Solve sound or image issues after changing HDMI UHD color settings

Last Update date : Jul 11. 2022


How to solve No sound or Image distortion after changing HDMI UHD color settings?


[ Symptom ]

 - When customer changes the settings of HDMI UHD color settings (MENU → PICTURE → PICTURE OPTIONS),

   TV does not have sound or image gets distored.


[ Affeced Model ]

 - 2014 UHD TV : HU7000, HU8500, HU8550, HU8700, HU9000



 - 2014 UHD TVs are designed to support HDMI 2.0 specification which could accept UHD 50P/60P 4:4:4 and

   4:2:2 signals. If customer want to connect the devices with 50P/60P of UHD resolution, they need to change

   HDMI UHD color settings to "ON".

   However customer set it to "ON" with normal devices, TV might not have sound or proper picture.


 ■ How to change the settings of HDMI UHD color.

    1) Go to MENU and select PICTURE, PICTURE OPTION

        Picture option 


    2) Select HDMI UHD Color and then change the option to "On"

        HDMI UHD Color  


    3) Make sure to unplug the selected HDMI cable.

        HDMI UHD color 2 


    4) Then TV shows "HDMI UHD Color" on Info Banner.

        HDMI UHD Color on Info banner 


      ※ If customer has weird sound and picture issues after changing "HDMI UHD Color" settings,

          please change it to "Off"



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