Using OneDrive on my Samsung device

Last Update date : Apr 28. 2021

When using OneDrive you will be able to upload photos, videos and documents to access anywhere on any device. Simply sign into your Microsoft account to start uploading. The below guide provides step-by-step instructions in signing into your Microsoft account, uploading content to your OneDrive account and syncing your Gallery. If you would like to learn how to link your Samsung Account to your OneDrive click here for step by step instructions.

1 Head into OneDrive
Head into OneDrive
2 Either Sign in or create your Microsoft Account
Either Sign into or create your Microsoft Account
3 You will then be redirected to the OneDrive homepage where you can view your storage space and adjust your OneDrive settings.
You will then be redrected to the OneDrive homepage
1 Launch the My Files app icon My Files app
Select File to upload to your OneDrive and tap Share
2 Tap on Documents or a different category your file is saved under
Tap on OneDrive
3 Locate the File you would like to send to your OneDrive
Select the Folder you would like to save the file in then tap the tick button
4 Long press the file you would like to transfer to your OneDrive
Swipe down to access your Notification Panel to view the Uploading Status to your OneDrive
5 Tap on Move or Copy
Select the folder you uploaded the file
6 Head back to the My Files main page
7 Tap on OneDrive
8 If you would like to create a seperate folder to save the file in tap on three dots icon
9 Select Create folder
10 Type in the Folder name then select Create
11 Tap on the newly created Folder
12 Select Move here
13 Once the file has been transferred to your OneDrive, you will be able to view within the OneDrive Folder
1 Launch the OneDrive app
Search for OneDrive app

If you don't have the OneDrive app installed on your PC click here to sign in via your default web browser.

2 Tap on Sign in
3 Type in your Microsoft account - ensure it is the same account that is signed in on your Galaxy device
4 Type in your Password then select Sign in
Type in password then select sign in
5 Once signed in click on My Files > Documents
6 Click on the folder your document is saved in
7 Once you have located the document or file, double click it to open on your PC

If you require extra support setting up your OneDrive account you can reach out to us via Chat Support , our Technical Support Team will be able to provide further troubleshooting steps.

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