How to transfer photos from Samsung mobile to laptop?

Last Update date : Jul 11. 2022


Any photos that you've taken on your Samsung smartphone can be transferred to your PC for storage, editing and sharing. This process uses the USB cable supplied with your device however there are also ways to automatically back up your photos.


If you are uploading your photos because you have a new device, Samsung's Smart Switch app can copy all of your data, including photos, from your old device to a new one

  • The Samsung Flow feature allows your device to securely log into your computer and transfer your data using Near Field Communication (NFC)
  • If your device is compatible with the Samusung Cloud it can be used to back up all your device data, including photos

How to manually transfer your photos to a PC

1 Connect your smartphone to your computer using the USB cable supplied in the box

Please note: if you are not using the original cable, make sure the USB cable you are using supports MTP or PTP connections

2 If asked to Allow access to phone data? tap Allow to accept

Please note: this option may not appear depending on your device and if it has been connected to the PC in the past

transfer photos from my smartphone to my PC
3 Once connected, swipe down from the top of the screen to access your notifications
transfer photos from my smartphone to my PC
4 Tap on the notification from the Android System. It will say Tap for other USB options
transfer photos from my smartphone to my PC
5 This screen may look different depending on the device you are using. Tap an option that allows Transferring files or Transferring images
transfer photos from my smartphone to my PC
6 Now that your smartphone has a transfer connection it will appear on your PC as an available drive


You can find your device on the PC by opening your File Explorer and looking down the left hand column. You can also search under Devices and drives

Click on your device to open it

Please note: your smartphone may appear as a popup window on your PC automatically. This usually happens when the smartphone and PC have been connected before

transfer photos from my smartphone to my PC
7 Click on your device again


If you have an SD card it will appear here


transfer photos from my smartphone to my PC
8 You will be able to see all the files you have stored on your phone. Your photos can be found in the DCIM folder

Please note: if you save your photos to an SD card, they will be under DCIM in the SD card folder instead 

transfer photos from my smartphone to my PC

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