Using Multi Window panel in Samsung Galaxy Grand2(SM-G7102)

Last Update date : Oct 13. 2020

To show the Multi Window panel, tap and hold . key. The Multi Window panel appears at the left side of the screen. Select one application, and then drag another application to a new location. You can launch the same application on the two windows at the same time. To hide the Multi Window panel, tap and hold . key again.




Some of the available functions while using Multi window are as follows :


● You can drag the circle between the application windows up or down to adjust the size of the windows.
● You can even tap the panel handle to open or close the panel.

● When the Multi Window panel is open, tap and hold the panel handle and drag it to the left or right edge of the screen to move the panel.

● To move the panel handle when the Multi Window panel is closed, tap and hold the panel handle and drag it up or down.


Last Updated on: 04/06/2014

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