Izvēlies krāsa

Krāsa : Melns

Izvēlies izmērs

Studio Stand VG-SESB11K
Melns 43"

No 9,78 €/mėn. vai 199,00 €


Atklāj jaunas dizaina iespējas

Studio Stand statīvs

Kurš teicis, ka televizoram vienmēr jābūt piestiprinātam pie sienas? Studio Stand ir jauns risinājums Tavam interjeram. Novieto televizoru jebkur, kur Tu vēlies un pārvieto to pavisam vienkārši.

* Attēli simulēti tikai ilustratīviem nolūkiem. * Pieejams tikai saderīgiem modeļiem. * TV un pielāgojamie rāmji tiek pārdoti atsevišķi. * The Frame: Art Mode "Golden Gate Bridge Left", autors – Jorey Hurley, Etsy (2015).
The Frame TV sits on a black studio stand on top of a simple striped carpet. Onscreen is an image of a suspension bridge. The Frame TV sits on a black studio stand on top of a simple striped carpet. Onscreen is an image of a suspension bridge.

Pārvērt savu TV dizaina priekšmetā

Studio Stand statīvs atbrīvo vietu un ļauj novietot televizoru kā mākslas darbu uz molbertam līdzīga statīva. Tas veido mūsdienīgu dizaina pieskārienu, kas telpai piešķir pavisam jaunu izskatu. Ieslēgts vai izslēgts, tas lieliski papildinās telpas interjeru.

A Frame TV sits on a studio stand in a simple white room, its profile angled to the front. Next to it is the same TV with its front angled forward. A Frame TV sits on a studio stand in a simple white room, its profile angled to the front. Next to it is the same TV with its front angled forward.
Three TVs placed on Studio Stand are in various positions in a large and stylish living room with a white sofa and window. The TV in the middle by the sofa has a painting of penguins onscreen, while the TV on the left has a display of green leaves. On the right, the third TV is facing away. Three TVs placed on Studio Stand are in various positions in a large and stylish living room with a white sofa and window. The TV in the middle by the sofa has a painting of penguins onscreen, while the TV on the left has a display of green leaves. On the right, the third TV is facing away.

* The Frame: Art Mode "Puffin Colony Art Print, wimsical bird illustration wall décor", autors – David Scheirer, Etsy (2019).

Piešķir telpai jaunu izskatu

Vēlies mainīt telpas iekārtojumu? Eksperimentē un izmēģini arī Studio Stand. Pateicoties tam, Tu varēsi mainīt televizora novietojumu. Cerams, ka mūsu padomi Tevi iedvesmos!

* The Frame: Art Mode "Oberösterreichisches Bauernhaus", autors – Gustav Klimt
Three different scenarios of the Frame TV on a Studio Stand are layered on top of eachother. The top is labeled Dining room, where the TV has its back to a window, with twogirls holding surfboards at a beach onscreen. The middle is labeled Kidsroom, with the TVset next to a small blue kids table, two chairs, and a tent. Abstract art is onscreen. The bottom scenario is labeled at a corner. Here the TV is placed in a stylish living room near the windows with its back to the corner next to a large floor-to-ceiling windows. A father leans against a sofa, while the son lies on the carpet. The daughter leans against a big pillow under a blanket. A painting of a lake with trees is onscreen. Three different scenarios of the Frame TV on a Studio Stand are layered on top of eachother. The top is labeled Dining room, where the TV has its back to a window, with twogirls holding surfboards at a beach onscreen. The middle is labeled Kidsroom, with the TVset next to a small blue kids table, two chairs, and a tent. Abstract art is onscreen. The bottom scenario is labeled at a corner. Here the TV is placed in a stylish living room near the windows with its back to the corner next to a large floor-to-ceiling windows. A father leans against a sofa, while the son lies on the carpet. The daughter leans against a big pillow under a blanket. A painting of a lake with trees is onscreen.

Aizmirsti par nekārtīgiem vadiem

* 15 metru garais One Invisible Connection vads tiek pārdots atsevišķi.

Parocīgs un skaists risinājums vadiem

Estētiskam telpas iekārtojumam īpaši nozīmīga ir kārtība. Ar Studio Stand tas ir iespējams, jo visus vadus vari akurāti piestiprināt un paslēpt pie statīva kājas.

Ātra un viegla uzstādīšana

Ātra un viegla uzstādīšana

Ātra un viegla uzstādīšana Ātra un viegla uzstādīšana

Ar 3 viegliem un ātriem soļiem uzstādi statīvu – 1. Saliec statīva kājas. 2. Piestiprini atbalsta stiprinājumu televizora aizmugurē. 3. Savieno statīva kājas ar stiprinājumu un pievieno visus nepieciešamos vadus.

There are three steps to install the stand on the TV. Step 1 is assembling the stand legs. Step 2 is to align the support bracket to the back of the TV. Step 3 is to attach the stand leg to the bracket. There are three steps to install the stand on the TV. Step 1 is assembling the stand legs. Step 2 is to align the support bracket to the back of the TV. Step 3 is to attach the stand leg to the bracket.


  • Compatible Model


  • Product (WxHxD)

    914(L) x 414(W) x 145(H)

  • Produkts

    4.7 kg

  • Iepakojums


  • Ātrā pamācība


Lietotāja rokasgrāmata un lejupielādes

Instalēšanas pamācība

Versija 1.0 | 0.39 MB



Produktu atbalsts

Atrodiet atbildes uz jautājumu par produktu

Produktu atbalsts

Maksimāli izmanto Samsung ierīču priekšrocības un pakalpojumus.

Tiešsaistes tērzēšana

Uzzini, kā darbojas ierīces, un saņem padomus par tev atbilstošiem modeļiem.

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