What are the important reasons to Recycle Samsung products?

Last Update date : Oct 14. 2020

  Recycling is the first step towards environment protection. That is why Samsung Electronics has actively participated in a recycling program for end of life electronic appliances. Through the program, Samsung is leading the offers to create a recycling based society where discarded products are reused as resources for manufacturing, and at the same time it is making great contributions to preserving the environment and using resources efficiently.




Some of the important reasons why we should recycle are as follows :

. Saves Natural Resources : By making products from natural resources instead of virgin material, we conserve and reduce the need for drill for oil and dig for minerals.
. Saves Energy : It usually takes less energy to recycle products; recycled aluminium, for example takes 95 % less energy than new aluminium from bauxite ore.
. Saves Clean Air and Water : In most cases, making products from recycled material creates less air pollution and water pollution than making products from virgin materials.


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