What is Condensing Dry Technology in Samsung Dishwasher(DW-FN320T)?

Last Update date : Oct 13. 2020
The Condensing Dry Technology employed by Samsung dishwashers in the drying cycle uses the heat generated in the final rinse and a fan to dry your dishes.

(Samsung Dishwasher)

There are three big advantages to this design :
• It saves energy by using built up heat left over from the final rinse cycle.
• It is safe and will not damage cabinets or countertops like traditional venting that emits hot steam through a door vent.
• It operates much quieter by redirecting and dissipating moisture to the base of the dishwasher instead of back into the room.
For Best Drying Results
• It is recommended to use Liquid Rinse Aid.
• It is recommended to open the Door Within One of Hour of Cycle Completion.
NOTE : Plastic ware can absorb moisture. Also, water tends to bead up on plastic surfaces preventing effective evaporation even when you use a rinse aid. Some plastic items may have to be towel dried.

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