How to make freeform collages in Galaxy devices

Last Update date : Feb 12. 2025

Follow these steps to make a personalized collages using multiple pictures stored on your Galaxy devices.


  • Screens and Images simulated.
  • Available feature and settings may vary by software version and phone model.
image showing tap gallery app image showing tap gallery app

1. Open the Gallery app.

choose photos you want to make collage choose photos you want to make collage

2. Select desired photos.

image showing to tap create image showing to tap create

3. Tap Create.

image showing to tap on collage image showing to tap on collage

4. Then, choose Collage.

image showing to pickup free collage option image showing to pickup free collage option

5. Pick the freeform collage option.

image showing to arrange the images image showing to arrange the images

6. Arrange the images as needed.

image showing collage created and save image showing collage created and save

7. Tap Save, or share directly from there. The finished collage saves automatically in Gallery.

For more information, please get in touch with Samsung customer care.

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