How to use Parental Settings on a Samsung Smart TV or Smart Monitor

Last Update date : Jul 29. 2024
Two children, a boy and a girl, are sitting on the floor of a living room and watching an animated movie on a large wall-mounted Samsung Smart TV screen. The boy is holding a remote control.

Parental Settings on your Samsung Smart TV, Smart Monitor, or Projector allow you to restrict access to apps and channels that require parental guidance. Enabling these settings will control the content that your child can watch, thereby preventing them from viewing something inappropriate for their age.


  • You cannot block programmes from external sources, such as Blu-ray players, DVD players, or USB files.
  • Some functions may not be supported depending on the model or geographical area.
A woman in a cozy living room at night, navigating parental settings on a Samsung Smart TV using a remote control. The TV screen displays a menu with various settings options.

You can easily set up parental controls on your Samsung Smart TV or Samsung Monitor using the Parental Settings menu.


  • You will need to enter the Samsung TV’s PIN (the default is 0000) to enable Parental Settings. You can change or reset your PIN if needed. Please see the next sections in this article for more information.
  • The default PIN for Samsung TVs sold in France and Italy is 1111.
1 On your TV or Monitor, navigate to and select Settings, and then select All Settings. Select General & Privacy, and then select Parental Settings.
Close-up view of a TV menu highlighting 'Parental Settings' under the 'General & Privacy' section, featuring options like accessibility, system manager, and power saving settings.
2 Select Programme Rating Lock Settings, and then enter your PIN. This setting prevents children from watching certain programmes based on their ratings.
PIN entry screen in the Parental Settings menu on a Samsung Smart TV, displaying empty fields and a default PIN note.
3 Select the appropriate programme rating for your child’s age.
Parental Settings menu on a Samsung Smart TV showing options for program rating and channel locks, with numerical ratings selectable.

Note: Only programmes appropriate for that age and younger will be available. Your service provider is responsible for determining what content is appropriate.

4 Next, select Apply Channel Lock, and then enter your PIN. Channel Lock will be enabled.
Parental Settings menu on a Samsung Smart TV with 'Apply Channel Lock' toggle switched on, indicating active channel restrictions.

Note: This setting locks specific channels to prevent children from watching adult content. This feature may not be supported depending on the model.

5 Next, select Channel Lock Settings.
Highlighted 'Channel Lock Settings' option in the Parental Settings menu of a Samsung Smart TV, indicating configurable channel restrictions.
6 On the Edit Channel screen, navigate to the channel you’d like to lock, and then select it.
7 Select Lock on the right side of the screen. Enter your PIN to lock the channel.
TV channel list on a Samsung Smart TV with an option to lock individual channels, highlighted on 'Lock' for the Epic Movie Channel.

Note: To unlock the channel, select Unlock on the right side of the screen, and then enter your PIN again.

8 Repeat this process to lock additional channels.
9 When you’re finished, select Save and Exit at the bottom of the screen to return to the Parental Settings menu.
TV channel menu on a Samsung Smart TV showing options to edit channels, with 'Save and Exit' button highlighted to confirm changes.
10 Next, select App Lock Settings.
Parental Settings menu on a Samsung Smart TV with 'App Lock Settings' selected, indicating options for app-specific restrictions.
11 Navigate to the app you’d like to lock, and then select Lock underneath the app. Enter your PIN to lock the app.
Screen displaying app management settings on a Samsung Smart TV with options to lock or delete apps like Netflix and YouTube highlighted.

Note: To unlock the app, select Unlock underneath the app, and then enter your PIN again.

12 Repeat this process to lock additional apps.
A stylish living room with a Samsung Smart TV displaying the 'Change PIN' screen, asking for a new PIN entry.

Although your Samsung Smart TV or Smart Monitor includes a default PIN, you can change the PIN.

1 On your TV or Monitor, navigate to and select Settings, and then select All Settings.
2 Select General & Privacy, then select System Manager, and then select Change PIN.
System Manager menu on a Samsung Smart TV with 'Change PIN' option highlighted for adjusting Parental Settings or reset.
3 Enter the current PIN and then enter your new PIN.
4 Enter the new PIN again.
5 Your PIN will be changed.


  • The Samsung TV’s default PIN is 0000.
  • The default PIN for Samsung TVs sold in France and Italy is 1111.

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