What to do if Samsung Galaxy S5(SM-G900H) do not recognize your Fingerprints?

Last Update date : Oct 14. 2020

For best results, swipe the entire pad of your finger from base to tip across the home key to register your fingerprint properly in Samsung Galaxy S5 (SM-G900H).

Following point will help you to recognize fingerprint in Galaxy S5:

• If you bend your finger or use a fingertip, the device may not recognize your fingerprints.
• You have to keep your finger flat against the home key and swipe at a moderate speed.
• The fingerprint sensor is sensitive to moisture so make sure both the screen and your fingertip are dry.
• Additionally, the Home button contains a fingerprint recognition sensor. Ensure that the Home button is not scratched or damaged by metal objects such as coins, keys and necklaces.
Last Updated on: 09/04/2014

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