How to Create Contact in Samsung Galaxy J2-2016(SM-J210F)?
Phone contacts make it easy for you to call people that you need to contact regularly without hassle. It allow you to email, contact and so on without adding in the info every time. Learning how to quickly add lots of different information to each contact in your phonebook will help you make the most out of your phone.
Apps → Contacts → Add → Select location → Enter details → Camera icon → Select Image → Done → Save
Pictorial representation to Create Contact is as follows:
a). Tap on Apps icon from the Home screen.
b). Tap on Contacts icon.
c). Tap on Add icon as shown below.
d). Select where you want to save the Contact. In this case, for example, Device.
e). Enter the required details like Name, Phone number, Email ID etc.
f). Tap on Camera icon to set a display picture of the Contact.
g). You can take a picture or select an image from the gallery. In this case, for example, Image.
h). Select and tap on the Folder where image is saved.
i). Select an Image by tapping on it.
j). Set the Image accordingly by cropping it and tap on Done.
k). Tap on Save.
New Contact will be created.
CLICK HERE to know how to Delete Contact in Samsung Galaxy J2-2016 ( SM-J210F ).
CLICK HERE to know how to Share Contact in Samsung Galaxy J2-2016 ( SM-J210F ).
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