Galaxy S10: How to use Split Screen View?

Last Update date : Oct 29. 2020

Two apps are better than one, and Split Screen View or Multi Window is better than constantly switching between apps. This feature lets you alternate between apps, adjust the size of the display, and copy information from one app to the other.

1 Tap on your Recent Button to view your recently opened page and select the App Icon you would like to view in Split Screen View.
tap recents button
2 Select Open in split screen view
tap open in split screen view
3 To complete the Split Screen View, simply Tap or search on the secondary application. Keep in mind that not all applications will support Split Screen View.
select app to complete split screen view
4 To adjust the size of the Split Screen, simply hold down the Blue horizontal line and drag up or down accordingly.
adjusting the screen size
5 To Close Split Screen view, tap on your Recents or Home button and select the Exit button.
exit split screen

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