Add and manage devices and appliances in SmartThings

Last Update date : Jan 14. 2022

With the ever-growing number of smart devices and appliances in your home, you need a way to keep up with them all. Did you know there is an app that lets you control your smart devices right from your phone? That's right, the SmartThings app helps you add and manage all your smart devices from one place.

Note: If you are adding Z-Wave devices that have been connected previously, make sure they have been removed or excluded before adding them to the new hub.

On your Galaxy phone

When you are ready to take control of all your smart devices, just use the following guidelines. But first, you should double check that your devices are compatible.

Step 1. Navigate to and open the SmartThings app on your phone. 
Step 2. Tap the Devices tab, tap the Home icon, then choose your desired location for the device.
Step 3. Tap Add (the plus sign), then tap Add device.
Step 4. If the device uses Bluetooth, tap Scan nearby and if your device appears, select its name.

Add device on a Galaxy phone

Step 5. If your device isn't detected, you can add it manually. If it's a Samsung product, tap By device type to select the type of device, such as a hub, TV, etc. If not, tap By brand (Samsung, SmartThings, and so on). You can also search for your device in the search bar.
Step 6. From there, read the on-screen instructions to connect your device to SmartThings.
Step 7. When connecting a Samsung smart appliance, you may be required to press a button on the appliance to turn on its smart features and complete the connection. This is similar to agreeing to the terms to use the smart features.

On your iPhone

Your devices can be added using your iPhone as well. But first, you should double check if your devices are compatible.

Step 1. Navigate to and open the SmartThings app.
Step 2. Tap the Devices tab, then tap the Home icon, then choose your desired location for the device.
Step 3. Tap Add (the plus sign). If the device uses Bluetooth, you can tap Scan nearby at the bottom to find it too. 
Step 4. You can also add it manually by tapping either By device type or By brand, then choosing the device from the list. Or, tap the Search icon to search for it.

Add device on a iPhone

Step 5. Once you've selected your device, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup and connect your device.
Step 6. When connecting a Samsung smart appliance, you may be required to press a button on the appliance to turn on its smart features and complete the connection. This is similar to agreeing to the terms to use the smart features.


  • The available controls may vary depending on the device.

So, you've added your smart devices - now what? You can easily monitor and control them right from the app. You can even use your phone as a TV remote through SmartThings.

On your Galaxy phone

Step 1. Navigate to and open the SmartThings app. Tap the Devices tab, then tap the Home icon.
Step 2. Select your desired location with the devices you’d like to manage and tap the drop-down menu. Tap All devices. Here you can view, monitor, and control all registered devices for the location you selected.


  • To select a different location, tap the Home icon and tap your desired location. Tap the drop-down menu, then tap All devices again.
Control devices on a Galaxy phone

Step 3. Select your desired device and use the available settings to perform your desired actions.
Step 4. With some devices you may be prompted to tap Download so you can download the device’s controller.

On your iPhone

You can control your smart devices on your iPhone too.

Step 1. Navigate to and open the SmartThings app. Tap the Devices tab, then tap the Home icon.
Step 2. Select your desired location with the devices you’d like to manage. Then, tap the Home icon again and tap All devices.
Step 3. Tap your desired device to use the available settings.

Control devices on a iPhone


  • You cannot edit the details for Bluetooth devices.

If necessary, you can change the name or location of a connected device. For example, maybe you have multiple smart bulbs added and want to give them different names so you can tell them apart. Or maybe you moved a device to a new room in your house and want to change it in the app as well. Follow the steps below to change the name or location of a connected device.

On your Galaxy phone

Step 1. To edit a device's details, open the SmartThings app, tap the Devices tab, then tap the Home icon.
Step 2. Select your desired location, then swipe through the rooms to find the device you'd like to edit.
Step 3. Select the device, tap More options (the three vertical dots), then tap Edit. You can adjust the following:

Edit devices details on a Galaxy phone
  • Device name: Edit the name of the device.
  • Location: Change the device's location.
  • Room: Choose which room the device is in.
  • Set as favourite: Set the device as a favourite device.
  • Add to Home screen: Create a shortcut for the device on your phone's Home screen.
  • Delete device: Remove the device from your SmartThings account.

When you are finished editing the device, tap Save.

On your iPhone

You can edit the details using your iPhone as well.

Step 1. Navigate to and open the SmartThings app. Tap the Devices tab, then tap the Home icon.
Step 2. Select your desired location, then swipe through the rooms to find the device.
Step 3. Select the device, then tap More options (the three vertical dots).
Step 4. Tap Edit to adjust the device’s details.

Edit devices details on a iPhone

If you just got a new TV and want to remove the old one from SmartThings, it's easy to do so.

On your Galaxy phone

Step 1. Navigate to and open the SmartThings app.
Step 2. Tap the Devices tab, then tap the Home icon, then select your desired location. Swipe through the rooms and select the device you want to remove.
Step 3. Tap the device, then tap More options (the three vertical dots). Tap Edit.
Step 4. Tap Delete device, then tap Delete to confirm.

Remove devices on your Galaxy phone

On your iPhone

If you aren't using a device anymore, you can remove it from your iPhone as well.

Step 1. Navigate to and open the SmartThings app. Tap the Devices tab, then tap the Home icon.
Step 2. Select your desired location, then swipe through the rooms to find the device you’d like to remove.
Step 3. Tap the device, then tap More options (the three vertical dots).
Step 4. Tap Edit, then tap Delete device at the bottom. Tap Delete to confirm.

Remove devices on your iPhone

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