Enjoy up to RM3,510 savings*
Device model | Estimated trade-in value# |
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra | Up to RM3,510 |
Samsung Galaxy S24+ | Up to RM2,480 |
Samsung Galaxy S24 | Up to RM2,170 |
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 | Up to RM1,500 |
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 | Up to RM2,555 |
* Savings amount compares the RRP of the Samsung S25 Ultra against the estimated trade-in value of previous Samsung devices. Savings is accurate at time of print and is subject to change.
# Trade-in prices are indicative and are subject to change without prior notice. Trade-in prices are determined by our trade-in partner (CompAsia Sdn Bhd) and may vary from pricing guide provided, depending on the condition of the trade-in device. Please refer to the trade-in page for more information

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What should I do if I'm having trouble placing an order?For any technical difficulties you are experiencing with our website, please contact our Customer Support team at 1-800-88-9999 (24 hours / 7 days a week) for assistance.
How do I redeem my e-voucher gift?When you reach the Cart page, key in the promo code in the Promotions section below the selected products list.
How do I trade in my old device?Kindly refer to Trade- In details page here (https://www.samsung.com/my/trade-in/)
*T&Cs apply.