What is sign in with Google?

Last Update date : Jun 15. 2022

Samsung offers the function to easily and conveniently use a Google account to sign into your Samsung account. So that you can have one account for two different applications.

If you want to sign into your Samsung account using your Google account, just follow these steps.

Step 1. Run your Samsung account and in the login screen, tap the “Sign in with Google”.

Step 2. Select which Google account you want to use to sign in.

Step 3. You will have to make a "Two-step verification" using the code that you will receive on your phone number. You can then use your Google account with your Samsung account.

If you have already signed in with a Samsung account but you want to sign in with your Google account, follow these steps.

Step 1. Run your “Settings” menu and tap into the “Google” option.

Step 2. In this screen, tap into the “Sign into your Google account” button.

Step 3. Select the Google account you want to use.

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