Galaxy Note10: How to use Smart select?

Last Update date : Oct 29. 2020

You can use the S Pen to select an area and perform actions, such as sharing or saving. 

1 Open the Air Command panel and Tap Smart Select.
Galaxy Note10: How to use Smart select?
2 Select a desired shape icon(example: rectangle) on the toolbar and drag the S Pen across the content you want to select.
How to use Smart select feature with S Pen?
3 Select an option to use with the selected area.
  • Extract text: Extract text from the selected area.


  • Pin to screen: Pin the selected area to the screen.
Galaxy Note10: How to use Smart select?

You can also select an area from a video and capture it as a GIF animation.

1 Open the Air command panel and tap Smart Select.
Galaxy Note10: How to use Smart select?
2 On the toolbar, tap GIF option.
How to make GIF animation by Smart Select feature with S Pen?
3 Adjust the position and size of the capturing area.
How to make GIF animation by Smart Select feature with S Pen?
4 Tap Record to start capturing.
How to make GIF animation by Smart Select feature with S Pen?
5 Tap Stop to stop capturing.
6 Select an option to use with the selected area.

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