Charging speed by wireless charging pad seems slow in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+(SM-G928G)?
If you compare the Wireless charging pad with the fast charger for Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+. Usually, it takes 90 minutes to fully charge from 0% when using wired fast charger and takes 120 minutes when using the wireless charging pad.
This can happen by various reasons between the device and the wireless charger as follows :
● Firstly, please place the center of the device’s back on the center of the charging pad correctly.
● When there are foreign materials between the device and the wireless charger, the device may not charge properly.
Keep the device’s back and charging pad clean and please take a soft cloth and gently wipe any dust away from the pad and device surface before charging.
● Use Samsung-approved charger with suitable input Voltage and Current. If you connect the charger with low power to charging pad, the charging speed may slow and the battery may not charge properly.
● Please check the back cover of the your device. The device must be placed very closely from the wireless charging pad. So some kind of back cover may prevent the wireless charging. In this case, please remove back cover and try to charge again.
● If you use the wireless charger in areas with weak network signals, you may lose network reception. This cause charging speed may be slow and charging time for full charging will take long than normal.
● Use Samsung-approved wireless chargers. If you use other wireless chargers, the battery may not charge properly.
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