Useful guide

Useful guide

for Home Appliances

Useful guide for Home Appliances Useful guide for Home Appliances


How to replace the water purifier filter for my refrigerator?
replace water purifier filter for refregerator replace water purifier filter for refregerator


What should I do when my refrigerator does not work properly?
refrigerator not working properly refrigerator not working properly


What should I do when water does not flow from dispenser properly?
water not properly dispensing water not properly dispensing

Washing Machines

Check the cleaning functions and sections on the washing machine

cleaning functions on front loading washing machine cleaning functions on front loading washing machine


What should I do when my dryer does not work properly?

dryer not working properly dryer not working properly


What should I do if there is a burning or bad smell when using the oven?

burning or bad smell when using oven burning or bad smell when using oven