What to do if you have burn-in on your Samsung OLED TV screen?

Last Update date : May 12. 2022

If you are experiencing burn-in issues on your Samsung OLED TV screen, please keep reading.

What is burn-in?

Burn-in is a visible mark that is left on the screen and remains no matter what you are watching or doing. This may be caused by leaving a fixed image on the screen for a long period of time and can be particularly noticeable on OLED TVs.

oled burn in low level oled burn in low level

Low level

oled burn in middle level oled burn in middle level

Middle level

oled burn in high level oled burn in high level

High level

You can run the Pixel Refresh function to recover your screen. This feature adjusts pixels to provide clearer screen recognition. Follow the steps below to run Pixel Refresh.

Step 1. Press the Home button on the Smart Remote and navigate to Menu > Settings > All Settings.

Step 2. Navigate to General & Privacy > Panel Care.

Step 3. Select Pixel Refresh.

Step 4. Select Start Now or Start After TV off.

oled burn in pixel refresh


  • Some features, such as reservation, recording, and voice recognition, may not be available during Pixel Refresh.
  • Run this function when you are experiencing image retention on your screen.
  • If the problem persists, contact Samsung Service for help.

Avoid playing video games that display fixed images for a long time

Most video games have some form of a user interface that gives you more information. This could be the speedometer in a racing game or the crosshair and health bar in an action game. If these features stay in the same place or if you play the game for a prolonged period of time, burn-in could happen.


  • If you are having trouble with your Samsung Smart TV, you should always check to see if there are any software updates available as these may contain a fix for your problem.
  • Device screenshots and menus may vary depending on the device model and software version.

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