How to update the Game Booster app and check the version

Last Update date : Jul 22. 2022

You can update the Game Booster app to the latest version to keep improving your gaming experience in two different ways. You can also verify if you have the latest version of the Game Booster app installed.

How to update the Game Booster app

1. Open device settings

Step 1. Select “Apps” in device settings.

Step 2. Click “Game Booster”

Step 3. Click “Game Booster settings”.

Step 4. Select “About Game Booster”.

Step 5. Check and update, as needed, the latest version of the Game Booster app.

2. From the Game Booster main screen

Step 1. Select “Apps” in device settings.

Step 2. Click “Game Booster”

Step 3. Click “Game Booster settings”.

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