Cara menggunakan Bixby Vision

Tanggal Update Terakhir : 2022-05-20

Bixby Vision dapat digunakan dengan cara berikut tergantung pada apakah Anda menggunakannya dari kamera, galeri, gambar dari situs web, atau dari pintasan di layar utama.

Bixby Vision used to recognize the text of a website.
View of the mobile camera and display “More” menu. View of the mobile camera and display “More” menu.

Langkah 1. Jalankan kamera dan pilih "Lainnya" di sisi kanan.

Step 2. View of the mobile camera and tap on the “Bixby Vision” option. Step 2. View of the mobile camera and tap on the “Bixby Vision” option.

Langkah 2. Di menu yang ditampilkan, pilih “Bixby Vision”.

Step 1. View of the gallery of our device with the desired image selected. Step 1. View of the gallery of our device with the desired image selected.

Langkah 1. Jalankan galeri dan pilih gambar yang ingin Anda gunakan dari galeri.

Step 2. View of our selected image. Tap on the Bixby Vision icon on the upper right corner. Step 2. View of our selected image. Tap on the Bixby Vision icon on the upper right corner.

Langkah 2. Pilih ikon Bixby Vision di sisi kanan atas.

Step 1. View of Samsung’s website. Long press on the selected image. Step 1. View of Samsung’s website. Long press on the selected image.

Langkah 1. Buka Samsung internet dan tekan lama gambar yang ingin Anda cari.

Step 2. View after the long press and opening of the menu where we tap on “Search with Bixby Vision”. Step 2. View after the long press and opening of the menu where we tap on “Search with Bixby Vision”.

Langkah 2. Pilih "Cari dengan Bixby Vision" pada menu.

Step 3. View of the display of the results related to the selected image. Step 3. View of the display of the results related to the selected image.

Langkah 3. Semua hasil pencarian yang terkait dengan gambar yang dipilih ditampilkan di layar Anda.

Step 1. View from our Gallery and press menu on the Bixby Vision icon on the upper right side. Step 1. View from our Gallery and press menu on the Bixby Vision icon on the upper right side.

Langkah 1. Jalankan Bixby Vision seperti yang dijelaskan di bagian galeri. Tekan menu pada ikon Bixby Vision di sisi kanan atas.

Step 2. View from Bixby Vision and tap on the upper right corner. Step 2. View from Bixby Vision and tap on the upper right corner.

Langkah 2. Tekanmenu di sisi kanan atas.

Step 3. View of the menu and the tap on Settings. Step 3. View of the menu and the tap on Settings.

Langkah 3. Ketuk "Pengaturan".

Step 4. View of Bixby Vision settings without selecting “Add Bixby Vision to Apps screen”. Step 4. View of Bixby Vision settings without selecting “Add Bixby Vision to Apps screen”.

Langkah 4. Pilih "Tambahkan Bixby Vision ke layar Aplikasi".

Step 5. View of Bixby Vision settings “Add Bixby Vision to Apps screen”. Step 5. View of Bixby Vision settings “Add Bixby Vision to Apps screen”.

Langkah 5. Sekarang Anda akan melihat opsi yang dipilih diaktifkan.

Step 6. View of the main screen with the “Bixby Vision” app. Step 6. View of the main screen with the “Bixby Vision” app.

Langkah 6. Buka layar utama Anda, di mana Anda akan melihat ikon aplikasi. Ketuk untuk membuka "Bixby Vision".

Terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda

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