Can I get a refund for an app or in-app item?

Last Update date : Jun 15. 2022

Galaxy Store products are digital content. There must be an acceptable reason for requesting a refund.

Usually, an app or in-app item purchase cannot be cancelled or refunded once the download begins. If the content you purchased is different from what has been indicated or advertised or if it is implemented in a different way than what was specified in the terms and conditions, you may cancel the sale within 30 days of the date of purchase.

Note: Only make a purchase when you are sure you want the content.

Step 1. Log in to Galaxy Store and tap the “Menu” icon from the main screen.

Step 2. Tap the settings icon located at the top right of the Galaxy Store menu.

Step 3. Tap “About Galaxy Store.”

Step 4. Tap “Terms and Conditions.”

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