A Samsung refrigerator door will not close properly

Last Update date : Jul 22. 2022

If the refrigerator or freezer doors will not close, it will impact cooling performance and eventually create frost. If you are experiencing issues to either to close your refrigerator door properly, follow the troubleshooting guide below to rectify the problem:

Common reasons the door won't stay closed

  • There's too much weight in the door.
  • The fridge isn't level. If the front of the refrigerator is tilted forward, the doors won't stay closed.
  • The refrigerator door hinge is loose and therefore causing the door to not close or shut properly.
  • Check whether the door seal is blocked by debris that prevents the door from closing. To clean the door seal, use a soft cloth with warm water.
  • Ensure that all shelves and drawers are properly pushed inside.
  • Check to make sure the door seal is in good condition with no tears or missing/brittle sections.

Here's what to do when your refrigerator's doors won't close.

Check 1. Inspect the door seal
Inspect the rubber seal around the door. Make sure it is not warped or damaged, preventing the door from closing. If the seal is damaged, visit the Support Center to request service.

Check 2. Make sure the door is not blocked
One of the simplest things to check is to make sure something (like food) isn't stopping the door from closing.

Check 3. Check the alignment of the shelves and drawers
Shelves and drawers that are not correctly installed can prevent the door from closing completely. For instructions specific to your model, refer to your user manual.

If the issue persists, we would like to recommend visiting the Service Center or contact our hotline. 

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