What are the Gallery options available in Samsung Galaxy Camera(EK-GC100)?

Last Update date : Oct 13. 2020

When viewing an image in Samsung Galaxy camera, the following icons are available at the top of the screen :




. : Touch to return to the album view in Gallery, or to return to the application you used to open the image. 

. : Touch to return to the primary Home screen. 

. : Identifies the current image you are viewing in relation to the total number of images in the album. 

. : Touch the change player icon to share the media with nearby devices wirelessly. Appears only when a DLNA™-enabled device is nearby. 

. : Touch to share the screenshot with AT&T Locker, Bluetooth®, ChatON™, Email, Gmail™, Google+™, Group Play, formerly known as Group Cast, Instagram™, Photo Wizard, Picasa™, or Wi-Fi Direct™. 

. : Delete the current image file. 

. : Touch the menu icon to access the following options : 


● Edit: Edit the image with Photo Wizard or Paper Artist.

● Slideshow: Start a slideshow of the image files in the current folder.

● Favorites: Tag the image as a favorite.

● Face tag: Tag any faces shown in the screenshot.

● Copy to clipboard: Copy the screenshot to the device clipboard for pasting into other applications.

● Rotate left

● Rotate right

● Crop: Crop unwanted areas out of the screenshot.

● Set as: Set the picture as a Contact photo, Home screen wallpaper, Lock screen wallpaper, or Home and lock screens wallpaper.

● Buddy photo share: Tag the screenshot for easy sharing with a contact.

● Print: Print the image to a Samsung wireless printer.

● Rename: Rename the file.

● Scan for nearby devices: Scan for nearby devices you can share with wirelessly.

● Details: Shows technical information about the picture, such as the size.



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