How to remove voicemail notifications
When you receive a new voicemail, you will see a notification on your home screen to let you know that you have a new message. Usually, the notification will disappear once you have listened to your voicemail. You can also customise your voicemail notifications by choosing your own ringtone, allowing the notification as a pop-up, enabling vibration, and choosing whether the notification is displayed on your lock screen.
You can also find out more about how to use the different call functions on your device.
Did you know that you can customise your notifications, and change settings such as call forwarding and ringtones?
Follow our step-by-step video to find out more.
To remove your voicemail notifications, you will need to listen to all your new voicemail messages. Once you have listened to your new messages the notification should disappear.
Please note: In order to access and set up your voicemail you will need to contact your network provider.
If you have already listened to all your voicemails but are still seeing a notification, you may need to clear the cache and data.

Please note: clearing your data will reset your phone app, removing your recent calls. It will not remove your contacts

If the problem persists, repeat the steps for the Phone app.
If you would like to change the notification type or the sound that plays when you receive a voicemail, follow the steps below:

- Tap Alert or Silent. If you have activated Alert, you have the option to tap Sound to select the music or ringtone that plays when you receive a new voicemail
- Tap the switch to activate or deactivate Show as pop-up
- Tap the switch to activate or deactivate Vibrate
- Tap Lock screen to choose whether or not the notification is displayed on the lock screen
Voicemail services are controlled by your network provider. If you would like to switch off your voicemail, you should contact your network provider.
Alternatively, if you would like your incoming calls to be forwarded when busy or unanswered you can do so through the following steps:

Please note: If the voicemail notifications icon is still present, then you may need to contact your network provider to check your voicemail account settings.
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