What is Smart Auto in Samsung Compact Camera?

Last Update date : Oct 27. 2020

In Samsung Compact camera Smart Auto sets every thing for you. It finds the subject, selects the scene mode, sets the shutter speed and aperture, adjusts for colour and brightness, focuses on faces and all you have to do is compose the shot and press the shutter button.


    ● Half-press [Shutter] to focus. 
    ● Full-Press [Shutter] to capture the photo.




Smart Auto takes the guess work out of taking great photos. Smart Auto utilizes various modes. The camera automatically adjusts to the scenery around you for the best possible picture.




The modes under Smart Auto are mentioned below



 Blue Sky Mode


 Macro Portrait

 Macro Color

 Natural Green


 Night Portrait

 Macro Text



Backlight Portrait





NOTE : There are several other modes available under Smart Auto mode. For more details refer to product users manual or specification chart.


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