Galaxy Note 9: Intelligent Camera

Last Update date : May 20. 2024


• Relentless Innovation has been done to deliver best – quality photo & Videos in Note 9

• Real – Time intelligence assists users to take the best pictures.

• Automatically recognizes 20 scenes by analyzing object, scenery and time → Optimizes the color

• Makes the photo more vividly by adjusting the color, contrast and brightness.

Optimizes the photo by reducing the brightness and adjusting the red color. 

This feature uses advanced algorithms to recognize the type of scene being photographed (e.g., Flower, Sunset, Food), and automatically adjusts settings like color, contrast, and brightness to improve the picture's quality. It helps users take better photos without needing expert photography skills.

When taking pictures in dimly lit environments, this feature enhances the image quality using an image synthesis algorithm. It reduces noise in low-light situations and suppresses saturation in bright areas, resulting in clearer, less grainy images.

This feature detects common flaws in photographs, such as blinking eyes or motion blur, and provides a notification to the user suggesting a reshoot. For example, it might display messages like 'Someone may have blinked' or 'That last shot may be blurry.'

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