeMode])
} else t = [0, 560, 900, 754, 1034][GALAXY.sizeMode];
n = e(window).height() < t, t = 1 == GALAXY.sizeMode ? Math.min(e(window).height(), t) : t, GALAXY.isPoorBrowser ? i.css({
marginTop: n ? 0 : -t / 2,
height: t
}) : i.css({height: t}), j.decideClass("min", n), Ie(!0), He()
function Me() {
return se = !1, GALAXY.isMobile && (e("#wrap").show(), e("meta[name=viewport]").attr("content", "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no")), H || (c = -1, he(GALAXY.sizeMode)), j.find(".m_ly_gallery").decideClass("zoom-on", !1), j.removeClass("show"), J.each(function () {
var t = e(this).data("prev-tabindex");
null != t ? e(this).attr("tabindex", t) : e(this).removeAttr("tabindex")
}), ee && ee.focus(), ee = null, GALAXY.setHash(""), GALAXY.setTransitionEndEvent(j, function () {
GALAXY.noScroll.off(), j.hide()
}), $ = !1, !1
function Te() {
return M.eq(R).find(".m_list").eq(q)
function ze() {
if (!e(this).hasClass("cur")) {
var t = e(this), n = t.find(">img"), i = j.find(".m_ly_thumnail>span.line");
U = !0, i.stop(!0), i.css({
width: n.width() + 6,
height: n.height(),
top: t.position().top + parseInt(t.css("paddingTop"), 10) - 2,
left: t.position().left + parseInt(t.css("paddingLeft"), 10) - 3 - 2
function Ie(e) {
if (j.find(".m_ly_thumnail li>a.cur").length) {
U = !1;
var t = !0 === e ? 0 : 350;
setTimeout(function () {
if (!U) {
var e = j.find(".m_ly_thumnail"), t = e.find("li>a.cur"), n = t.find(">img"),
i = e.find(">span.line");
width: n.width() + 6,
height: n.height(),
top: t.position().top + parseInt(t.css("paddingTop"), 10) - 2,
left: t.position().left + parseInt(t.css("paddingLeft"), 10) - 3 - 2
}, t)
function Se() {
var t = j.find(".m_ly_thumnail li>a"), n = j.find(".m_ly_gallery li"),
i = j.find(".m_ly_thumnail a").index(this);
return n.eq(i).hasClass("cur") || (n.show().each(function (n) {
e(this).decideClass("cur", n == i), t.eq(n).decideClass("cur", n == i)
}), He()), Ie(!0), !1
function Ee() {
return se = !se, j.find(".m_ly_gallery").decideClass("zoom-on", se), He(), !1
function Oe(t) {
i && (ie = {x: 0, y: 0}, ae = {x: 0, y: 0}, o._css({
translate3dX: 0,
translate3dY: 0
}), r._css({
translate3dX: 0,
translate3dY: 0
}), o.off(".zmEvt"), e(document).off(".zmEvt"), t && (se = !1, o = null, r = null, clearTimeout(l), j.find("a.zoom").hide().removeClass("ani"), j.find(".m_ly_gallery").decideClass("zoom-on", !1)))
function He() {
i = j.find(".m_ly_gallery li.cur"), a = i.find("a.zoom-area"), s = a.find(">img"), o = i.find("a.zoom"), r = o.find("img"), setTimeout(function () {
}, 250), Oe(), a.off(".zoomControll").removeAttr("href").on("click.zoomControll", Ee), se && GALAXY.sizeMode > 2 && !GALAXY.isMobile ? (o.show(), o.on("touchstart.zmEvt mousedown.zmEvt", De), e(document).on("keydown.zmEvt", Be), o.on("click.zmEvt", GALAXY.preventDefault), o.addClass("ani"), clearTimeout(l), l = setTimeout(function () {
}, 2400)) : Oe(!0)
function De(t) {
var n = e(this);
n.removeClass("ani"), e(document).on("touchmove.zmEvt mousemove.zmEvt", We), e(document).on("touchend.zmEvt mouseup.zmEvt", Re), o.data({
start: GALAXY.getEventPoint(t),
startTime: +new Date
}), t.preventDefault()
function We(t) {
var n = o.data("start"), i = GALAXY.getEventPoint(t),
a = {x: i[0] - n[0] + ie.x, y: i[1] - n[1] + ie.y, t: +new Date - o.data("startTime")};
qe(a), t.preventDefault()
function qe(e, t) {
var n, l, d, c, u, h;
i.index(), n = parseInt(a.css("paddingLeft"), 10) + parseInt(a.css("paddingRight"), 10), l = parseInt(a.css("paddingTop"), 10) + parseInt(a.css("paddingBottom"), 10), d = s.width() - o.outerWidth() + n, c = s.height() - o.outerHeight() + l, d *= v, ae = -1 == v ? {
x: Math.max(Math.min(0, e.x), d),
y: Math.min(Math.max(0, e.y), c)
} : {
x: Math.min(Math.max(0, e.x), d),
y: Math.min(Math.max(0, e.y), c)
}, u = 2 * parseInt(r.css("marginLeft"), 10), h = 2 * parseInt(r.css("marginTop"), 10), r._css({
translate3dX: -ae.x / d * (r.width() - o.outerWidth() + u) * v,
translate3dY: -ae.y / c * (r.height() - o.outerHeight() + h)
}), o._css({translate3dX: ae.x, translate3dY: ae.y}), t && (ie = ae)
function Re(t) {
e(this), o.data("start"), GALAXY.getEventPoint(t);
ie = ae, e(document).off(".touchmove.zmEvt mousemove.zmEvt touchend.zmEvt mouseup.zmEvt"), t.preventDefault()
function Be(e) {
var t = ie;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 37:
t.x = ie.x - .15 * o.width(), qe(t);
case 38:
t.y = ie.y - .15 * o.width(), qe(t);
case 39:
t.x = ie.x + .15 * o.width(), qe(t);
case 40:
t.y = ie.y + .15 * o.width(), qe(t)
function Pe(t, n) {
var i = [];
return i.push("\x3c!-- layer - product image gallery --\x3e"), i.push('
'), i.push('\tProduct Gallery Layer'), i.push('\t
'), i.push('\t\t
'), i.push("\t
"), i.push('\t
'), i.push("\t
"), i.push('\t\t'), i.push("
"), i.push("\x3c!-- // layer - product image gallery --\x3e"), i = (i = (i = i.join("\r\n")).replace(/\{title\}/, n)).replace(/\{LayerId\}/, t), e("body").append(i), e("#" + t)
return function () {
te ? L._css({translate3dX: -4e3 * v, force3D: !0}) : L.css("margin-" + g, -4e3 * v);
var i = q;
q = -1, Ce(i), t.on("welcome", ve), _.on("click", function () {
var t = e(this).index();
return function (t) {
var n;
if (t != R) {
R = t;
var i = M.eq(t).find("li").length, a = i != I;
I = i;
var s = 0;
M.each(function (i) {
n = e(this), i == R ? (n.show().stop().animate({opacity: 1}, 650, "easeInOutQuad", function () {
}), n.find(".m_list").each(function (t) {
e(this).children().length ? (X.eq(t).show(), s++) : X.eq(t).hide()
})) : n.stop().animate({opacity: 0}, 650, "easeInOutQuad", function () {
}), _.removeClass("on").eq(t).addClass("on")
}), a && we(B % (I / s))
}(t), !1
}), X.on("click", ge), G.on("click", be).hide().on("focus", oe), Y.on("click", Ae).hide().on("focus", oe), L.on("mousedown touchstart", ye), t.on("mousemove.viewport", ue), M.find("a").on({"focus click": Ge}), (n = x(t)).setSizeMode = he, n.setVisible = fe, n.setInvisible = pe, n.name = "new-product-gallery", e.each(b, function (n) {
if (GALAXY.hashMenu == b[n]) {
e("html,body").scrollTop(t.offset().top - (e(window).height() - t.height()) / 2);
var i = M.eq(0).find(">.m_list").eq(n).find("a")[0];
}), M.find("a").attr({title: L.data("link-title")});
var a = M.find("li:first img");
GALAXY.loadImage(a, function () {
v = e("html").hasClass("rtl") ? -1 : 1, g = e("html").hasClass("rtl") ? "right" : "left", H = a.parent().outerWidth(), T = C.width(), M.css(g, -H / 2), Xe()
}), he(-1)
}(), n
}(t) : -1 != n.indexOf("m_content-colorset") ? function (t) {
var n = t.find("nav a"), i = t.find(".f_container figure"), a = null, s = null, o = x(t), r = 0,
l = 0, d = 0, c = n.length;
if (!i.get(0) || i.length < 2) return x(t);
o.name = "colorset", GALAXY.swipeAble && (a = e('
'), s = []);
for (; d < c; d++) n[d] = e(n[d]).attr("data-index", d).bind("click", u), i[d] = e(i[d]).show(), d && !f && e(i[d]).css("opacity", 0), a && (s[d] = e('
i[0].css("zIndex", 1), a && (a.appendTo(t), a.xlider({
endless: !0,
swipe: !0,
onMove: function (e) {
var t = Math.abs(e) / a[0].offsetWidth;
i[l]._css({opacity: 1 - t}), i[0 > e ? l == c - 1 ? 0 : l + 1 : l ? l - 1 : c - 1].css("opacity", t)
onChange: function (e) {
onChangeEnd: function (e) {
i[l]._css("translate3dX", 0), p(e), m()
function u() {
var e = parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-index"));
return l != e && (h(e), p(e), i[e].stop().css({
zIndex: 1,
opacity: 0,
display: "block"
}).animate({opacity: 1}, 500, "easeInOutSine", function () {
}), i[r].stop().animate({opacity: 0}, 500)), !1
function h(e) {
n[l].removeClass("on"), n[e].addClass("on")
function p(e) {
r = l, l = e
function m() {
i[r].css("zIndex", 0)
return o
}(i) : -1 != n.indexOf("m_content-video") ? function (t) {
var n = t.find(".f_container").find("a"), i = x(t), a = !1, s = "", o = "";
function r() {
return i.name = "video", n.click(function () {
return a || (s = n.attr("href").split("?v=")[1], o = n.attr("data-video-param"), m ? (GALAXY.setTransitionEndEvent(n.find("img.play"), r), t.parent().addClass("video-added")) : r(), a = !0), !1
}), i
}(i) : x(i);
if (n) {
if (-1 != n.indexOf("m_spec_list")) return function (e) {
var t = e.find("div.m_inner"), n = t.find("> ul"), i = e.find("div.m_more a"),
a = i.find("em"), s = x(e), o = !1;
s.name = "spec", i.click(l), a.html("Learn more"), "spec" == GALAXY.hashMenu && setTimeout(l, 1e3);
function l() {
var i, a;
return o ? o && (GALAXY.setHash(""), i = t.clone().removeClass("on").appendTo(t.parent()), a = i[0].offsetHeight, i.remove(), t.__animate({height: a}, {
queue: !1,
duration: 750,
easing: "easeInOutQuart",
complete: c
}), o = !1) : (GALAXY.setHash("spec"), GALAXY.setSmoothScrollTop(e[0].offsetTop + (r.length ? -r[0].offsetHeight : 0), 750), t._animate({height: n[0].offsetHeight}, {
queue: !1,
duration: 750,
easing: "easeInOutQuint",
complete: d
}), o = !0), !1
function d() {
t.addClass("on").css("height", ""), a.html("Close")
function c() {
t.removeClass("on").css("height", ""), a.html("Learn more")
return s
if (-1 != n.indexOf("m_content-slider")) return function (t) {
var n = t.find("> nav"), i = t.children().not("nav, .fixedCont"),
a = i.wrapAll('
').parent(), s = n.find("a[class*=-prev]"),
o = n.find("a[class*=-next]"), r = n.find('[class^="m_paging_type"]'), l = [], d = [],
c = r.attr("data-omni"), u = r.attr("data-alt"), h = r.hasClass("numbering"), f = 0,
p = !1, m = !0, v = /m_btn_type([0-9]+)/, g = /m_paging_type([0-9]+)/, b = 1, A = 1,
w = -1, y = 0, x = i.length, C = GALAXY.swipeAble;
v.test(s.attr("class")) && (b = parseInt(s.attr("class").match(v)[1]));
g.test(r.attr("class")) && (A = parseInt(r.attr("class").match(g)[1]));
null == u && (u = -1 != t[0].parentNode.className.indexOf("m_content_sub") ? "Sub Feature" : "Feature");
for (u = u ? u + " " : ""; y < x; y++) i[y] = e(i[y]).bind("tab-changed", G), h || (l[y] = e('", y + 1) + '"' : "") + ">" + u + (y + 1) + "").click(_).appendTo(r)), d[y] = L(e(i[y]));
h && (l = e("").appendTo(r));
t.hasClass("m_content-slider") && t.each(function () {
e(this).hasClass("videos") ? e(this).find(".m_paging_type2 a").each(function () {
var t = e(this).index();
e(this).attr("data-omni", ":banner_left:index_" + (t + 1))
}) : e(this).hasClass("banners") && e(this).find(".m_paging_type2 a").each(function () {
var t = e(this).index();
e(this).attr("data-omni", ":banner_right:index_" + (t + 1))
"quality" == t.attr("id") && (C = !1);
function _() {
var e = parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-page"));
return a.xlider("jump", e), !1
function X(n) {
if (w = n, h) l.html(w + 1 + "/" + x); else for (y = 0; y < x; y++) l[y].decideClass("on", y == w);
e(".main_contents").find(t) || (s.decideClass("hide", !w), o.decideClass("hide", w == x - 1)), G(), t.trigger("xlider-changed", {page: w})
function G() {
if (!(0 > w)) {
var e = "tab" == d[w].name ? d[w].getCurrentItem() : i[w],
t = e.attr("data-theme-arrow") || b, n = e.attr("data-theme-page") || A;
s.attr("class", s.attr("class").replace(v, "m_btn_type" + t)), o.attr("class", o.attr("class").replace(v, "m_btn_type" + t)), r.attr("class", r.attr("class").replace(g, "m_paging_type" + n))
function Y(e) {
f = e;
for (var t = 0; t < x; t++) d[t].setParallax(e)
function k(e) {
p = e;
for (var t = 0; t < x; t++) d[t].setVisible(t == w && e)
function M(e) {
m = e;
for (var t = 0; t < x; t++) d[t].setInvisible(!(2 > Math.abs(w - t)) || e)
return a.xlider({
swipe: C,
onChange: X,
endless: e(".main_contents").find(t),
onChangeEnd: function () {
for (Y(f), k(p), M(m), y = 0; y < x; y++) y != w && d[y].resetVideo()
}), s.click(function () {
return a.xlider("prev"), !1
}), o.click(function () {
return a.xlider("next"), !1
}), X(0), {
name: "slider", resetVideo: function () {
for (var e = 0; e < x; e++) d[e].resetVideo()
}, setSizeMode: function (e) {
for (var t = 0; t < x; t++) d[t].setSizeMode(e)
}, setParallax: Y, setVisible: k, setInvisible: M
if (-1 != n.indexOf("m_content-tab")) return function (t) {
for (var n = t.find("> nav"), i = t.children().not(n), a = n.find("a"), s = [], o = [], r = !1, l = !0, d = 0, c = -1, u = -1 != n[0].className.indexOf("c_tab2-"), h = !0, p = 0, m = i.length; p < m; p++) i[p] = e(i[p]), u && (s[p] = i[p].find('[class*="f_header-"]')), o[p] = L(i[p]);
function v() {
g(r), b(l)
function g(e) {
r = e;
for (var t = 0; t < m; t++) o[t].setVisible(t == c && e)
function b(e) {
l = e;
for (var t = 0; t < m; t++) o[t].setInvisible(t != c || e)
function A(e, t) {
for (var i = 0; i < m; i++) o[i].setSizeMode(e);
u && n["_" + (f || !0 !== t ? "css" : "animate")]({top: s[c][0].offsetTop + s[c][0].offsetHeight}, {
duration: 500,
easing: "easeInOutCubic"
return a.click(function () {
var s = a.index(this);
return s != c && (c = s, i[s].css({
left: 0,
zIndex: ++d
}), f || (i[s].css({opacity: 0}).animate({opacity: 1}, {
queue: !1,
duration: 500,
easing: "easeInOutQuad",
complete: v
}), !h && e.browser.firefox && v()), n.css("zIndex", d + 1), a.removeClass("on").eq(s).addClass("on"), t.trigger("tab-changed"), A(GALAXY.sizeMode, !h), h && (n.show(), h = !1)), !1
}).eq(0).click(), {
name: "tab", getCurrentItem: function () {
return i[c]
}, resetVideo: function () {
for (var e = 0; e < m; e++) o[e].resetVideo()
}, setSizeMode: A, setParallax: function (e) {
for (var t = 0; t < m; t++) o[t].setParallax(e)
}, setVisible: g, setInvisible: b
function x(t) {
var n, i, a, s = t.find("figure"), o = t.find("figure img"), r = null, l = [], d = [], c = [],
u = !1, h = !1, f = !1, m = !1, A = !1, w = !1, y = !0, L = [],
x = "kv" == t.parent().attr("id"), C = !1, _ = e({p: 0}), X = {
queue: !1,
duration: 850,
bystep: !1,
rounding: !1,
easing: "easeOutQuint",
step: function (e) {
for (var t, n, i, a = 0, s = r.length; a < s; a++) {
for (i = 0, t = {}, ""; i < d[a].length; i++) "c" != d[a][i][9] && (n = d[a][i][3] + (d[a][i][4] - d[a][i][3]) * e.p, t[d[a][i][9]] = d[a][i][2] = n);
r[a][0].style[p] = ["scale(", void 0 !== t.s ? t.s : 1, ", ", void 0 !== t.s ? t.s : 1, ")", " ", "translate3d(", t.x || 0, "px, ", t.y || 0, "px, 0)"].join(""), void 0 !== t.a && (r[a][0].style.opacity = t.a)
for (n = 0, a = s.length; n < a; n++) s[n] = e(s[n]), o[n] = e(o[n]), l[n] = GALAXY.getImageSources(o[n]), c[n] = GALAXY.setVideoControl(s[n], t), u = u || c[n], C = C || s[n].attr("data-parallax-video");
for (n = 0, a = (r = t.find("[data-parallax]")).length; n < a; n++) if (r[n] = e(r[n]), d[n] = r[n].attr("data-parallax"), d[n]) for (d[n] = d[n].split("|"), i = 0; i < d[n].length; i++) d[n][i] = d[n][i].split(","), g.test(d[n][i][0]) ? (d[n][i][10] = d[n][i][0].toLowerCase(), d[n][i].shift()) : d[n][i][9] = "y", "c" != d[n][i][9] && (d[n][i][0] = parseFloat(d[n][i][0]), d[n][i][1] = d[n][i][0] - parseFloat(d[n][i][1]), void 0 !== d[n][i][2] && (d[n][i][5] = parseFloat(d[n][i][2])), void 0 !== d[n][i][3] && (d[n][i][6] = parseFloat(d[n][i][3])), d[n][i][2] = 0, d[n][i][3] = 0, d[n][i][4] = 0, "s" == d[n][i][9] && (d[n][i][2] = d[n][i][0]));
function G() {
u && t.trigger("video-reset")
return (L = t.data("hello")) || (L = []), {
name: "article", resetVideo: G, setSizeMode: function (e) {
for (var n, i = 0, a = s.length; i < a; i++) n = "" + l[i][e], o[i][0] && o[i][0].src && -1 == o[i][0].src.indexOf(n.replace("./", "")) && (o[i][0].src = GALAXY.setMediaBaseURL(n)), u && (t.trigger("video-change"), 3 > e && !f ? (t.trigger("video-hide"), f = !0) : e > 2 && (f ? (t.trigger("video-show"), f = !1) : GALAXY.prevSizeMode !== e && t.trigger(x ? "video-play-kv" : "video-play")))
}, setParallax: function (e) {
var n, i, a, s, o;
if (v) {
if (e = Math.max(0, e, Math.min(1, e)), o = GALAXY.sizeMode, _._stop(), 3 > o) for (n = 0, a = r.length; n < a; n++) {
for (i = 0; i < d[n].length; i++) d[n][i][2] = 0;
r[n][0].style[p] = r[n][0].style.opacity = ""
} else {
for (n = 0, a = r.length; n < a; n++) for (i = 0; i < d[n].length; i++) "c" == d[n][i][9] ? window[d[n][i][0]] && window[d[n][i][0]](e) : (d[n][i][3] = d[n][i][2], s = d[n][i][0] - d[n][i][1] * e, void 0 !== d[n][i][5] && (s = Math.max(d[n][i][5], s)), void 0 !== d[n][i][6] && (s = Math.min(d[n][i][6], s)), 3 == o && "s" != d[n][i][9] && "a" != d[n][i][9] && (s *= .75), b.test(d[n][i][9]) || (s = Math.round(s)), d[n][i][4] = s);
_[0].p = 0, _._animate({p: 1}, X)
u && !f && C && e && 1 > e && t.trigger("video-parallax", e)
}, setVisible: function (e) {
e ? (m || (t.addClass("show"), m = !0), A || (t.addClass("visible").trigger("visible"), A = !0), !u || h || C || (t.trigger(x ? "video-play-kv" : "video-play"), h = !0)) : A && (t.removeClass("visible"), A = !1)
}, setInvisible: function (n) {
n ? w || (u && h && !C && (t.trigger(x ? "video-pause-kv" : "video-pause"), h = !1), L.length && e.each(L, function (e) {
void 0 !== this.linetype && "" != this.linetype || t.hasClass(this.css) && ("function" == typeof this.off && this.off(this.$elementTop), t.removeClass(this.css))
}), t.addClass("invisible").trigger("inactive").trigger("invisible"), G(), w = !0, this.updateHelloPosition()) : (w ? (t.removeClass("invisible").trigger("active"), w = !1) : y && t.trigger("active"), y && (t.trigger("welcome"), y = !1), this.updateHelloPosition()), w || this.checkHello()
}, updateHelloPosition: function () {
L.length && e.each(L, function () {
this.helloTop = this.$elementTop.offset().top, this.helloBottom = this.$elementBottom.offset().top + this.$elementBottom.height(), 1 == this.$elementReset.length && (this.helloReset = this.$elementReset.offset().top), this.viewportHeight = e(window).height()
}, checkHello: function () {
L.length && (GALAXY.helloReady || (GALAXY.helloReady = !0, e("html").addClass("hello-ready")), e.each(L, function (n) {
var i = ("" + this.baseLine).toLowerCase().indexOf("px") > -1 ? parseInt(this.baseLine) : this.viewportHeight / parseInt(this.baseLine, 10),
a = e("#subnav").height(), s = this.$elementTop.closest('section[class^="m_"]');
s.find("> article").length > 1 && (s = this.$elementTop.closest('article[class^="m_"]'));
var o = s.offset().top + s.outerHeight();
void 0 === this.linetype || "" == this.linetype ? this.helloTop < GALAXY.scrollTop + this.viewportHeight - i && this.helloBottom > GALAXY.scrollTop + i && (t.hasClass(this.css) || (t.addClass(this.css), "function" == typeof this.on && this.on(this.$elementTop))) : this.helloTop < GALAXY.scrollTop + a ? t.hasClass(this.css) || (t.addClass(this.css), "function" == typeof this.on && this.on(this.$elementTop)) : this.helloReset > GALAXY.scrollTop + this.viewportHeight - i ? t.hasClass(this.css) && (t.removeClass(this.css), "function" == typeof this.off && this.off(this.$elementTop)) : o < GALAXY.scrollTop + e(window).height() && (t.hasClass(this.css) || (t.addClass(this.css), "function" == typeof this.on && this.on(this.$elementTop)))
return i = l.length, s.find("a[data-layer-toggle]").each(GALAXY.setLayerToggler), e.browser.ie && e('[class*="logo_galaxy-"] img').each(function () {
var e = this.getAttribute("data-ie-fix");
"no" != e && (this.src = this.src.replace(".png", (e || "_ie") + ".png"))
}), c = function () {
var t, n, i, a, s, r = o.filter("#kv, #kv-type2"), l = r.find("article"),
d = l.find('[class*="f_header-"] .kv-title'), c = l.find('[class*="f_header-"] .kv-text'),
u = l.find("figure"), h = u.find("img"), p = u.find("video"), m = l.find("div.f_btn_pre"),
v = !1, g = !1, b = !1;
if (!r.length) return GALAXY.header && GALAXY.header.onKeyVisualShow(), {resize: e.noop};
if (!r.find("img").length) return GALAXY.header && GALAXY.header.onKeyVisualShow(), {resize: e.noop};
function A() {
g = !0, v && l.trigger("video-play")
function w() {
v = !0, g && A()
return a = (a = r.attr("id").match("kv-type([0-9])")) ? parseInt(a[1]) : 1, f || l.bind({
"video-play-kv": A,
"video-pause-kv": function () {
g = !1, l.trigger("video-pause")
}), d.show(), c.show(), m.show(), s = {
1: function () {
var e = i / 9 * 16, a = "", o = Math.min(n, 1920), l = i;
t > 2 ? (o > e && (e = o), .75 * e > o && (e = o / 7.5 * 10, l = Math.round(e / 16 * 9)), e / 16 * 9 > l && (a = (l - e / 16 * 9) / 2)) : (e = o = n, u.css("width", n), a = (i - function () {
for (var e = 0; e < h.length; e++) if (h[e].offsetHeight) return h[e].offsetHeight
}()) / 2, l = i), r.css({height: l}), u.css({
top: a,
width: e,
marginLeft: Math.min(0, (o - e) / 2)
}), p.css("height", .5625 * e), s.after(500, 1500, c.length ? 3e3 : 2e3, 1500)
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s.after(1e3, 500, 2e3)
}, after: function (e, t, n) {
b || (d.get(0) ? d.parent().show() : c.parent().show(), l.hasClass("invisible") ? w() : f || GALAXY.sizeMode > 1 || w(), b = !0), GALAXY.header && GALAXY.header.onKeyVisualShow()
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scroll: function (e) {
}, resize: function (o) {
t = o, n = Math.min(GALAXY.areaWidth, 1920), i = GALAXY.areaHeight, h.get(0) && GALAXY.loadImage(h, s[a]), null != location.href.match(/gallery/) && e("#subnav").length && GALAXY.header.onKeyVisualShow()
}(), {
scroll: function (t, n) {
for (var a, s, o, r, d, h, f = GALAXY.areaHeight, p = 0; p < i; p++) ((a = p ? l[p][0].getBoundingClientRect().top : e(l[p]).offset().top - t) > 0 || "none" != l[p].css("display")) && (s = l[p][0].offsetHeight, o = p ? -(a - f) / (f + s) : 1 - (s + a) / s, v && (d = o) >= -.15 && 1.15 >= d && u[p].setParallax(d), h = Math.min(.66 * s, .66 * GALAXY.areaHeight), r = Math.min(f, 0 >= a ? s + a : Math.min(s, f - a)), u[p].setVisible(r >= h), p ? u[p].setInvisible(0 > o || o > 1) : u[p].setInvisible(o > 1));
c.scroll && c.scroll(t)
}, resize: function () {
for (var t = 0, n = GALAXY.sizeMode; t < i; t++) u[t].setSizeMode(n);
c.resize(n), setTimeout(function () {
!1 === GALAXY.imageLoadCall && (e(document.documentElement).addClass("imageLoad"), imageLoadCall = !0)
}, 100)
footer: function () {
if (e("#footer").length) {
var t = e(document.documentElement), n = e("#footer"), i = n.find("a.c_btn_type3-more"),
a = n.find("div.f_more_content"), s = n.find("div.f_colors a"), o = e.support.opacity, r = null,
l = e.browser.mobile ? 350 : 750, d = !1, c = e(".seachArea .addsearch"),
u = e(".sitemap h2, .footerMenu h2"),
h = e(".sitemap .linkArea > strong, .footerMenu .linkArea > strong"), f = e("#wrap"), p = null;
i.keydown(function (t) {
13 == t.keyCode && e(this).data("keydown", "Y")
}).click(function () {
if (d) i.addClass("on").text("More").attr("data-omni", ":footer_close"), o ? a.slideUp({
queue: !1,
duration: 250,
easing: "easeOutCubic",
step: function (e, t) {
a.css("opacity", t.now / t.start)
}) : a.hide(), "Y" == e(this).data("keydown") && p && p.length && p.each(function () {
var t = e(this).data("prev-tabindex");
null != t ? e(this).attr("tabindex", t) : e(this).removeAttr("tabindex")
}), d = !1, GALAXY.setHash(""); else {
i.removeClass("on").text("Close").attr("data-omni", ":footer_more"), a.show(), o ? (a.stop().hide().slideDown({
queue: !1,
duration: 500,
easing: "easeOutCubic",
step: function (e, t) {
a.css("opacity", t.now / t.end)
}), setTimeout(function () {
GALAXY.setSmoothScrollTop(e("#footer-sitemap").offset().top - e("#subnav").height(), 750)
}, 250)) : (a.show(), GALAXY.setScrollTop(1e5)), "Y" == e(this).data("keydown") && (p = f.find("a,input,select,textarea,button,video,iframe").not(".c_btn_type3-more").not("#terms-and-conditions a")).each(function () {
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null != t && e(this).data("prev-tabindex", t), e(this).attr("tabindex", "-1")
}), d = !0;
try {
location.hash = i.attr("href").split("#")[1]
} catch (e) {
return e(this).data("keydown", "N"), !1
}), s.click(function () {
var n = -1 != this.title.toLowerCase().indexOf("high contrast");
return t.decideClass("color_yb", n), e._cookie.set("highContrastMode", n ? 1 : 0, 1, "/"), !1
}), n.find("a.c_btn_type3-top").click(v), n.find(".f_social_share a").click(GALAXY.sharing);
var m = setInterval(function () {
var t = e("#addsearch-results");
window.addsearch && t.get(0) && (t.appendTo(".addsearch-body"), clearInterval(m), addsearch.keydown = addsearch.tabKeydown = function (e) {
}, 100);
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e("html").hasClass("s1 mobile") && e(this).blur()
}), u.on("click", function () {
var t = e(this).parents("section");
return e("html").hasClass("s1") && (e(this).parent().hasClass("view") ? e(this).parent().hasClass("first") ? t.find(".view .mobileDev").stop().slideUp(500, function () {
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}) : (t.find(".view").hasClass("first") ? t.find(".view > div.mobileDev").stop().slideUp(500) : t.find(".view > ul.linkIn").stop().slideUp(500), t.find(".view").removeClass("view"), e(this).parent().hasClass("first") ? (e(this).parent().addClass("view"), t.find(".view .mobileDev").stop().slideDown(500)) : (e(this).parent().addClass("view"), t.find(".view > ul.linkIn").stop().slideDown(500)))), !1
}), h.on("click", function () {
var t = e(this).parents("section");
return e("html").hasClass("s1") && (e(this).parent().hasClass("viewIn") ? t.find(".view.first .viewIn > ul").stop().slideUp(500, function () {
t.find(".view.first .viewIn").removeClass("viewIn")
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}), r = function () {
var t = e("div.f_backtotop a"), i = e("#kv, #kv-type2"), a = !!i.length, s = !1, o = !1;
return e("#wrap").attr("data-no-topbutton") ? (e("div.f_backtotop").remove(), null) : (a || (t.addClass("rotate").html("Back to top of page"), t.addClass("hide"), s = !0), t.keydown(function (t) {
13 == t.keyCode && e(this).data("keydown", "Y")
}).click(function () {
if ("Y" != e(this).data("keydown")) {
if (!o) {
if (s) v(); else {
var t = i[0].offsetHeight;
e("#wrap").hasClass("subnav-type1") && (t += 25), GALAXY.setSmoothScrollTop(t, l)
return !1
e(this).data("keydown", "N")
}).focus(function (t) {
}), {
scroll: function (e, i) {
var r = n[0].offsetHeight + (d ? 0 : 30);
e > 250 && !s ? (a ? t.addClass("rotate").html("Back to top of page") : t.css({display: "block"}).removeClass("hide"), s = !0, t.attr("data-omni", ":backtotop")) : 250 >= e && s && (a ? (t.removeClass("rotate").html("Down"), t.attr("data-omni", ":toptobottom")) : (t.addClass("hide"), setTimeout(function () {
t.hasClass("hide") && t.css({display: "none"})
}, 450)), s = !1), i - r > e && o ? (t.css({display: "block"}).removeClass("hide"), o = !1) : e >= i - r && !o && (t.addClass("hide"), setTimeout(function () {
t.hasClass("hide") && t.css({display: "none"})
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}(), {
scroll: function (e, t) {
r && r.scroll(e, t)
}, resize: function (t, n) {
e("html").hasClass("s1") || (e(".mobileDev, .linkArea ul, .linkIn").stop(!0).removeAttr("style"), e(".linkArea").removeClass("viewIn"), e(".sitemap article").removeClass("view"), e(".footerMenu article").removeClass("view"))
function v() {
return GALAXY.setSmoothScrollTop(0, l), !1
setVideoControl: function (t, n, i) {
var a, s, o = null, r = "", l = t.find(".setting-img"),
d = -1 != (n.attr("class") || "").indexOf("-kv"), c = !1, u = !1, h = !1, f = !1, p = !0, m = !0,
v = 0, g = t.attr("data-none-play"), b = t.attr("data-no-preload"),
A = t.attr("data-abs-no-preload"), w = "",
y = (t.attr("data-set-img"), t.attr("data-media-v4") || t.attr("data-media-v4-mp4")),
L = t.attr("data-change-size"), x = t.attr("data-top-video"), C = t.attr("data-canvas-loop"),
_ = t.attr("data-parallax-video") || !1, X = GALAXY.isMobile;
if (null != y && (X = !1), null == b && (10 > e.browser.ie || X || GALAXY.isPoorNetwork) && "H" != t.attr("data-forced-network-speed") && null == i) return H(), !1;
if (null == i && (i = t.find('img:not(".setting-img")')), r = t.attr("data-media-video") || t.attr("data-media-video-mp4") || t.attr("data-media-v4") || t.attr("data-media-v4-mp4"), null != y) {
r = y;
var G = 0;
e(document).on("touchstart", function () {
0 == G && (G = 1, null == b && (null != y && GALAXY.oldIos && GALAXY.isMobile ? e("video").each(function () {
}) : e("video").each(function () {
"false" !== e(this).closest("figure").attr("data-muted") && e(this)[0].play()
if (!r) return !1;
void 0 === g && (w = " autoplay"), _ && (g = "none"), r = t.attr("data-media-video") || t.attr("data-media-v4");
var Y = t.attr("data-media-video-mp4") || t.attr("data-media-v4-mp4") || (r ? r + ".mp4" : ""),
k = t.attr("data-media-video-webm") || t.attr("data-media-v4-webm") || (r ? r + ".webm" : ""),
M = t.attr("data-media-video-ogv") || t.attr("data-media-v4-ogv") || (r ? r + ".ogv" : "");
r = {
mp4: "" != Y ? '' : "",
webm: "" != k ? '' : "",
ogv: "" != M ? '' : ""
}, a = t.attr("data-video-prefer-webm"), null != y && GALAXY.oldIos && GALAXY.isMobile && ($canvers = t.append(''));
var T, z, I = t.data("parallax-video") ? "" : null != A ? ' preload="none" ' : ' preload="auto" ';
void 0 !== b && (I = 'preload="none"');
var S, E = !0 === t.data("play-once"), O = !1 === t.data("muted") ? "" : "muted";
if (o = e([""].join("")).bind({
play: function () {
m && null == y ? (o[0].pause(), isNaN(o[0].duration) || (o[0].currentTime = 0)) : null == x && o[0].play()
}, playing: function () {
p && null != y && !GALAXY.oldIos && GALAXY.isMobile && void 0 === b ? (p = !1, clearInterval(T), T = setInterval(function () {
o[0].currentTime > .5 && (clearInterval(T), o[0].pause(), isNaN(o[0].duration) || (o[0].currentTime = -.1), e(o[0]).closest("figure.android").addClass("android-ready"), z = setInterval(function () {
(0 == o[0].currentTime || o[0].currentTime < 0) && (clearInterval(z), e(o[0]).addClass("ready"), e(o[0]).closest("article").hasClass("visible") && o[0].play(), n.addClass("video-ready"), R())
}, 100))
}, 100)) : GALAXY.isMobile || R()
}, canplay: function () {
c || (c = !0, this.duration, X && !d && GALAXY.sizeMode > 2 && q(), null != y && q(), u && D()), p && null != y && !GALAXY.oldIos && GALAXY.isMobile && !0 !== t.data("dont-play") && null == b && o[0].play(), GALAXY.isMobile || (e(o[0]).addClass("ready"), n.addClass("video-ready")), H()
}, ended: function () {
}, error: function () {
}).insertBefore(i), void 0 !== t.attr("data-cover")) {
if (10 > e.browser.ie && void 0 !== e.browser.ie) return !1;
o.after(e("hide-bg">")), (s = t.find(".hide-bg")).on("click", function () {
function H() {
l && l.remove()
function D() {
u = !0, c && !f && "none" != g && (q(), W())
function W() {
!o.hasClass("playend") && e(o[0]).hasClass("ready") && (o.css("opacity", "")[0].play(), h = !1)
function q() {
c && !h && (i.css("visibility", "hidden"), o.css("visibility", ""), h = !0)
function R() {
t.find(".hide-bg").length > 0 && s._css({opacity: "0"})
!GALAXY.oldIos && GALAXY.isMobile && o.on("click", function () {
}), setTimeout(function () {
null != y && GALAXY.oldIos && GALAXY.isMobile ? (S = new CanvasVideoPlayer({
videoSelector: o,
canvasSelector: t.find("canvas"),
loop: "loop" == C
}), t.find("canvas").data("canvasVideo", S), t.data("clickAble") || t.append('')) : null == y && (o.data("loaded") || (o.data("loaded", !0), o[0].load()))
}, 100), n.bind({
visible: function () {
if (m = !1, !0 === t.data("play-once") && t.find("video").hasClass("playend")) return;
null != y && GALAXY.oldIos && GALAXY.isMobile ? (h = !1, f = !0, "none" != g && null == b && S && S.play()) : null == y || GALAXY.oldIos ? null != y || GALAXY.sizeMode < 3 ? (h = !0, f = !1) : (h = !1, f = !1) : (f = !1, "none" != g && e(this).find("video").length > 0 && null == b && (e(this).find("video")[0].play(), e(this).find("video").on("canplay", function () {
p || (t.find(".hide-bg").css("opacity", 0), e(this)[0].play())
}, invisible: function () {
m = !0, null != y && e(this).find("video").length > 0 && e("html").hasClass("firefox") && (e(this).find("video")[0].pause(), isNaN(e(this).find("video")[0].duration) || (e(this).find("video")[0].currentTime = 0));
null != y && GALAXY.oldIos && GALAXY.isMobile && S && S.stop()
}, "video-play": D, "video-pause": function () {
u = !1, c && o[0].pause()
}, "video-reset": function () {
c && (E || (o[0].pause(), isNaN(o[0].duration) || (o[0].currentTime = 0), o.removeClass("playend")))
}, "video-show": function () {
q(), c && u && W(), f = !1
}, "video-hide": function () {
null == y ? (h || GALAXY.sizeMode < 3) && (o[0].pause(), i.css("visibility", ""), o.css("visibility", "hidden"), h = !1, f = !0) : f = !1
}, "video-change": function () {
if (null != L) {
var e, n = L, i = function (e) {
var t = e.attr("data-media-v4") || e.attr("data-media-v4-mp4").replace(".mp4", ""),
i = e.attr("data-media-v3") || 3 == n ? e.attr("data-media-v4-mp4").replace(".mp4", "_l") : t,
a = e.attr("data-media-v2") || 2 == n ? e.attr("data-media-v4-mp4").replace(".mp4", "_m") : i,
s = e.attr("data-media-v1") || 1 == n ? e.attr("data-media-v4-mp4").replace(".mp4", "_s") : a;
return [null, s, a, i, t]
}, a = function (n) {
null == n && (n = 4);
var a = '';
if (o.html(""), o.html(a).removeClass("ready playend"), GALAXY.prevSizeMode && GALAXY.prevSizeMode != GALAXY.sizeMode && o[0].load(), e = setInterval(function () {
o[0].pause(), isNaN(o[0].duration) || (o[0].currentTime = 0), clearInterval(e)
}, 100), void 0 !== t.attr("data-cover")) {
t.find("span.hide-bg img").attr("src", t.attr("data-cover").replace(".jpg", [null, "_s.jpg", "_m.jpg", "_l.jpg", ".jpg"][n]))
}, s = GALAXY.sizeMode;
s != v && (s <= n && (GALAXY.prevSizeMode > n || 0 == GALAXY.prevSizeMode) ? a(n) : s > n && GALAXY.prevSizeMode <= n && a())
}, "video-parallax": function (e, t) {
c && (t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, 1.25 * t - .125)), o.length && o[0].duration && B._animate({currentTime: t * o[0].duration}, {
queue: !1,
duration: 850,
bystep: !1,
rounding: !1,
easing: "easeOutCubic",
step: function (e) {
null != y && null != S ? S.video.currentTime = e.currentTime : o[0].currentTime = e.currentTime, B[0].currentTime = e.currentTime
var B = e({currentTime: 0});
return !0
setLayerToggler: function () {
var t = e(this), n = e(t.attr("href")), i = n.find(".layer-title"), a = null, s = !1;
n.length && (t.click(function () {
return a = t, s || (n.addClass("show"), GALAXY.noScroll.on(), i.focus(), s = !0), !1
}), n.find('button[class*="c_btn_close"]').click(function () {
s && (n.removeClass("show"), a && a.focus(), a = null, GALAXY.setTransitionEndEvent(n, function () {
}), s = !1)
vodPlayer: function () {
var t, n, i, a, s, o = null, r = !1, l = null, d = null, c = !1;
function u() {
r && (t.attr("aria-hidden", "true"), e("#wrap").removeAttr("aria-hidden"), t.removeClass("show"), d.each(function (t) {
var n = e(this).data("prev-tabindex");
null != n ? e(this).attr("tabindex", n) : e(this).removeAttr("tabindex")
}), c && o && o.focus(), o = null, GALAXY.setTransitionEndEvent(t, function () {
a.attr("src", "about:blank").detach(), GALAXY.noScroll.off()
}), r = !1, t.remove(), t = null, GALAXY.noScroll.off()), c = !1
return {
show: function (h, f, p) {
var m = h.split("?v=")[1];
e("#wrap").attr("aria-hidden", "true"), t || (t = e(['
', 'Movie player Layer', '
', '
Official introduction
', "
", '
', '', "
", '', "
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c = !0
}), s.bind("click", function () {
d.each(function (t) {
var n = e(this).data("prev-tabindex");
null != n ? e(this).attr("tabindex", n) : e(this).removeAttr("tabindex"), d.length - 1 == t && (s.attr("tabindex", "-1"), o.trigger("focus"), u())
}), t.bind("touchmove", GALAXY.preventDefault).appendTo(document.body)), t.removeAttr("aria-hidden"), r || (t.addClass("show"), s.attr("tabindex", "0"), f && (o = e(f)), a.attr("src", GALAXY.getYoutubePlayerLink(m, p)).appendTo(i), l = e("#wrap"), (d = l.find("a,input,select,textarea,button,video,iframe")).each(function (t) {
var n = e(this).attr("tabindex");
null != n && e(this).data("prev-tabindex", n), e(this).attr("tabindex", "-1"), d.length - 1 == t && e(".layer-title").trigger("focus")
}), n.focus(), void 0 !== o.attr("data-hidden-text") && t.find(".m_video_view").append('
' + o.attr("data-hidden-text") + "
"), GALAXY.noScroll.on(), r = !0)
}, hide: u
getYoutubePlayerLink: function (e, t, n) {
return "https://www.youtube.com/embed/" + e + "?showinfo=0&wmode=transparent&autoplay=1&rel=0"
imageResizeViaCanvas: function () {
function e(e, t, n, i, a, s) {
var o = document.createElement("canvas"), r = o.getContext("2d"), l = new Image;
l.onload = function () {
o.width = i, o.height = a, r.drawImage(l, 0, 0, i, a), this.onload = null, this.src = o.toDataURL(), s(this)
}, l.src = e.src
return function (t, n, i) {
var a, s, o = new Image;
function r(l) {
o = l, a / 2 > n && s / 2 > i ? (e(o, 0, 0, a / 2, s / 2, r), a /= 2, s /= 2) : a ? (e(o, 0, 0, n, i, r), a = s = 0) : t.src = o.src
o.onload = function () {
a = this.width, s = this.height, this.onload = null, r(this)
}, o.src = t.src
noScroll: function () {
var t, n, i, a, s, o, r, l, d;
function c() {
t = e(document.documentElement), n = e("#wrap"), i = e(GALAXY.isGalaxy ? "#header" : GALAXY.dom.header), a = i.find("p.link"), s = e("#gnb"), $gnbContentsBox = s.find(".g-contents"), o = s.find("p.g-close a"), r = e("#subnav p.gnb"), $subNavPreButton = e("#subnav p.pre-button"), l = e("div.f_backtotop"), d = GALAXY.scrollBarWidth
return {
activated: !1, on: function () {
var i = 0;
!t && c(), GALAXY.scrollFixSkip = !0, t.addClass("no-scroll").css("paddingRight", d), GALAXY.areaWidth > 1920 + d ? (i = d, s.css("paddingRight", i), s.addClass("wide")) : s.removeClass("wide"), l.css("paddingRight", d), n.hasClass("subnav-fixed") && (r.css("marginRight", d - i), $subNavPreButton.css("marginRight", d - i)), e("#subnav .subnav-menus").length && GALAXY.areaWidth < 1920 + d && (e("#subnav .pre-button").css("padding-right", d), e("#subnav .subnav-menus ul").css("margin-right", d), e("#subnav.nav-type1 .heading a").css("margin-right", d), e(".subnav-inner .gnb").css("margin-right", d)), GALAXY.noScroll.activated = !0, GALAXY.noScroll.resize()
}, off: function () {
GALAXY.noScroll.activated = !1, GALAXY.scrollFixSkip = !1, t.removeClass("no-scroll").css("paddingRight", ""), s.css("paddingRight", ""), $gnbContentsBox.css("right", ""), o.css("marginRight", ""), l.css("paddingRight", ""), r.css("marginRight", ""), $subNavPreButton.css("marginRight", ""), e("#subnav .subnav-menus").length && GALAXY.areaWidth < 1920 + d && (e("#subnav .subnav-menus ul").css("margin-right", ""), e("#subnav.nav-type1 .heading a").css("margin-right", ""), e(".subnav-inner .gnb").css("margin-right", ""), e("#subnav .pre-button").css("margin-right", ""))
}, resize: function () {
if (!t && c(), !GALAXY.isPoorBrowser) {
var e = Math.round((GALAXY.areaWidth - (i[0] ? i[0].offsetWidth : 0)) / 2);
GALAXY.noScroll.activated && (e += GALAXY.scrollBarWidth), a.css("marginRight", e)
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a.each(function () {
var t = e(this).data("o-prev-tabindex");
null != t ? e(this).attr("tabindex", t) : e(this).removeAttr("tabindex"), e(this).removeData("o-prev-tabindex")
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/#[A-Z0-9-_]+$/i.test(n) && (t = e(n)).length && GALAXY.setScrollTop(t.offset().top, 750)
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* Все представленные здесь характеристики и описания могут отличаться от фактических характеристик и описаний продукта. Компания Samsung оставляет за собой право вносить изменения в содержимое этой веб-страницы и характеристики описанного продукта в любое время без уведомления. Все функции, особенности, характеристики, графический интерфейс и другая информации о продукте, представленные на этой веб-странице, в том числе сведения о преимуществах, дизайне, ценах, компонентах, производительности, наличии и возможностях продукта могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления и обязательств. Изображения на экране приведены исключительно в демонстрационных целях.
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* Сеть. Поддерживаемые устройством диапазоны частот могут зависеть от региона или поставщика услуг.
Емкость батареи (мАч, типичное значение) - Типичные значения были получены в условиях лабораторных испытаний, проведенных третьими фирмами. Типичное значение - это среднее значение, учитывающее разбросы результатов измерений емкости нескольких образцов по методике, соответствующей стандарту IEC 61960. Фактический рабочий ресурс батареи может зависеть от сетевого окружения, особенностей использования и других факторов.
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