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Several Bespoke configurations in various settings change in quick succession. First, in a colorful and botanical kitchen, there is a Satin Beige 1-door and a 2-door unit with a Cotta White on top and a Cotta Lavender on the bottom. Then, the panel colors quickly change. Next, the background transitions to a purple and yellow themed kitchen as the same configuration color changes to a Satin Beige 1-door and a Glam Lavender 2-door unit. Again, the panel colors quickly change. Then, it transitions to 3 Bespoke refrigerators built into a cabinet in a row, including a 2-door unit with a Glam Navy top panel and a Satin Beige bottom panel, a Clean White 1-door unit, and a Satin Beige 1-door configuration. The panel colors quickly change again. In another kitchen, a man walks towards a 2-door unit and as he takes out a drink, the Bespoke logo pops up. The fridge door closes before a quick transition between a woman and a man opening a Bespoke fridge. In front the word Colorful is chosen from a reel of words, and the words Be Colorful appear. A woman taking out a bowl of salad from a fridge is captured from inside the fridge and the camera moves along as she walks out to the living room, and transitions to a close-up of a light bulb. Next, a man walks towards a fridge in the dark. The words Be Changeable are in front and in the background, there are quick transitions of various Bespoke configurations built in different spaces as a man and a woman moves around. This is followed by a quick succession of Bespoke combinations built in diverse settings, which are identical to the beginning scene of this video. Throughout this, the Bespoke logo stays constant in front. Then the word Bespoke scatters into Designed for you, by you.
مصمم لك وفق احتياجاتك

المنتج والمزايا

نقدم لك التصميم الجديد الذي يمكن تخصيصه وفق احتياجاتك وحدك
صمًم الثلاجة التي طالما أردتها وتمتّع بأسلوب أكثر مرونة ومساحة أكبر مع ثلاجات Bespoke من سامسونج. تتميز هذه الثلاجة بتصميم معياري وقابل للتخصيص، مع إمكانية اختيار أرقى الخامات وأجمل الألوان التي تناسب مطبخك.
Several Bespoke refrigerator styles appear in quick succession, all in various contemporary kitchen settings with different color schemes. First, there are two 2-Door units with the same Glam White panel on top and Glam Navy on the bottom. Then a 1-Door Glam White panel appears together with a 2-door Glam White top and Glam Pink bottom panel. Next, there is a 2-Door Bespoke refrigerator with a Glam White top and a Satin Gray bottom panel. Next, three 1-door Bespoke refrigerators are in a row. From left to right, their colors are Satin Sky Blue, Glam Pink, and Glam White. Then, two 1-door units, a Glam Navy panel and a Satin Gray panel, are side-by-side with the handles meeting in the middle to open outward. The refrigerator changes to a Satin Sky Blue panel then spreads into five different panels. On each panel five Bespoke colors are introduced, including Glam White, Glam Pink, Glam Navy, Satin Gray, Satin Sky Blue. Then appears a rush of sand on a black matt texture followed by a close-up cut of clean glass. The two types of glass panels, Glam and Satin, appear and rotate slightly. The video ends with the Bespoke logo in black on a white background, transitioning to the Samsung logo in white on a black background.
يمكنك دمج الثلاجات وضبط إعداداتها بمرونة
خصّص الثلاجات وادمجها كي تلائم أسلوب حياتك. تسمح لك ثلاجة Bespoke من سامسونج باختيار أنواع المنتجات وألوانها وخاماتها التي تلائم ذوقك واحتياجاتك. يمكنك البدء بوحدة واحدة ثم إضافة وحدات Bespoke جديدة بدلًا من استبدال الوحدة التي تملكها، بما يمكنك من إطالة دورة حياة الجهاز بفعالية.
The words customize just the way you want are on a white panel next to other panels of various sizes and Bespoke colors including Pink, Navy, Gray, Sky Blue. It transitions quickly through a variety of bespoke configurations on different color backgrounds. First, there is a 2-door configuration. Then the 2-door unit is combined with a 1-door unit. The two separate and another 1-door unit appears. Two 2-door units appear side-by-side. They separate and a 1-door is in the middle. Then it transitions to three 1-door refrigerators side by side. Then, several Bespoke color combinations appear. First, there are three 1-door Bespoke refrigerators in a row, Glam Pink, Satin Sky Blue, and Satin Gray. Then, a 2-door unit with a Glam White top and Satin Gray bottom appear before shifting to three 2-door units in a row. The bottom panel are all the same Glam White while the top panel colors are Satin Sky Blue, Glam Navy, and Glam Pink. The left unit disappears and is replaced by a 1-door Satin Gray, next to two 2-door unit of Glam White top and Glam Pink and Satin Sky Blue bottom panels. Next, two 2-door units appear. It uses Satin Sky Blue for both panels while the right side uses Glam navy for both. Three 1-door units appear in a row, including Glam Navy, Glam White, and Glam Pink. The video ends with the #SamsungBespoke hashtag in black on a white background, before transitioning to the Samsung logo in white on a black background.
مصممة لك وعلى ذوقك
أضف أسلوبك الشخصي إلى المطبخ - وما وراءه. اختر المجموعة المناسبة لك ، وابحث عن تطويرها عند الحاجة.
عش تجربة BESPOKE المميزة

صمم ثلاجتك بنفسك
ابدأ تجربة BESPOKE الخاصة بك من خلال تصميم ثلاجتك بالحجم واللون الذي تريده.
اختر التصميم الداخلي الأنسب ونوع الثلاجة المناسبة لاحتياجاتك بالتصميم والألوان والمواد التي تناسب ذوقك.
تعرّف على ثلاجة Bespoke الأحدث
يمكنك تصميم ثلاجتك أو اختيار المنتج النهائي المُصنع خصيصًا لك.
ثلاجة الفريزر السفلي, 340 لتر

فريزر باب واحد قابل للتحويل الى ثلاجة, 323 لتر

ثلاجة باب واحد BESPOKE, 387 لتر

حافلة بالمزايا
جمال التصميم لا يغني عن قوة الأداء. تمتاز ثلاجات BESPOKE بخصائص الأداء العالي لتلبية كافة احتياجاتك من المأكولات والمشروبات.
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