Cara memperbarui aplikasi Game Booster dan memeriksa versi

Tanggal Update Terakhir : 2022-06-23

Anda dapat memperbarui aplikasi Game Booster ke versi terbaru untuk terus meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game Anda dengan dua cara berbeda. Anda juga dapat memverifikasi apakah Anda menginstal aplikasi Game Booster versi terbaru.

View of the Game Booster app in the Samsung Store.

Cara memperbarui aplikasi Game Booster

1. Buka pengaturan perangkat

Step 1. Device setting screen with the “Apps” option highlighted. Step 1. Device setting screen with the “Apps” option highlighted.

Langkah 1. Pilih “Aplikasi” di setelan perangkat.

Step 2. Screenshot of the app list with the Game Booster app highlighted. Step 2. Screenshot of the app list with the Game Booster app highlighted.

Langkah 2. Klik “Game Booster”

Step 3. App info screen with “Game Booster settings” highlighted. Step 3. App info screen with “Game Booster settings” highlighted.

Langkah 3. Klik “Pengaturan Game Booster”.

Step 4. “Game Booster settings” screen with “About Game Booster” highlighted. Step 4. “Game Booster settings” screen with “About Game Booster” highlighted.

Langkah 4. Pilih “Tentang Game Booster”.

Step 5. Screenshot with the latest version of the Game Booster app. Step 5. Screenshot with the latest version of the Game Booster app.

Langkah 5. Periksa dan perbarui, sesuai kebutuhan, versi terbaru aplikasi Game Booster.

2. Dari layar utama Game Booster

Step 1. Main menu of the Game Booster app with the Settings icon highlighted. Step 1. Main menu of the Game Booster app with the Settings icon highlighted.

Langkah 1. Klik ikon Setelan dari menu utama aplikasi Game Booster.

Step 2. “Game Booster settings” screen with “About Game Booster” highlighted. Step 2. “Game Booster settings” screen with “About Game Booster” highlighted.

Langkah 2.Pilih "Tentang Game Booster".

Step 3. Game Booster screen display showing the latest version installed. Step 3. Game Booster screen display showing the latest version installed.

Langkah 3. Periksa versi aplikasi terbaru yang tersedia.

Terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda

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