How to manage apps on Samsung smart TV?
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Samsung smart TVs provide access to numerous amazing applications, allowing you to easily enjoy your favorite entertainment. By using the apps menu, you can download, delete, lock, and unlock apps, providing greater control over who can access your media content.
You may find that some apps may have been pre-loaded onto your Smart TV. Some of these apps cannot be removed.
Please note: you need a Samsung account to download apps onto your smart TV. Find out more about setting up a Samsung account
Your television comes with several pre-installed applications and will suggest relevant apps based on your preferences. When you receive a recommendation for an app you wish to install, simply click on it to add it to your collection.

To automatically update apps on your Smart TV, you will need to follow the instructions below:

Apps that can be updated are indicated by a small white arrow in a blue circle.

Any apps with an available update will begin updating. This is indicated by a progress bar on the apps screen.

To close a running app on your Smart TV, you will need to press the RETURN button on your remote control. If an information window appears, you will need to keep the cursor on Exit, then press the enter button.
Please note: that some apps will not show a screen asking if you want to exit. In these cases the app will close immediately after pressing the RETURN button.

Samsung smart TV's give you the ability to lock any apps with a PIN code. This prevents anybody who doesn't know the PIN from being able to access and use the app.
Please note: the PIN code you enter will be the same as your TV security code. By default this is 0000.

Please note: locking an app requires a PIN to be entered every time you try to access it

Please note: that the default TV PIN is 0000 (four zeros)

To move an app on your Smart TV, you will need to follow the instructions below:

To remove an app on your Smart TV, you will need to follow the instructions below:

If you're experiencing problems with an app on your Smart TV, try some of the steps below. If you're still having trouble, please contact Samsung Support.
A network test can determine if your Smart TV is connected to the internet.
To run a network test on your Smart TV, press the Settings button on your remote, then go to: Network > Network Status. On some devices you will need to choose General before choosing Network.
If you are having trouble with your Samsung Smart TV, you should always check to see if there are any software updates available as these may contain a fix for your problem.
The easiest way to update your software is directly through the settings menu on your TV.
Press the Settings button on your remote, then go to: Support > Software Update > Update now If your TV isn't connected to the internet or your internet connection isn't stable, you can also update using a USB stick.
To delete and reinstall an app on your Smart TV, you will need to follow the instructions below:

Note- You could not delete preinstalled apps in LED TV.
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