Washing machine door not closing

Last Update date : Nov 29. 2022

Samsung Washing machine doors are supposed to close and lock into place, if you encounter an issue where the door is not closing, please refer to the tips below.

A number of reasons may be responsible for faulty washer doors, and before you make the call to your technicians, take note of the following. 

1. Make sure nothing is trapped in the door

Reduce the size of the load and check the door handle for damage or wear. 

2. Inspect the door strike assembly for damage

If the door strike is broken, replace it. The door strike is not repairable -if it is broken, you must replace it.

3. Broken or fallen latches

The door latch assembly might be defective. Inspect the door latch for damage. If it is damaged, replace it. 

4. Broken or dirty gaskets

These gaskets may sometimes crack, break or get dirty, and this will make it difficult to close the doors smoothly. Be sure to clean and remove all the debris.

5. Contact us

We recommend you contact our professionals or visit the nearest Samsung Authorize Service Center to repair your appliances to avoid electric shocks and risks. 

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