A white Samsung DVM S2 sits on a grey rooftop of the modern pink building. The words WindFree everywhere appear above.
Now, you can enjoy WindFree™ here, there and everywhere.
Samsung DVM S2 has broadened the experience of WindFree™ dramatically
with its latest innovative compressor, heat exchanger and AI feature.
A woman turns back and takes a bite of a popsicle. The word cool appears with several people smiling in front of the camera. The text changes to Cool. WindFree. It transitions quickly to a Samsung DVM S2 on the pink and grey rooftop of a building. The camera zooms into a vent and a woman in the office appears with her hair blowing in the wind. She smiles and checks her laptop screen. The words WindFree here appear and the woman's hair stops blowing. She stares outside the window and the camera pans to show another woman inside a store picking out clothes. The word here changes to there. The camera shifts again and a man appears in a grocery store and the word there changes to everywhere. The video now transitions into the Samsung DVM S2 on a rooftop again. The words All by DVM S2 appear to its left and right. The camera zooms into the Samsung DVM S2. It opens and the screen turns black with the text DVM S2 | WindFree in a large font and Digital Variable Multi and Compatible in a smaller font below it.
Why DVM S2?

Wider Range Compressor™
Enjoy the broadest range of cooling. A wider frequency range from 10 to 180Hz¹ provides WindFree™ and powerful cooling upon your needs.
A woman sits in front of her laptop. Under 10Hz windfree cooling mode, the woman turns to her right, where a man in a sailor suit is slowly pushing a pump. But her hair doesn't move. Then, the mode changes to powerful cooling mode under 180Hz. A man starts pushing the pump more intensely and the woman's hair starts blowing.
Bigger Heat Exchanger
Save energy and cooling costs. With a 36% larger² heat transfer area, cooling is now more energy-efficient than ever before.
A man in a red suit with the label hot carries an orange gym ball to a man in a blue suit, labelled cool. They bounce the gym ball together. The camera zooms out and several duplicates of these men bouncing the gym ball from a birds eye view. Then in the middle, the text 36% Larger Heat Transfer Area are indicated.
Faster AI Cooling
Get cool and feel comfort faster than ever. Thanks to AI which learns users' cooling patterns, target temperatures are reached 20% faster³.
4 identical men sit around a thermometer that says AI Lab. Below, the same identical men stand around a white table made of the letters A and I checking computers and charts. The camera slides down and a man puts up an open sign in a cafe. The label above a thermometer on top now changes to Cafe 24℃. Again, the camera shifts and a woman gets on her chair inside an office. The thermometer changes to Office 21℃. Then, a woman approaches an exercise bike in a gym and the thermometer changes to Gym 18℃.
The word COOL with two extra Os appears in a bold black font. Inside each O, there are short clips of different people smiling into the camera. A woman puts on sunglasses, a man dances, a man and a woman smile, and a young woman turns to the camera and smiles.


Wall Mounted

1Way Cassette

4Way Cassette

360 Cassette

¹ Based on models with DS2GR7046FVA compressor.
² Based on Samsung's measurements, comparing 33.6kW models of a DVM S2 and a conventional outdoor unit.
³ Based on internal testing of the cooling operation, with the temperature set at 22°C and using Auto mode for 4 hours, at a room temperature of 33°C and an external temperature of 35°C.