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Galaxy A54 5G Clear Case


A woman slides her lime Galaxy device wearing a Clear Case inside her jean pocket. A hand holds up a lime Galaxy device wearing a Clear Case to show the backside.

Sleek design

A white Galaxy device showing its back is surrounded by two Clear Cases to its left and right.

Spotless view

Two white Galaxy devices wearing Clear Cases are surrounded and decorated by various stickers as a hand sticks another one on the right Clear Case.



El color a la vista

Comparte su color, ¡que todos puedan verlo! El color de Galaxy A54 5G cobra vida gracias a la funda transparente Clear Case, que protege el dispositivo a la vez que te permite disfrutar de un agarre cómodo.

*Imagen simulada con fines ilustrativos.
A woman slides her lime Galaxy device wearing a Clear Case inside her jean pocket. A hand holds up a lime Galaxy device wearing a Clear Case to show the backside. A woman slides her lime Galaxy device wearing a Clear Case inside her jean pocket. A hand holds up a lime Galaxy device wearing a Clear Case to show the backside.

Más transparencia y claridad

El color de tu smartphone podrá apreciarse intacto, en el tono que has elegido. La transparencia de la funda Clear Case y su revestimiento, tanto en la superficie exterior como en la interior, te harán presumir de dispositivo.

A white Galaxy device showing its back is surrounded by two Clear Cases to its left and right. A white Galaxy device showing its back is surrounded by two Clear Cases to its left and right.

Decora tu smartphone

Tú eliges el estilo. La funda Clear Case te invita a mostrar el color original de tu Galaxy y también a personalizarlo con pegatinas. ¿Cuáles te pides?

Two white Galaxy devices wearing Clear Cases are surrounded and decorated by various stickers as a hand sticks another one on the right Clear Case. Two white Galaxy devices wearing Clear Cases are surrounded and decorated by various stickers as a hand sticks another one on the right Clear Case.

*Imagen simulada con fines ilustrativos. **Las pegatinas se venden por separado.

Diseño inspirado en la naturaleza

Dos claves lo definen: naturaleza y un diseño ecológico. Esta funda te ayudará a cuidar de Galaxy A54 5G sin dejar casi huella.

*La tecla lateral de la funda contiene un mínimo del 34% de material biológico.
A recycling symbol with three arrows looping back on themselves clockwise is shown at the center. Various types of products made of plastic surround the symbol. A recycling symbol with three arrows looping back on themselves clockwise is shown at the center. Various types of products made of plastic surround the symbol.
Back view of a Galaxy A54 5G device wearing a Clear Case is shown surrounded by thick green leaves. There is VALIDATED logo states "Side key of Clear Case (EF-QA546) contains a minimum of 34% biobased content. UL.COM/ECV." Back view of a Galaxy A54 5G device wearing a Clear Case is shown surrounded by thick green leaves. There is VALIDATED logo states "Side key of Clear Case (EF-QA546) contains a minimum of 34% biobased content. UL.COM/ECV."



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  • Transparent

  • Modelos compatibles

    Galaxy A54

  • Dimensiones

    79.2 x 160.7 x 11.2 mm

  • Peso

    28 g

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