FAQ: Questions about Samsung Apps

Last Update date : Apr 12. 2018

Q:Learn more about Samsung Apps
A: Samsung Apps is a service for developers and users consisting of three service channels: web, mobile and Kies, our
specially created PC software. Applications can be downloaded and purchased by using Samsung Apps on your mobile,
website, and through Kies on your PC.


1) Mobile You can access information about the applications registered at Samsung Apps as well as at other Android application stores such as Google Play. Applications registered in Samsung Apps can be downloaded and installed at the same time.


2) Website You can visit http://www.samsungapps.com if you want to use a larger screen to search for and download applications. You can also get more information about mobile, website, and Kies.


3) Kies You can transfer large applications easily by connecting Samsung devices to PC. You need to download the Kies software and install it on your PC in order to use it. Please refer to [At Kies] on the Samsung Apps website for more details. Please note that the service availability may vary by service provider and country.

※ If you are a [Galaxy Tab / Wave] user, the Samsung Apps icon allows you to access the store and purchase applications anytime and anywhere. You can start using your new applications right away.

Q: Devices supported by Samsung Apps
A: To view the range of supported devices, please click the device icon that you can find at the top right of the main
Samsung Apps page, underneath the Samsung Apps logo. This will enable you to see all devices supported by Samsung
Apps, or you can choose a category such as Phone, Tablet, or MP3 to filter devices by type. In the Phone category, you can
also choose an OS type to view the supported devices that run on that OS.



Q:Downloading applications from Samsung Apps website
A: Currently, this Over the Air (OTA) download service is only available on devices running Bada 2.0 or later and all Android OS. (This service will be available if the OS is upgraded for Wave, WaveⅡ, Wave723, Wave575, Wave578, but not applicable for the following two devices: Wave 525, Wave 533) To purchase an application using your Credit Card from the website onto your device, follow the steps below.


[How to download]


1)Go to Samsungapps.com and sign in

2) Select an application you want to download in the application detail page

3) Download the selected application by clicking the [Buy] button and select your device


※ If you are a Bada OS user, you can install your application by clicking the Ticker on your device.
For Android users, your selected application will be installed automatically. You need to select downloaded application
from your mobile and click [Install] from the installation page only if the Samsung Apps is not pre-loaded on your device.
Please note that you may be charged a data-transfer fee for OTA downloads if you're using a 3G network.


[How to register a device]


If you login to Samsung Apps using your device more than one time, the device information will be automatically stored into your account and your registered device will automatically appear when you buy an application. You are also able to
check your registered device information through the website by going to [My Page] > [My Device].
Please note if you login using a different account on your device, your registered device information will automatically
become disabled. In addition, you need to turn on the “Enable push” option in order to transfer your selected application from the website onto your device. Please make sure you are logged into the Samsung Apps through your handset while transferring your application from the website to your device.


Q: Asking questions about an application to seller
A: You can access [Send email] to contact a Seller with the following path from any application on your device. Access Samsung Apps from your device and click [Related] and [Send email] on the information page for the application.


※ If you are a [Galaxy Tab / Wave] user, you can ask the Seller questions about applications.
Sign in and click [My Page] > [My Downloads] to select an application to inquire about.
Then click the [Ask Seller] button to submit your inquiry.

Q: Viewing applications that are compatible with your phone
A: 1) Mobile Samsung Apps only displays applications that are compatible with your phone.

2) Website If you select a certain phone in the main page, you will see applications that are compatible with the selected phone.

3) Kies When you connect your phone to your computer, only applications compatible with your phone will be displayed.
If your phone is not connected to the computer, when you click the phone image on Kies and select a handset, the applications available for the handset will be displayed.

Q: Why is the mobile client software for Samsung Apps installed only in the main memory?
A: In order to provide continuous service updates from Samsung Apps, your mobile’s main memory is used as the sole
installation directory. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Please try installing Samsung Apps after freeing up some space on your phone's main memory.

Q: Updating Kies to the latest version
A: When you open Kies, it will auto-detect an update and a pop-up window will appear if an update is available.



Q: Learn more about Kies
A: Kies is a software program for your PC which enables you to sync your Samsung phone with your computer. Kies enables you to sync your phone's calendar and contacts with Microsoft Outlook, download pictures and text messages from your phone and reformat videos from your computer so they run on your phone.

Q: When I intially installed Kies, the language was set to English, but the contents of Samsung Apps appear in
different language.
A: You can change the language settings as follows. Tools > Preferences > select your language from the [Language] drop-down menu > click [OK] Then, your language selection will be applied when you restart Kies.

Q: What is "Download All" Feature?
A: You can download multiple free applications at the same time through the promotion page in Kies.
Please sign in first and go to the promotion page by clicking the banner.
Then click [Select All] or select the checkbox next to the appplication that you want to download.
Finally, click [Download Selected].

Q: What are the applications that appear in boxes at the top of the chart page?
A: These are the 14 most popular game applications recommended by Samsung Apps for [Android Phone] users.
You can click the game icon in the bottom right section to view more games.

Q: This category is not available with the language settings on this device.
A: The category is displayed in only one language per country and that language is not affected by changing the device settings.

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