Empower your everyday life

Spend 24 hours with Neo QLED

AM 09:00
Clock in to work from home

PM 01:00
Take a break and jump into your favorite game

PM 05:00
Get cozy for an evening full of entertainment

PM 07:30
Get your nightly workout in before sleep

A woman is exercising in her living room using the Neo QLED. She is following a pose by the trainer using the Slim Fit Cam connected to the Neo QLED. Her image is displayed on the screen next to the trainer's.
Working out with popular fitness pros
Samsung Health—Fitness Contents
Enjoy a great library of the best home training contents ranging from meditation to high intensity workout routines. You can also watch yourself exercise at the same time as the trainer via the Slim Fit Cam connected to your Neo QLED.
- * Service is available in US, CA, KR, UK. Smart Trainer support devices may vary by country. Partners and content may vary by region.
- * Additional compatible accessories (e.g., camera) required. Sold separately.
- * Availability of content service providers and subsequent fitness content may vary by country and region.
PM 09:20
Check out for the night and leave it to your TV

- Smart service and GUI may vary by model and region.
- Agreement of the Smart Hub Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy is required before use.
- Actual product and remote control may vary by image shown.
- Images are simulated and for illustration purposes only. The appearance and design specifications which are not affecting to product performance are subject to change without notice.
- Additional product details can be found on product detail page of each model.
- Service scenarios are subject to change without notice.
- Availability of services is subject to change without prior notice.
- Workspace feature requires an internet connection on TV and PC.