How to adjust Exposure settings in Galaxy devices

Last Update date : Mar 18. 2025

Adjust image brightness or darkness using the Exposure option in camera quick controls.


  • Screens and Images simulated
  • Available feature and settings may vary by software version and phone model

To adjust Exposure settings, follow these steps:

image showing tap on camera app image showing tap on camera app

1. Open the Camera app.

image showing tap on camera quick control menu image showing tap on camera quick control menu

2. Tap on camera quick control menu.

image showig tap on exposure icon image showig tap on exposure icon

3. Tap on Exposure icon.

image showing the range to adjust the brightness and darkness samsung devices image showing the range to adjust the brightness and darkness samsung devices

4. Exposure range is showing how bright or dark your images capture.

image showing adjust the exposure settings image showing adjust the exposure settings

5. Adjust the Exposure range according to preference. Then, take photo according to adjusted exposure settings.

press back button on samsung device press back button on samsung device

6. Press back button.

image showing the exposure icon highlighting image showing the exposure icon highlighting

7. The exposure icon highlights indicating changes saved.

image showing to check the same exposure settings saved to each mode image showing to check the same exposure settings saved to each mode

8. Follow similar steps to adjust exposure settings in different camera modes.

Please note: - Exposure settings reset when the Camera app is closed.

For more information, please get in touch with Samsung customer care.

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