Bespoke AirDresser DF60A8500WG/SE JetSteam 3+3 White


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Warna : White
Bespoke AirDresser DF60A8500WG/SE JetSteam 3+3 White

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JetAir + AirHanger

JetAir + AirHanger

Deodorizing filter

Deodorizing filter

AI Control

AI Control


Intelligently refresh & sanitize, everyday

Smart design, intelligent clothes care. DF8000NM is installed in the dress room. Smart design, intelligent clothes care. DF8000NM is installed in the dress room.

Membasmi bakteri, virus, dan tungau debu1 dengan kekuatan uap

JetSteam dan JetAir

Buat pakaian Anda bersih dan segar dengan sistem JetSteam dan JetAir yang hebat. Siklus Sanitasi akan membasmi 99.9% bakteri, virus, serta 100% tungau debu rumah secara efektif1. Uap akan meresap ke dalam kain, menyanitasi dan menghaluskan kerutan-kerutan kecil baik dari dalam maupun dari luar. Kemudian, JetSteam akan menyegarkan pakaian dengan menghilangkan gas yang menghasilkan bau tidak sedap serta zat-zat berbahaya2.

The steam is ejected from the bottom up, and the steam eliminates the house dust mite, bacteria, and virus from any clothes. The steam is ejected from the bottom up, and the steam eliminates the house dust mite, bacteria, and virus from any clothes.

1 Berdasarkan pengujian Intertek: 1) Membasmi 99.9% virus, termasuk Influenza B, Norovirus (Murine Norovirus), Rhinovirus (Human Rhinovirus), Hepatitis A (Human hepatitis A), Rotavirus (Porcine Rotavirus), dan Enterovirus (Porcine enterovirus). 2) Membasmi 99.9% bakteri seperti Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, MRSA, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophilia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, klebsiella pneumoniae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, dan Enterococcus faecalis. 3) Membasmi 100% tungau debu rumah. Berdasarkan pengujian Korea University, Fakultas Farmasi: Membasmi 99.9% virus, termasuk Influenza A, Coronavirus (Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV)), Adenovirus (Infectious canine hepatitis), dan Herpes (Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis).
2Berdasarkan pengujian Intertek dengan menggunakan alur pencucian normal: 1) Menghilangkan 99% gas yang menghasilkan bau tidak sedap (Asam Iso-Valeric : Keringat, 4-Ethenyl pyridine: tembakau, Valeraldehyde: memanggang daging, dan Tetrachloroethylene: mencuci kering), 2) Membasmi 99% zat berbahaya (Perchloroethylene).

Menghilangkan bau tidak sedap agar pakaian tetap segar

Filter penghilang bau

Filter penghilang bau yang ada pada AirDresser akan menghilangkan 99% bau yang menempel pada pakaian dan mencegah bau tersebut agar tidak menumpuk. Bau yang dapat dihilangkan antara lain adalah bau yang berasal dari keringat, asap, tembakau, makanan, memanggang daging, dan bau tidak sedap lainnya*.

The deodorizing filter removes any smell of cigarettes, pizza, and sweat from clothes and gives a fresh feeling of dry-cleaned. The deodorizing filter removes any smell of cigarettes, pizza, and sweat from clothes and gives a fresh feeling of dry-cleaned.

* Berdasarkan pengujian Intertek: Membasmi 99% Asam Iso-Valeric: keringat, 4-Ethenyl pyridine: tembakau, Valeraldehyde: memanggang daging, dan Tetrachloroethylene: mencuci kering. Pengujian untuk asam Iso-Valeric dan 4-Ethenyl pyridine didasarkan pada standar KS K0891. Hasil dapat berbeda-beda tergantung kondisi penggunaan yang sebenarnya.

Segarkan pakaian dengan wangi kesukaan Anda

Fresh Finish™

Buat pakaian Anda harum sepanjang hari dengan memasukkan lembar beraroma kesukaan Anda ke dalam kompartemen Fresh Finish™ yang ada pada AirDresser.

* Lembar Pengering tidak disediakan. Kekuatan aroma dapat bervariasi berdasarkan lembar pengering yang digunakan. Wangi dapat tertinggal di dalam Bespoke AirDresser setelah siklus selesai. Buang lembar pengering setiap siklus selesai untuk mencegah pertumbuhan jamur.

Fresh Finish™ Fresh Finish™

* Lembar Pengering tidak disediakan. Kekuatan aroma dapat bervariasi berdasarkan lembar pengering yang digunakan. Wangi dapat tertinggal di dalam Bespoke AirDresser setelah siklus selesai. Buang lembar pengering setiap siklus selesai untuk mencegah pertumbuhan jamur.

Desain yang modis dan ramping

Tampilan Glam White yang elegan

Antarmuka AirDresser yang sederhana berpadu dengan desain ramping serta tampilan Glam White yang elegan, sehingga mampu melengkapi dan berbaur dengan desain modern dan minimalis yang ada pada ruangan di rumah Anda.

Stylish and slim design Stylish and slim design

Perawatan cerdas

AI Control

Merawat pakaian kini semakin mudah dengan AI Control yang cerdas. AI Pattern akan mempelajari dan menghafal mode pencucian yang sering Anda gunakan1, lalu merekomendasikan alur pencucian dan pengaturan tersebut agar Anda tidak perlu repot-repot memilih lagi. Selain itu, dengan Auto Cycle Link2 yang aktif, Bespoke AirDresser akan merekomendasikan alur pengeringan yang paling sesuai setelah siklus pencucian Anda selesai.

DF8000NM's Ai Function panel has Interactive Interface, Cycle Suggestion, Habits Learning and Informative Display and Guide function and also has Auto Cycle Link. With Interactive Interface, smile emoji and †Hello' message displays on the Clothing care panel. With Cycle Suggestion, AI suggests Down Jacket's clothing care for winter. With Habits Learning, AI suggests Daily clothing care which is most used by you. With Informative Display and Guide, AI helps you by providing the direction to take out clothes and to hold a button to start Self Clean. DF8000NM's Ai Function panel has Interactive Interface, Cycle Suggestion, Habits Learning and Informative Display and Guide function and also has Auto Cycle Link. With Interactive Interface, smile emoji and †Hello' message displays on the Clothing care panel. With Cycle Suggestion, AI suggests Down Jacket's clothing care for winter. With Habits Learning, AI suggests Daily clothing care which is most used by you. With Informative Display and Guide, AI helps you by providing the direction to take out clothes and to hold a button to start Self Clean.
  • 1Stores user data, preferences and usage patterns to suggest the most useful options. 2Auto Cycle Link is only available when both the Bespoke AirDresser and Washing Machine have Wi-Fi connected and are registered on the SmartThings App. A Wi-Fi connection is required at all times.
  • 1Stores user data, preferences and usage patterns to suggest the most useful options. 2Auto Cycle Link is only available when both the Bespoke AirDresser and Washing Machine have Wi-Fi connected and are registered on the SmartThings App. A Wi-Fi connection is required at all times.

Pengeringan yang lembut dan optimal

Teknologi Heatpump dan AI Dry

Dengan Teknologi Heatpump, nikmati pengeringan lembut dengan suhu panas rendah yang akan melindungi pakaian Anda dari kerusakan dan penyusutan. Bersama JetAir, sirkulasi internal akan dioptimalkan dan pakaian akan dikeringkan dengan merata. Selain itu, nikmati pengeringan yang lebih cepat dengan teknologi AI Dry. Sensor kelembapan akan selalu mendeteksi kelembapan pakaian serta mengurangi waktu pengeringan dengan tepat secara cerdas.

A shirt is dried through an AI Dry course equipped with an intelligent humidity sensor. The sensor reduces the drying time accordingly, and one shirt takes about 39 minutes. A shirt is dried through an AI Dry course equipped with an intelligent humidity sensor. The sensor reduces the drying time accordingly, and one shirt takes about 39 minutes.

Cara mengukur

DF8000NM is 1850mm high, 445mm long, and 632mm deep when the door is closed. Including space between the rear wall and the dresser, the depth is 660mm. When the door is 90 degrees open, the total depth is 1023mm, including the door. With the door opened to the max, the length is 615mm measured from the corner without the door. DF8000NM is 1850mm high, 445mm long, and 632mm deep when the door is closed. Including space between the rear wall and the dresser, the depth is 660mm. When the door is 90 degrees open, the total depth is 1023mm, including the door. With the door opened to the max, the length is 615mm measured from the corner without the door.

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  • Net Weight

    85.0 kg

  • Net Dimension (WxHxD)

    445 x 1850 x 632 mm

  • Capacity

    Jacket 3 + Pants 3

  • Door

    Glam White

  • Panel Display

    Touch + LCD

  • Motor Spec (HP)

    Digital Inverter Motor

  • Compressor

    Digital Inverter Compressor

  • Refrigerant (Type)


  • AI Pattern


  • Auto Cycle Link


  • JetSteam


  • Deodorizing Filter


  • Heatpump Drying


  • AI Dry


  • Humidity Sensor


  • Descaling


  • Keep Fresh


  • Wrinkle Care


  • Smart Control


  • AirHanger


  • Pant Clipper


  • Hanger Kit


  • Twist Hanger Kit


  • Shelf


  • Weight Kit


  • Fresh Finish


  • Smart Things


  • My Closet


  • Outdoor


  • Quick


  • Option List

    Sanitize, Delay End, Child Lock

  • Bedding


  • Delicates


  • Daily Care


  • School Wear


  • Denim


  • Babywear


  • Toys


  • Suits


  • Wool/Knit


  • Down Jackets


  • Blouses


  • Batik


  • Winter Coat


  • Accessories


  • Mask Sanitize


  • Self Clean


  • Dry

    AI Dry, Quick, Blouses, Down Jackets, Time Dry, Room Care

  • Net Dimension (WxHxD)

    445 x 1850 x 632 mm

  • Net Weight

    85.0 kg

  • Gross Dimension (WxHxD)

    529 x 1940 x 775 mm

  • Gross Weight

    90.0 kg

Panduan Pengguna & Unduhan

User Manual

Versi 1.0 | 18.51 MB



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