What to do if your Samsung Galaxy device is not responding to S Pen Air actions

Last Update date : Nov 26. 2024

There are many reasons why your Galaxy device might not respond to S Pen Air actions. This guide will cover troubleshooting steps to address the common issues, such as checking the S Pen’s range, removing third-party accessories, and resetting the pen, if needed.

A person holding a Samsung S Pen over Galaxy devices


  • You can only connect an original Samsung S Pen that supports Bluetooth low energy (BLE) to remotely control the apps.
  • A pop-up may appear asking to grant permission to utilise the Air action feature in certain apps.

To use Air actions and remote features, the S Pen must stay within 10m of your phone or tablet without obstructions. Beyond this range, the connection may drop. If the connection is lost, insert the S Pen into your phone or attach it to your tablet to reconnect it.

Diagram of S Pen and Samsung Galaxy phone proximity.


  • If the S Pen becomes disconnected, it will reconnect to your device automatically if it is brought back into range of your device within five minutes.
  • If your S Pen is still not recognised by your phone or tablet, remove any third-party cases or covers from the device. Then, reconnect the S Pen.

Check the battery status
To control apps remotely using the S Pen button, the S Pen must be charged. To charge the S Pen, insert or attach the S Pen into your device. It should only take a few minutes to fully charge. If Air actions is turned off, the S Pen will only charge when your phone or tablet is charging.

Home screen with the Air command icon Home screen with the Air command icon

Step 1. Open the Air command menu.

S Pen Air command menu S Pen Air command menu

Step 2. Tap the Settings icon.

* The Settings icon will disappear after 5 seconds.

S Pen settings screen with the battery level S Pen settings screen with the battery level

Step 3. Make sure your S Pen has enough battery.

Check if the Air actions are enabled
Ensure that Air actions is enabled in the S Pen settings and that App actions is turned on for the apps you wish to use.

S Pen settings screen S Pen settings screen

Step 1. In the S Pen setting, enable the Air actions feature > Tap Air actions for detailed settings.

* Bluetooth pairing may be required for certain S Pens.

Air actions settings screen Air actions settings screen

Step 2. Scroll down to the App actions section > You can tap each app to turn the feature off and on.

Air actions settings screen Air actions settings screen

Step 3. Scroll down further and check if Camera or Media is enabled to use app actions.

If all methods above do not work, try resetting your S Pen. Resetting the S Pen will return any customised remote features back to their default settings.

To reset your S Pen, first insert the pen into your phone or attach it to your tablet until it clicks into place. Then follow the instructions below:

S Pen settings screen for resetting Galaxy S Pen S Pen settings screen for resetting Galaxy S Pen

In the S Pen settings, tap More options (three vertical dots) at the top right corner > Tap Reset S Pen.

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