Bagaimana cara saya menerima informasi diskon untuk Galaxy Themes?

Tanggal Update Terakhir : 2022-07-05

Buat daftar keinginan yang menyertakan tema favorit Anda, lalu atur dan terima pemberitahuan saat diskon.

Screenshot of different themes with prices.

Untuk menambahkan tema ke daftar keinginan Anda:

Screenshot of the Home screen with a long press icon. Screenshot of the Home screen with a long press icon.

Langkah 1. Tekan lama pada layar beranda perangkat Galaxy Anda.

Screenshot of Home screen with “Themes” icon highlighted. Screenshot of Home screen with “Themes” icon highlighted.

Langkah 2. Ketuk ikon “Tema”.

Screenshot of “Galaxy Themes” screen with a theme selected. Screenshot of “Galaxy Themes” screen with a theme selected.

Langkah 3. Ketuk tema yang menarik bagi Anda.

Screenshot of theme menu with the wish list icon highlighted. Screenshot of theme menu with the wish list icon highlighted.

Langkah 4. Ketuk ikon daftar keinginan dari tema yang dipilih.

Untuk mengaktifkan notifikasi saat item daftar keinginan didiskon:

View of the Home screen with a long press icon. View of the Home screen with a long press icon.

Langkah 1. Tekan lama pada layar beranda perangkat Galaxy Anda.

View of Home screen with “Themes” icon highlighted. View of Home screen with “Themes” icon highlighted.

Langkah 2. Ketuk ikon “Tema”.

View of the main screen with “Menu” highlighted. View of the main screen with “Menu” highlighted.

Langkah 3. Ketuk ikon “Menu” dari layar utama.

View of “Galaxy Themes” screen with the settings icon highlighted. View of “Galaxy Themes” screen with the settings icon highlighted.

Langkah 4. Ketuk ikon setelan yang terletak di kanan atas menu Galaxy Themes.

View of “Galaxy Themes settings” screen with “Notifications” highlighted. View of “Galaxy Themes settings” screen with “Notifications” highlighted.

Langkah 5. Ketuk “Pemberitahuan” di menu pengaturan Galaxy Themes.

View of “App notifications” screen with “Notification categories” highlighted. View of “App notifications” screen with “Notification categories” highlighted.

Langkah 6. Ketuk “Kategori notifikasi”.

View of “Notification categories” screen with “Sales on wish list items” highlighted. View of “Notification categories” screen with “Sales on wish list items” highlighted.

Langkah 7. Aktifkan “Penjualan pada item daftar keinginan”.

Terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda

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