Pre Order Sekarang dan Dapatkan Keuntungan Hingga Rp 3,7juta

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17 Februari - 13 April 2025

Pre Order Sekarang dan Dapatkan Keuntungan Hingga Rp 3,7juta Pre Order Sekarang dan Dapatkan Keuntungan Hingga Rp 3,7juta

680L Bespoke AI Refrigerator SBS -SmartThings Silver


Pilih Warna Anda

Warna :

Pilih Kapasitas Anda

Detail Pengantaran

680L Bespoke AI Refrigerator SBS -SmartThings Silver
Silver 680L

Mulai dari Rp 1.216.583/bln bunga 0% selama 12 bulan atau Rp 14.599.000

Rp 14.999.000 Hemat Rp 400.000


Spaciously stylish

The refrigerator is installed in the Kitchen. The refrigerator is installed in the Kitchen.

Ruang penyimpanan lebih lega

Kapasitas Besar

Dengan Teknologi SpaceMax™, Anda dapat menyimpan berbagai jenis makanan di ruang internal luas berkapasitas 680 liter. Teknologi ini menciptakan dinding kulkas yang lebih ramping, sehingga menambah ruang penyimpanan internal tanpa menambah dimensi keseluruhan

*Dibandingkan dengan model konvensional Samsung tanpa teknologi SpaceMax™.

Hemat Energi dengan AI Energy Mode

SmartThings AI Energy Mode

Kurangi konsumsi energi hingga 10%* dengan AI Energy Mode pada SmartThings Energy**. Mode ini akan ditawarkan kepada Anda*** apabila tagihan listrik melebihi target yang telah Anda ditentukan. Mode ini akan mengoptimalkan Kecepatan kompresor dan siklus defrost sesuai pola penggunaan dan keadaan lingkungan.

The refrigerator installed in the kitchen with the Activate “SmartThings AI Energy Mode” button OFF. A graph shows energy usage of Normal Mode. The refrigerator installed in the kitchen with the Activate “SmartThings AI Energy Mode” button OFF. A graph shows energy usage of Normal Mode.
The refrigerator installed in the kitchen with the Activate “SmartThings AI Energy Mode” button ON. The AI Energy Mode is turned on, AI activated to check internal and manage the compressor, and a graph shows the UP to 10% Energy Saving effect when in AI Energy Mode compared to Normal mode. The refrigerator installed in the kitchen with the Activate “SmartThings AI Energy Mode” button ON. The AI Energy Mode is turned on, AI activated to check internal and manage the compressor, and a graph shows the UP to 10% Energy Saving effect when in AI Energy Mode compared to Normal mode.

*Hasil uji berdasarkan perbandingan suhu menggunakan pengaturan pabrik saat menggunakan AI Energy Mode dan tanpa AI Energy Mode. Hasil dapat berubah-ubah tergantung kondisi dan pola penggunaan. **Tersedia di perangkat Android dan iOs. Memerlukan koneksi Wi-Fi dan akun Samsung. ***SmartThings akan menampilkan notifikasi sebelum penyimpanan algoritma diaktifkan pada mode 'Maximum' dan 'Custom'.

Pendinginan konsisten dan Efisien

Digital Inverter Compressor dengan 20 tahun garansi

Nikmati penggunaan energi yang efisien, pengoperasian sunyi, dan performa tahan lama. Digital Inverter Compressor otomatis menyesuaikan kecepatan sesuai permintaan pendinginan. Menawarkan performa maksimal dengan garansi 20 tahun* dan efisien dalam konsumsi energi.

The refrigerator has a 20-year warranty on Digital Inverter Compressor. It has energy efficiency and little noise features. The refrigerator has a 20-year warranty on Digital Inverter Compressor. It has energy efficiency and little noise features.

*Garansi 20 tahun untuk kompresor


The control display is located in the middle of the right compartment wall of refrigerator. A person touches the control display. This is easily accessible to anyone. The control display is located in the middle of the right compartment wall of refrigerator. A person touches the control display. This is easily accessible to anyone.

Kontrol dengan mudah

Easy access controls

Kontrol pengaturan kulkas Anda dengan Hidden Display yang mudah dijangkau dan dioperasikan, serta terletak tersembunyi untuk mendukung tampilan kulkas yang minimalis.


A refrigerator filled with various foods is open. Cool air comes out through vents in each compartment to maintain the optimum temperature for the food to stay fresh. A refrigerator filled with various foods is open. Cool air comes out through vents in each compartment to maintain the optimum temperature for the food to stay fresh.

Mendinginkan secara merata

All-around cooling

All-around Cooling memastikan sirkulasi pendinginan merata di setiap kompartemen Kulkas, membantu menjaga bahan makanan Anda mendapatkan kondisi Optimal dan segar lebih lama di manapun dia berada.

*Berdasarkan hasil uji internal.

Do the SmartThings at Home

A person is managing refrigerator remotely via smartphone and wi-fi. A person is managing refrigerator remotely via smartphone and wi-fi.

Kontrol di manapun

Wi-Fi Embedded

Pantau dan atur kulkas Anda di mana saja, kapan saja. Anda dapat melacak dan menyesuaikan performa kulkas menggunakan SmartThings App* termasuk mengatur mode pendinginan, mengubah suhu, dan mendapatkan notifikasi saat pintu terbuka. Anda juga dapat mendeteksi dan mendapatkan diagnosa saat terdapat kendala.

*Tersedia di perangkat Android dan iOs. Memerlukan koneksi Wi-Fi dan Samsung Account.


The refrigerator is installed with cabinets in a Built-in Look. The refrigerator is installed with cabinets in a Built-in Look.

Desain serasi

Tampilan modern

Berikan sentuhan modern di rumah Anda dengan kulkas yang menyatu dengan interior dapur. Desain pintu yang rata serta handle dan display tersembunyi memberikan tampilan fungsional yang elegan.

How to measure

The refrigerator is 1,780mm high including the hinge, 912mm wide, and 716mm deep. Detailed sizes for installation are explained in the TOP view. Excluding door, the depth is 610mm. The freezer door can be opened 165 degrees maximum and the fridge door can be opened 170 degrees maximum. When both doors are opened to the max, the total width is 1,730mm. When both doors are opened to 90 degrees, the total depth is 912mm. When installed, the refrigerator needs more than 50mm of space from the rear wall, and 30mm of space from the side walls. The refrigerator is 1,780mm high including the hinge, 912mm wide, and 716mm deep. Detailed sizes for installation are explained in the TOP view. Excluding door, the depth is 610mm. The freezer door can be opened 165 degrees maximum and the fridge door can be opened 170 degrees maximum. When both doors are opened to the max, the total width is 1,730mm. When both doors are opened to 90 degrees, the total depth is 912mm. When installed, the refrigerator needs more than 50mm of space from the rear wall, and 30mm of space from the side walls.

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0% Installment

Dapatkan cicilan 0% menggunakan kartu kredit bank hingga 24 bulan*


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  • Gross Total(Liter)

    680 ℓ

  • Net Total(Liter)

    647 ℓ

  • Net Width(mm)

    912 mm

  • Net Case Height with Hinge(mm)

    1780 mm

  • Net Depth with Door Handle(mm)

    716 mm

  • Net Weight(kg)

    98 kg

  • Cooling Type

    Mono Cooling

  • Number of Shelf (Total)

    4 EA

  • Gross Total(Liter)

    680 ℓ

  • Gross for Freezer(Liter)

    260 ℓ

  • Gross for Fridge(Liter)

    420 ℓ

  • Net Total(Liter)

    647 ℓ

  • Net for Freezer(Liter)

    229 ℓ

  • Net for Fridge(Liter)

    418 ℓ

  • Net Width(mm)

    912 mm

  • Net Case Height with Hinge(mm)

    1780 mm

  • Net Case Height without Hinge(mm)

    1744 mm

  • Net Depth with Door Handle(mm)

    716 mm

  • Net Depth without Door Handle(mm)

    716 mm

  • Net Depth without Door(mm)

    610 mm

  • Packing Width(mm)

    974 mm

  • Packing Height(mm)

    1909 mm

  • Packing Depth(mm)

    776 mm

  • Net Weight(kg)

    98 kg

  • Packing Weight(kg)

    105 kg

  • Power Cool Function


  • Power Freeze Function


  • Cooling Type

    Mono Cooling

  • Number of Shelf (Total)

    4 EA

  • Wine Rack


  • Number of Door Pocket

    5 EA

  • Interior LED Light

    Top LED

  • Shelf Material

    Tempered Glass

  • Number of Vegetable&Fruit Drawer

    2 EA

  • Number of Shelf (Total)

    4 EA

  • Number of Door Pocket

    5 EA

  • Icemaker

    Twist I/M

  • Interior LED Light

    Top LED

  • Number of Drawer

    2 EA

  • Refrigerant


  • Compressor

    Digital Inverter Compressor

  • Display Type

    Internal (ADA Compliant)

  • Door Handle


  • Color


  • Depth

    Counter Depth

  • WiFi Embedded


  • Camera


  • Mobile Bixby


  • Set Bixby (Mic)


  • Speaker


  • Bluetooth


  • SmartThings App Support


Panduan Pengguna & Unduhan

User Manual

Versi 1.0 | 0.89 MB



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