How to resolve 4C or 5C error codes on your Samsung Washing Machine
इस आर्टिकल को हिंदी में देखने के लिए, कृपया यहां क्लिक करें
Front Load Washing Machine
Top Load Washing Machine
4E or 4C Error
The 4E (4C) error indicates that the washing machine has detected that there is a problem with the water supply.
The most common reason for this error is a blocked water supply hose.
Follow the below troubleshooting steps to resolve it:
1. Check that the water tap connected to the washing machine is open to full.
2. Check that there are no kinks or bents in the water hose connected to the machine.
3. Check to see if the water hose mesh filter is not blocked. See the steps below showing you how to do this. You should clean the water hose mesh filter at least twice a year to prevent build up.
How to clean the water hose mesh filter

Follow the below steps or view the video at the bottom of the page to see how to clean a blocked water hose mesh filter.
1. Turn off the water source to the washing machine.
2. Unscrew the hose from the back of the washing machine.
3. With a pair of pliers, gently pull out the mesh filter from the end of the hose, and then rinse it under the tap, until it is clean.
4. Push the filter back into place.
5. Screw the hose back onto the washing machine.
6. Turn on the tap and then make sure the connections are watertight.
7. Switch the power button off then on again.
5E or 5C Error
If your washing machine cannot drain well, 5C or 5E error message displayed.
Follow the below troubleshooting steps to resolve it:

Warning! If a cycle with hot water temperature settings was run recently, the water in the washer may be very hot. Allow approximately one hour for the water to cool before performing this procedure to avoid possible injury.
1. Turn off the washing machine and check the level. See our guide for leveling the washing machine.
2. Inspect the drain hose.
Important! Incorrect drain hose installation is the most common reason for drain issues, and service is rarely required.
a. Route the drain hose properly. (Refer user manual for drain hose position)
b. Clean the debris filter clogged / blocked with lint’s or dirt / dust.
c. Straighten the drain hose all the way to the drain system. Also ensure that it's not clogged.
3. Clean the debris filter (Front Load only)- Clean the debris filter periodically to improve cleaning performance and help prevent odors. A clogged debris filter reduces the effectiveness of the draining system.
4. Turn the washing Machine back on and start a cycle- The washing machine should drain at the beginning of the test cycle. If it does not, contact customer care to request service.
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